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Everything posted by JennyMorgan

  1. I hadn't really regarded myself as obese but I was well aware that my boating activities were being curtailed by my state of health. We actually joined our local Bannatynes Health Club. At about £1.20 each a day we have unlimited use of the pool & the gym, excellent value in my opinion but neither of us were shaking off the weight. Like you I should be 11.11 so I haven't that far to go. I actually joined the gym to support my Lyn and I'm darned glad that I did. Not sure that I could manage 14 miles a day on a bike, yet, but I am already more subtle and energised, more importantly I'm sleeping loads better, that alone has been worth the effort.
  2. My wife was advised by her doctor, in no uncertain terms, that her weight must not exceed 12 stone. We are both less than active and both undeniably unfit. It hasn't become an obsession, yet, but today I worked out our BMIs. Arghhhhhhhhhh! I am officially, at 13 stone, obese. This is despite having been an active member of my local gym for a month. We both feel way better but it hasn't helped our weight. Quite simply we both enjoy our food, Lyn is over weight, I'm obese, plain and simple, I'm a porker! What is your BMI? Be prepared for a shock! https://www.bbc.com/food/diets/how_to_lose_belly_fat_in_four_weeks
  3. For some completely unknown reason such hinges are called 'Jimmies' in Norfolk!
  4. Let us know know so that we can lock up our daughters, wives and granddaughters!!
  5. A good coastal delivery job for Team BA then?
  6. The Lidl chicken & vegetable might not be up to a good , homemade soup but it is far better than yuck. Their tinned tomato is pretty rank though, that I will agree.
  7. . . . . . . . . and every year! Long may that continue. There is a lake/pit in the Potter Heigham area that allows year round angling I believe.
  8. The Broads are beautiful, not so sure about Yarmouth though! Enjoy yourselves.
  9. Re Jack Hargreaves, I remember doing a photoshoot in the same studio as was his shed! That burst the bubble a bit! Re CF & the Broads, I must be odd, I really enjoyed it, must have been the subject matter.
  10. If it's nookey that you are after then inevitably head for the fleshpots of Gt Yarmouth ? And on to really serious matters, maggots. On one day reds will outfish whites and on another it will be the other way round, Broads fish are fickle beggers so best buy some of each.
  11. Vaughan, I didn't know Brian Coley in connection with the hire fleets but, and I'm pretty darn sure that I have the name right, I do remember a Brian Colley who had a lock-up at Hopton railway station in the late 1950's where he built a small speedboat for my brother. Might just be a total coincidence though. The Mr Colley I remember wasn't there long because when my brother wanted the transom strengthened, so he could fit trim tabs in an effort to stop her porpoising, the lock-up had been abandoned and the site was being cleared for housing.
  12. Once a familiar sight at Thorpe, outside Hearts Cruisers. Do you remember her?
  13. Just a thought, after an hour or so gardening and if I understand things correctly, the Broads Society chairman asked if the Society could comment on the Peer Review of the Broads Authority. He was invited to do so and duly turned up only to be told that he couldn't speak after all. Now, cynic that I am, I can only assume that that was because the Society, its committee at least, has issues with the Authority. In other words in order to ward off 'unhelpful to the cause comments' the man was effectively gagged, as is increasingly the way at Yare House. Agreed that the BS chairman, as a member of the Broads Authority, is gagged by Authority protocol, but nevertheless he was there to represent the Broads Society and its members thus should have been allowed to present the views of the wholly elected committee without hindrance. There is nothing malicious about the Broads Society, the Authority has been glad to listen to its advice and to accept its often generous support in the past, at least when it was in line with the current indoctrination of the time. When the Authority snubs the Broads Society, who are generally on the Authority's side, then questions need to be asked, what is going wrong? Mrs Burgess's obvious rift with the Society can have gone no way whatsoever in endearing the Authority to the rhond dwellers and little people of the Broads, it's quite simply further alienation at a time when the Peer Review was not entirely supportive of the way the Authority conducts its business.
  14. Whilst, like Vaughan I have been a BS committee member, I am now out of touch. At one time the membership was well over a thousand. Unlike forums the Society has an elected committee thus it can claim to have a mandate. At one time it was a useful tool for JP, hence the origination of the term 'Packman Poodle'. That it has now shown some independent thought has clearly not endeared itself to J.P. thus it is still a relevant influence, to a degree!
  15. Right, let's go with Paladin's most recent comment and forget the 'humour, with which incidentally I have absolutely no input or connection. It's written by various people following the gagging of its originator and it's that continued gagging that is the problem. Gagging to a degree I accept, once a decision is made by a committee then a united front should be made. However, it's become abundantly clear that the decision makers are expected to toe the party line. When I joined the Navigation Committee I was told quite clearly that I was 'expected' to support the Authority Officers when surely its the Officers who should be supporting the committees and members. In this instance we have to accept that the Broads Society, despite the cloying relationship between certain personalities, the Society is in principle entirely independent of the Broads Authority. It therefore cannot be right that the internal policies of the Authority are applied to independent, elected committee members of clubs or societies. Indeed that is wholly repugnant. Mrs Burgess has exceeded her authority, she should have had the good grace to have accepted that the Society and its committee has a right to disagree and done so without a demeaning display of histrionics.
  16. How so? In any case there is more than a wisp of the truth in this satirical epistal. The Broads Society branded itself as Friends of the Broads (Authority), indeed it was long seen as a compliant poodle, so this story, based on fact, shows something of the discord that has been triggered by the upper echelons within Yare House, not a happy situation. However we look at it the dictatorial stance of the higher orders within the portals of Yare is not good for the Broads. Censoring the Pike's comments would be playing the same game.
  17. Definitely not a twisted thong, heaven forbid! http://www.broadsnationalpike.com/2018/04/blessed-temper-tantrums-rock-shaky_20.html
  18. Yes, yes, yes! ......................... Does this mean we can moor at the bottom of your garden? Reciprocal agreement of course. It has been known to happen!
  19. 'At the same time, the cost of maintaining the navigation has spiraled.' Agreed but why? In regard to dredging the costs really have spiraled, largely down to illogical disposal policies that have resulted in mud sometimes being transported some miles from where it was dredged.
  20. During the winter months, and if a hook-up is available, then I would make use of it. Silly not to if it's there!
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