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Everything posted by JennyMorgan

  1. Or even disagreeing for the sake of disagreeing?
  2. Negativity or realism based on experience? I have personally witnessed mass starts at wild water swimming events, hardly line astern stuff neatly following close along the the river bank! I just hope & prey that none of us will be in a position of being able to say 'I told you so'.
  3. Bill, you seem remarkably well informed! Re your list of apparent consultees, hardly reassuring!!
  4. Bob, I suspect that it has been very carefully thought through, by the optimistic organisers. I have yet to establish whether this went before the Navigation Committee or not . If it hasn't then it ought to have done. If it has then I'm surprised but there we go. If it were a smaller event I might be less cautious but groups of fifty, setting off enmass strikes me as a problem in the making. The make believe BNP is for everyone, just that sometimes events are incompatible. There are risks attached to any event involving water, are those risks reasonable? I just don't want to see a tragedy, plain and simple.
  5. Local users may not have a choice, other than to avoid the river. We have a wild water swimming group on Oulton Broad, not a problem on a wide broad where they stay outside the obvious navigable channel. These things do become competitive, human nature, and three swimmers abreast takes up what, eight or ten feet? Wrong time of the year perhaps. Full risk assessment taken by who and signed off by the BA who are experienced in such events? I'm not entirely heartened by that! A tad irresponsible, in my honest opinion. I'm all for it in principle, don't get me wrong, but we are talking about 200 swimmers in four groups of fifty in a relatively narrow river mixing it with boats going both ways and some of those boats will be zig zagging, just to make matters worse! Is the skipper of a Broom three decker going to be able to see a swimmer right under his bow? As a commentator has written on the EDP 24 website, 'barking'!
  6. Bill, you are quite right in what you have written, in my opinion, but beyond that I do question the safety aspect of 200 swimmers on a navigable river in the high season. At least the members of Horning Sailing Club are protected from raging MAFI's by the hulls of their boats but swimmers have no such protection.
  7. If an angler is fishing a match and subsequently hooks a swimmer will they be able to weigh the swimmer in their catch?
  8. The river will not be closed for the day, plain and simple, try it if they will. What worries me is that the BA are allowing the organisers to take over the 24 hr moorings, on a Sunday when local boaters habitually make use of them for the day. As for anglers, well here is a very real problem especially from a safety point of view. If a swimmer becomes entangled in a fishing line, far from impossible, and is subsequently hooked then who is responsible? This hasn't been thought through, quite clearly. I would have thought that using the Trinity Broads was an option.
  9. http://www.edp24.co.uk/news/waveney-river-swim-2018-1-5452716
  10. John, I agree with you in principle but also suggest that there is a minor difference between toys and necessities! Mind you, one man's perception of toy might vary from another's!
  11. Personally I stand right behind Paladin's fact based comment. I also view the cover of the Greenbook as being very telling, promoting the Broads for exactly what they are, the Broads. I see absolutely no justification whatsoever for criticising the NSBA on this issue at this time.
  12. One litre German lager Steins take some beating, especially for red wine or Pimms!
  13. Brilliant! Purpose built or does it also serve as the bilge?
  14. A bucket is a must on a Broads boat, ideal for bailing, putting muddy shoes in, sea-anchor if you break down on Breydon, slops, privy, washing up, cleaning vegetables, camping stool for piles sufferers, shopping basket, marsh mushroom picking, swilling the decks, dyke dydling, collecting fish and crabs in, gathering sloes and blackberries. scrumping, sea-sickness, dirty nappies and sanitary pads and eventually and finally kicking.
  15. Especially where flags and stowing fend-offs are concerned!!
  16. Blue bow fenders anyone? A good selection of fenders is something of a must have for pessimists and those who haven't quite got the hang of it yet, especially on the North Rivers.
  17. Not a blue ensign surely! Just how flash can you get?
  18. Re-opening for Easter, allegedly.
  19. There are regulations in regards to flags but it is not up to the BA. As things are I believe that any naval officer, or harbour master, even retired, can confiscate flags that are being flown or worn by any master of a vessel not entitled to do so. In fact I can remember Oulton Broad's harbour master, also a retired skipper from the RN Patrol Service, confiscating a white ensign off a hireboat. He did also point out to those with a Jolly Roger that pirates are still hung or forced to walk the plank. Not always a regulatory thing, very often a matter of both custom & etiquette.
  20. Bill, it just so happens that I too know folk within.
  21. The absolute master of spin is the 'Doctor of Spin' himself so you must excuse us mere plebs from the same! As for appologies, Lana is a lady so I don't suppose that was too much of a problem, and anyway we must allow the Doctor a little bit of a face saver! Leaving normally, yes, don't doubt it, must all be pure coincidence then !!! Regretfully I wasn't born yesterday!
  22. If one can afford to live in Hampshire then one must afford the quality option, surely! 'Tis only us oiks wot wants cheap!
  23. That's boat building as opposed to house building, even in models!
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