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Everything posted by JennyMorgan

  1. It'll probably be sanitised as Black Dog Walk, despite the Latin origin of the name, sad.
  2. I can foresee a time when folk will not even be able to say that he was black without feeling a degree of embarrassment .
  3. So political correctness prevented Titty from being called Titty in the 2106 version? Long may Titties remain Titties!
  4. Not so much a problem with shallow water, more a problem with turning, some of those channels just get narrower and narrower and even narrower. Best go up there on a rising tide though
  5. What's it like this year? Seems to have had a string of managers/landlords of varied abilities and standards over the years.
  6. No dreadful Broads pubs! Maybe, maybe not, but I can think of a few that I tend to sail past, preferring to carry on to the next one. Re the Geldeston Wherry, excellent, good food too, not much passing boat traffic though, unless its on a trailer!!
  7. No one has mentioned Geldeston Locks! Doddle to find by road, not, but well worth searching for. Make sure that you have cash, they don't do cards. Spin your guest's visit out by a week then The Commodore at Oulton Broad will have a grandstand view of Oulton Broad Regatta and the food is good. Unless you like long queues avoid the Bell at weekends but it's a great place during the week and it's easy to find. The Waveney at Beccles is obviously in Beccles, would you believe, and it's a really delightful country town well worth visiting. However North of Oulton Broad does really limit you to St Olaves.
  8. That, Loo, happens in all walks of life, and not just in relation to food. For years I photographed children and more than once someone came up and showed me a dire photo of one of their older children, telling me how much they loved it and how good it was and then would inevitably demand that I replicate it with their new child. That I would do, and then take portraits as I know to be good and that would sell. The same goes for boats, I went aboard one boat that smelt as ripe as an old pear, phew, 'she funny hummed'. I was told that the new owner's friend had recommended it and he knew all about boats, lethal. By the way, I like my steaks with a pulse, my curries hot, my fish less than 24 hours old and the chips twice cooked, e.g. oven chips deep fried! Does that qualify me to comment on food?
  9. Agreed! I haven't been up the Chet for years, silly really because it's a good daytrip from Oulton Broad. Anyway, if I do, and if my boat is damaged by striking a sunken wreck, might I reasonably claim that the owner has been negligent in not recovering their boat? Should it happen then I'll leave it to the insurance company to sort that one out!
  10. Both Dacias & Seats, well worth looking at, sensible cars at sensible prices. Two of my neighbours have just sold on their premium brand cars both at enormous price drops and one has bought a Dacia, the other a Seat and both are really pleased.
  11. He's obviously not spoiled enough!
  12. If this 'folly' gets as far as planning then we shall all have the opportunity to comment, whether for or against. Traffic is one obvious issue. The other concern is the path so far taken in arriving at this point. Questions do need to be asked and thankfully there are members of the Authority seemingly determined to ask them.
  13. It's actually quite rare for the Authority to supply anything above a drink and a biscuit, or at least it was in my time! Now sat in the public/proles row I do appreciate it when offered a coffee, naturally it being served in a BNP mug, or a small piece of a stick of rock, complete with BNP logo through its middle. What would shorten meetings quite considerably would be if the Chairman's and CEO's reports were suitably abbreviated to exclude BNP propaganda.
  14. The information is in the public arena via Broads Authority committee papers May & July apparently. This one slipped in under the door. Seemingly it is a cost saving!
  15. When I have it! It does come from an Authority member.
  16. I have just heard that the Broads Authority are to have their meetings cut by half. That should increase JP's effective control then! Sorry to bring you all back to reality but how on earth can that improve the governance of the Broads?
  17. I really do think that Anglia TV owes it to the world to present the reality of this one.
  18. Boats built before the war, and for a time after, were well built. Yards that held Admiralty warrants had been well supplied with materials during the war years with some owners salting down some very good stuff, select off-cuts should we say, for when peace returned. On top of that I don't think that too many questions were asked about surplus stock left over after the war. At some time in the Sixties many yards realised that pristine, varnished mahogany hulls were pointless as far too many boats came back after just one week's hire looking decidedly worse for wear so why should they bother?
  19. Dr Packman made it clear that in his opinion things are better now that there are less boats on the Broads. Read that as you will. Thank you, Vaughan, for enlightening us with the truth.
  20. Chris, in my experience it is not uncommon to have several accounts, even if only on paper. I don't have a problem with the BA having several accounts, indeed it seems only right and proper to me. Theoretically it should ensure that money is used as intended. Unfortunately there appears to be a objectionable level of obfuscation though.
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