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Everything posted by JennyMorgan

  1. Poop! I'd planned to go up that way during that time span! Thanks for letting me/us know.
  2. Have just searched U-Tube for help on sculling over the bow of a dinghy. A bog standard technique in harbours where boats are moored to buoys and actually a very pleasant way of moving forward. For whatever reason I can't paste a link on this forum but I did find a video of a Canadian Canoe being propelled sideways with a 'scull draw', a very good demo, the info is out there.
  3. Robin, you need to teach Sheila how to scull over the bow of the RIB, 'tis very easy once mastered and a skill well worth acquiring. The only downside is that you'll lose that interesting wriggle as she changes sides!
  4. Maudlin fishermen and platform staff at sea over Christmas and New Year sometimes become quite graphic in their conversations with their loved ones, seemingly unaware that the whole world & its dog, plus the Coast Guard, are party to their fantasies! For several years I did radio watches with the Coast Guard and I never ceased to be amazed at what lovesick fishermen had in mind for their return to land!
  5. Movable ballast for one thing, lots of strings to pull for another.
  6. Doing the Three Rivers next year?
  7. Doesn't that lead to more yet inbreeding, Norfolk style?
  8. Fibre glass was inevitable and it was a wise move, the class is both innovative and healthy as a result. However, in my opinion, allowing boats or rigs that are totally impractical for cruising on the Broads was a negative move. Surely the clue is in the name, the River Cruiser Class. Anyway, not really our business, it is that of class members.
  9. Storm is for sale, if anyone fancies being a 'big boy"!
  10. The provisional handicapping system is in theory a fair and reasonable system but is arguably over generous, perhaps it should be more prohibitive to start with. P.S. No way would I want your job!
  11. I'm not going to criticise the handicapping system as such but I do see the provisional status as being long winded and open to abuse by those desperate to win. As for being a clique, why not?
  12. It would be useful, of that I have no doubt. As for ulterior motives, well, time will tell. JP doesn't generally miss an opportunity to promote his vision, let's just wait and see.
  13. My guess is that JP is seeking justification for going live on a BNP app.
  14. I don't disagree with you, Marsh, but I am aware that at Oulton Broad, for example, we now rarely see 18+ handicap boats racing. Granted that we have a slow boat and a fast boat start, thus effectively some might argue that the cruiser fleet is already split into two sections if not different classes. Maybe there should be a race for the very slow boats. Like you I find the fast boats exciting but I'm also aware that the more humble members of the fleet are being excluded. In part I agree both with you and Poppy.
  15. . . . . . . . and approve the answers and cook the result. Naa, it would never happen!
  16. I've long held the view that the owner and crew should be required to cruise and live aboard their boats for a week and during that week be expected to pass under at least one fixed bridge.
  17. Just wish those who put posts in to support their tape would make a decent job of doing that so I can use their post rather than bothering with my rhond anchor !
  18. Are you sure that they don't? I'm sure that if you search you will find a shelf full of 'half price', hideously vulgar bits of tat resembling grimacing tigers costing something pounds and 99p.
  19. Lots of 'willy wobbling' too! Passage races, yes, I agree with Clive on that one. There are folk at both Oulton & Wroxham who only ever sail on their club water, and then only race, such a waste in my opinion.
  20. The cabin in Sid's picture looks, to my jaded optics, to be longer than the lines drawing suggests but the stem does look right.
  21. Clive, was Ladybird ever lengthened? I have a vague memory that someone once told me that she had and looking at your half hitched picture and the one that I posted does make me wonder.
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