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Everything posted by JennyMorgan

  1. He would need a licence for migratory trout & salmon.
  2. The originals probably came from Coopers of Gt Yarmouth, I believe that they are still in business.
  3. The joys of commuting to East Anglia! http://www.eadt.co.uk/news/rail-ipswich-manningtree-colchester-suffolk-essex-replacement-buses-1-5537431
  4. https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/designated-landscapes-national-parks-and-aonbs-2018-review/terms-of-reference
  5. Nor Suffolk County Council (Oulton Broad and Beccles). Got to say that I have never tried to dispose of rubbish at either so things might be perfect, but I doubt it!
  6. Does the grass have to be cut? It's just a mooring, not a garden!
  7. There lies the problem and perhaps a visitor tax should pay for that? Okay, a lead balloon option but is there a better, more fair way?
  8. The simple answer is that the Broads Authority is not duty bound to provide rubbish collection and nor should it. My personal feeling is that that responsibility should be that of the businesses who's customers create the problem. I already pay for my rubbish disposal via my rates, why should I then pay a second time via my toll?
  9. http://www.edp24.co.uk/news/environment/michael-gove-national-parks-review-broads-1-5537393 I'm afraid, Vaughan, that it is a situation that has been thrust upon us. In a nutshell a Norfolk accent is fast becoming a rarity. Please don't read that as yours truly is unwelcoming to immigrants, that would be far from the truth, indeed some of my best friends come from outside the area, but in all honesty I do sometimes resent the changes being forced upon us. There really is no easy answer to this one short of offshore over-spill. Scroby Sands des res anyone?
  10. Yes and no. For Dr Packman to request/beg that the Broads become a national park under Gove's latest initiative would be to admit that it isn't one now! Beyond that I don't see this one going far whilst the government is embroiled in Brexit etc..
  11. I wonder if anyone has ever boosted a PMR?
  12. If I only sailed on the Broads then I wouldn't bother. As it is I carry both PMR & VHF, just has Griff does & I share his outlook on this one. As for CB, have tried that too, got a feeling that Old Wussie & me are on the same wave length on that one!
  13. One shot from a punt gun could have sorted that lot out!
  14. Foxes too. Often hear their staccato yack as they scavange along the river's edge when I'm out fishing at night.
  15. Certainly not a knicker twister, go boating and flag down a ranger and explain to him, the rangers aren't ogres. In the past they have even sold temp/short visit tolls.
  16. I have seen coots up at Loddon, no moor hens either but several kingfishers on Oulton Broad.
  17. She looks seriously fit, nice one, enjoy!
  18. Have you heard one this year? Normally a very common springtime sound on the Broads and one that I look forward to but this year I've been disappointed.
  19. In fairness to the BA, Ricardo, I'm not sure that the BA could have said 'no' but I do think they might well regret condoning the event as they appear to have done. The foolish mistake, I think, is that the event has actually been organised, good risk assessment or not. I do wonder who, at the BA, is in any way qualified to judge whether the risk assessment on a swimming event is very good or otherwise? I have no doubt that if there is an accident then the BA will be seen as at least partly responsible and so they should.
  20. I have since passed my latest concerns to the relevant officer at the BA. I note that a 100 people have paid their entrance fee, I wonder if that is sufficient to cover the what must be considerable costs?
  21. In truth I don't suppose the Authority actually has the power to stop people from swimming. What I find sad is that they did not actually discourage nor distance themselves from the event. I have a dread that there will be an accident and the consequences of that will inevitably involve the BA because they have unwisely, in my opinion, sanctioned it. My concerns about ear plugs might read as rather silly but since I have taken to pool swimming it has surprised me just how many of the keen types wear them. So, as an angler, a boater & now a swimmer I do have my reservations. As an angler I might want to call out and warn a swimmer that my lines are out and that he/she is swimming into them, I do now wonder what likelyhood there is of a swimmer hearing my warning.
  22. Serious point coming up! I have a perforated ear drum, 45 years of marriage, so bought a set of ear plugs for when I go swimming, yes, I am now a confirmed coffin dodger! That aside I was amazed at the massive level of sound reduction with said ear plugs in place. The question now has to be how on earth are swimming keen types wearing these devices going to hear approaching boats or safety warnings from crews? It remains to be seen what the Authority advises when it issues its formal Notice to Mariners regarding this event.
  23. Interesting comment regarding both Acle & dredging here: http://www.thebroadsblog.co.uk/2018/05/for-many-years-now-we-have-run-guard.html
  24. Paul, I do have thoughts on the issue of governance. No doubts whatsoever that Dr John needs to be called to account or at least brought to heel.
  25. I read the RNLI press release with interest. Not sure that a naked lady with a mans head printed on a mug constitutes hard-core porn but there we go! The unauthorised use of a lifeboat, yes, I do understand and support the RNLI's action on that one if only because had a 'shout' occured whilst she was at sea, and short handed, then the boat's operational capability would have been compromised.
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