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Everything posted by JennyMorgan

  1. should do the job. Who can rack up the most? The competition is now open!
  2. Ian, have I read that correctly, no mooring outside a riverside pub? I know that it happens. A long time ago now we turned up on the Wherry Albion & moored outside Coldham Hall only to be told we couldn't moor there. The landlord was a city bloke with strange ideas!
  3. No rules but some anchor types are next to useless on the Broads. Mud weights are great, most of the time, and would be my first choice. Some folk carry two mudweights, when one isn't enough then they put the second one on the end of the rope.
  4. I also carry a 50 lbs weight in the forepeak but if it really turns nasty then I might resort to a 'Bruce' anchor, wonderful bit of kit.
  5. A pound a foot seems to work, at least for me.
  6. The days of screw on numbers are long gone so sticking them to the hull really is not a problem, just a matter of personal preference. As for blo@dy minded rangers I have only ever met one, and that was years ago, I really do think it unlikely that there will be a problem there!
  7. Better than gybing all standing!
  8. Hope that they weren't Yarmouth Store's premium grade with triple layer crotch reinforcement.
  9. Re OK: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_proposed_etymologies_of_OK Take your choice!
  10. Don't think that I'd appreciate half my pension being delivered as salt, even when it froze last week.
  11. Despite the muscle the Norwich to Lowestoft line was closed for days!
  12. Hope it's not Lou's drinking arm that is incapacitated.
  13. I've yet to be convinced that pointing fingers at just one individual is going to help though! Mind you, I rather suspect that we all have our suspicions and just maybe they are all the same. That a dispute of some age has festered as it has does amaze me. Some of last night's comments did rankle, at the time, but that was yesterday, let alone eighteen months ago! Forums do require fairly thick skins at time, they also require the ability to forgive and forget. I see nothing wrong in trying to provoke discussion, but we have had a few recent postings seemingly intended to create discord rather than a positive debate, I don't welcome that trend.
  14. The snow has almost gone, the ice on the Broad has gone soft, soon be summer!
  15. If there is a lesson to be learned from the last few unfortunate pages of this thread then it has to be that the ability to back off when it is wise to do so is an asset.
  16. Morning Swan, I had hoped to avoid repeating myself but PLEASE, enough is enough. My 'end of' comment was aimed as much at you as anyone else.
  17. Please, step back from the brink, especially as this one harks back eighteen months or so to a topic that to all intents and purposes was dead and buried.
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