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Everything posted by JennyMorgan

  1. From one extreme to the other! Still Oulton Broad Regatta
  2. If it does become mandatory then I just hope that commonsense is applied, e.g. it won't be a requirement on an engineless open sailing boat for example!
  3. JennyMorgan


    Re Heather, google Houseboat Heather, all will be revealed!
  4. Perhaps I should have written 'have transoms that are pleasing to the eye' then !
  5. Another thought for the day, for how much longer will the PC feminist brigade allow us to call boats 'she'? Ladies, like boats, should have shapely transoms!
  6. More from day two. Enjoy image four and thank your lucky stars it wasn't you!
  7. Why is it that sailing boats can manage perfectly well without a reverse gear/brakes but a motor boat seemingly can't?
  8. We have gimbled wine glass & bottle holders onboard, as well as having our glasses in hand! The uncouth ones amongst us swig straight from the bottle which not only lessens spillage but also saves time.
  9. Since losing weight and taking up swimming I have, seemingly, managed to shake myself off recurring sciatica, what a relief!
  10. As a matter of interest there is over a hundred years between when those two boats were built.
  11. Well done, BBC, I enjoyed it! I recorded it & will enjoy it again. Okay, not Ransom as some might demand or expect, but as a modern take on an old theme I thought it very good, despite no Titty!
  12. Oulton Broad Regatta has started! Beware those bowsprits.
  13. Maidie, well over a hundred years old!
  14. Lots of old wooden sailing boats on Oulton Broad this week, 12.00 cruiser race
  15. Was out on an open boat all day and yes, I had a jacket to hand that I was glad of on occasions but I really don't recollect it as having rained hard all day! Perhaps the old grey matter is letting me down in my dotage, worrying!
  16. What rain? Just a shower or two at Oulton Broad!
  17. Tingdene Broadland Marina Wherry Hotel Commodore That's it I'm afraid unless there is space at what's shown on the maps as 'fisher row;' (Queen's Highway), the end nearest to the Broad.
  18. Plenty of space in Oulton Broad's North Bay as I write for mooring on your mudweight. Quite happy to do a taxi run as I'm already doing that for another boat in the Bay.
  19. Bank holiday fireworks at Oulton Broad so a good weekend to come South.
  20. Still Aug 25/26th? Can't stand 'official" but might make it for 'unofficial'!!
  21. Making a mountain out of a molehill springs to mind on this one.
  22. Weakness has been shown and weakness has been taken advantage of, plain and simple. Network Rail has had plenty of time to plan ahead and budget for the replacement of these two bridges.
  23. Kayaks are ideal and great fun too!
  24. I wonder what a cynic might say about that!!?? Network Rail lives to fight another day and we are still no closer knowing when that will be.
  25. Have been up to Surlingham & sometimes noticed a certain, privately owned ex Topcraft Topliner tucked away up there, clearly enjoying the solitude which is now likely to be a thing of the past!
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