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Everything posted by JennyMorgan

  1. I have 'spoken' with Mel and she made it clear that she was unaware of the NSBA. As for the list of consultees the Waveney River Trust hasn't always shown itself to be that sharp on matters South of Geldeston, witness the furour regarding planning at St Olaves on this forum a few years ago. The Trust is also the nominated charity in regard to this event The local council, on rivers matter, the less said the better! The BA's opinion deserves respect as even more so does the RNLI. The local harbour master, depends on which one you talk to! So no, the NSBA has not been consulted. As for the BA representing boaters, no, that's down to the Navigation Committee and I'm lead to believe that they have not yet been consulted. I think it important that the Broads Angling Strategy Group is added to the list of potential or actual consultees. I can't help feeling that the enthusiasm for this event has overridden any possible objections. The BA has a duty to look after the interests of navigators and that probably is the way forward. No harm in reminding them!
  2. John, largely I agree with your most recent submission but there have been a number of regretfully barbed and offensive comments in regard to the Waveney Swim. Like you I don't easily take offence but even I have been moved to publicly comment on one such unpleasant submission, not sure but that might even be a first for me!
  3. Another galling and unnecessary comment. Shame really, Loo, because in principle your first paragraph does have some substance.
  4. Not only passage swimming itself but also passage swimming in conjunction with other activities. I well remember, a few years ago, sailing on the Yare during the Yare Navigation Race and also a fishing match. I had no option at one point but to shoot up to wind and close to the bank. In doing so I regretfully picked up an angler's tackle. I hadn't seen the angler and the angler had seen me coming. When we slipped the boat at the end of the season that tackle was still caught round the rudder stock. Boaters are protected by the hulls of their boats, what protection do swimmers have? This is an important point, passage swimming is a new activity for the Broads, it must surely be assessed as such. Good point, Vaughan.
  5. That is a near scandalous, vacuous suggestion and one I would wish to distance myself from. Who is assuming, certainly not me? At seventy quid per competitor there is surely adequate dosh to provide a flotilla of support vessels. I will stand up for Mel on this one, I am quite sure that she's not skimping on what she, very experienced in these matters, considers necessary. I would personally like to be assured that adequate training and qualification of boat handlers is in place though but that is another matter. Loo, you are assuming and I believe wrongly so. No, I'm not softening in my view that the Waveney is unsuited to this event! My mistrust of the BA might be legendary, but it's not without substance so I'll take that comment as a compliment, thank you.
  6. The likelihood of an angler being injured in the same way as a swimmer is almost certainly less likely.
  7. Do you know, Bill, I get just the same sort of PM, funny old world isn't it! If an argument is sound, and I believe that the safety issues surrounding the Waveney Swim are, then of course people will agree, is that so bad? I certainly wouldn't agree with my old school mate of many years ago, Vaughan, if I didn't believe that he was right and I know darn well that he won't support me if he thinks that I am wrong, witness my mention of blockades. There are a few folk who just want to pick a fight, I honestly don't think that you are one of them.
  8. No Bill, not you, you have become one of the regulars and long may you continue as such. PS I need a sparring partner, makes life far more fulfilling!
  9. There appears to be a faction within the general forum community that ONLY posts on NBN when there is a chance of creating discontent. I normally bite my tongue but be afraid, very afraid, the day will come, I promise you . . . . . . . . . . . . .
  10. I actually think that you have nailed this one!
  11. I have just heard that Buck House has awarded the Broads National Park Authority Chief Executive a knighthood for his services to the Broads National Park. Gosh, I've said it twice, best wash my mouth out!
  12. Valid point, Peter G, depends to a very large extent on the weather I suppose.
  13. John, I do respect the point that you are making. Depending on how things develop, or not, freedom of information requests might be a way forward. I have sat in on BA Nav Com meetings when it has become quite clear that the organiser is expected to make the H&S assessments and to submit their reports to the BA. I was an auxiliary with HM Coastguard and therefor worked with the RNLI, despite that I have no knowledge of their inner workings, especially on H&S! I could make a guess but I might well be wrong! Best contact their regional office.
  14. John, that is very much a two edged sword!
  15. Or even how the majority are treated. I don't want to appear blunt but that is also part of the issue.
  16. Wise and apt words, especially those that I have underlined.
  17. Loo, a difficult one to answer, perhaps. I'm not sure that any of us are actually anti the concept of the event itself, just the timing (high season) and the location (unsuitable). Vaughan has wisely suggested the Yare and had Mel suggested that I feel that support would have been near universal, or at least there would have been next to no objection. On the other hand when the Authority became involved with Whitlingam Lakes much of the justification was that such events would be hosted there. My apologies to Mel if she feels unwelcome or that she's the victim but we are talking safety and just how important is that?
  18. Sorry, I missed that first time around. I have absolutely no objection to folk raising the same points as I have. However I believe that a letter or e-mail will carry more weight if it appears to be an individual communication. My advice is that people should write their own letters, even if they rehash and raise the same points I have.
  19. John, your style of disagreement is a credit to yourself and impossible to take exception to. In this instance we are talking safety, just how important is that? Indeed what is there to argue about? I certainly can't win every debate, nor would wish to, but I certainly wouldn't go off in a huff if I couldn't. Anyway, debate is about inspiring thought, not argument.
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