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Everything posted by JennyMorgan

  1. Not sure that I'd trust any boat of mine to a Hiab! Anyway, rather than that a bypass channel might be a possibility, I stress 'might'!
  2. Was a time when the dear old BA got their highs muddled with their lows! Could it happen again? I hope not! The 'Green Book' has all the information that you could ever need.
  3. farthing is now down on Oulton Broad, moored in Oulton Dyke. If I remember correctly the mould was actually a former that was clad, planked up, using closed cell foam and then glassed over inside and out, sandwich construction. In their day real eye-stopper boats, especially as farthing tended to be crewed by good looking fillies!
  4. That beach, when I was a kid there were either a heard of 'meadow ladies' stood in the river cooling their udders or local kids swinging off the trees and 'bombing' into the river.
  5. I am, it annoys the hell out of the wife!
  6. Just cancel and rebook!
  7. In a moment of weakness my wife and I had our first four quid Quality Street selection the other day, they lasted about twenty hours! Is this the first step to being a waddling porker, again?
  8. She looks a 'girt ol mawtha' sat there on the hard, her props glistening more than Griff's burnished mud weight!
  9. A Suffolk man would so obviously have hired from Whispering Reeds at Hickling, easily sorted!
  10. I had a friend at boarding school who not only stuttered but, as he himself admitted, he needed his RRRRs rolled, a statement which always gave much merriment to all but my friend. Us brats always knew him as per, per, per, per Poll Gwave Bwown, or Per for short, perhaps Vaughan remembers him? I was to meet him many years later, his elocution and Rrrrrrs rolling lessons had obviously worked wonders. Was I tempted to revert to stuttering myself, that always started him off! I must have been a horrible child!
  11. The Bishop's heavy handed daughter must have been in the Navy then!
  12. Said the bishop's daughter to gardener's son!
  13. No, it's a rudd! It looks like the bottom jaw protrudes further that the upper and there appears to be a tinge of gold on the flanks. Am I right, maybe! Re interbreeding in Norfolk, well, you might just be right!
  14. And there was me thinking that the stern thruster was actually for washing the crew's undies after a good vindaloo!
  15. The Essex man will undoubtedly know that he can, even if he can't!
  16. Just hope that 'Fang' refrained from pooing in the baby's pram!
  17. Taking your dog on holiday? Here's how it was done in 1934.
  18. I believe that Hunters still use 'ways' for slipping their boats. My daughter's boat 'Spray' still has her snore holes in her keel. I sometimes feel tempted to reinstate ways on my slip way.
  19. VENTILATION, nail on the head, so very important, even on GRP
  20. Playing devil's advocate here! River side development at Marina Keys, riverside development at Acle Bridge, food for thought!
  21. Trevanion at full chat, or MTB102?
  22. The problem today is that far too often developers bang in an application for a saturation development knowing full well that they'll get consent for half that. In the meantime objectors do what is expected of them! All that aside I would imagine that the groundwork required at that particular location will dictate what is eventually built.
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