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Everything posted by JennyMorgan

  1. Poor you! When do you find time to go boating?
  2. You and me both. It does make the whole saga rather nonsensical, in my opinion, but there we go. Previous comments about Martham Boats and centre cockpits is spot on, plus you start on the nicest side of Potter bridge.
  3. 'Bout the same here so with folk like you and me dragging down those averages it must then beggar belief as to what the top end users are sending and receiving, mind boggling!
  4. https://www.itv.com/news/2018-02-22/mobile-phone-users-in-britain-receive-33-800-messages-a-year/ Amazing!
  5. Bill, it would come about just as the previous Broads Bill did. Some of us, with considerable justification, are well aware that the BA is prone to changing their minds and policies to suit whatever policy is flavour of the day.
  6. John, there are entries on the CNP website, as we have already seen, where the CNP refers to members of the national parks family. Whilst there is no legislative justification for this it has generally been deemed as an acceptable compromise by even the staunchest objector to the BNP tag. Where it went wrong was when Packman used the family connection as a justification for his BNP usage, something that was not intended by DEFRA..
  7. Fred, I really thought that there was nothing more to be said on this issue but, and with respect, you have managed it! Very astute, wise words, thank you.
  8. I have had contractors offer me two prices, one being with me disposing of subsequent waste and a higher price for the contractor doing the disposing. I suspect that the likes of NCC are well aware of this and consider it in their policy making. Fly tipping will only increase.
  9. As a matter of common courtesy, and with a tad of intent, I have replied to and thanked the very splendid Fiona at the CNP. My e-mail went thus: Dear Fiona. I would like to repeat my BIG thank you of yesterday for confirming the reality that the Broads is not a national park. There is absolutely no legislation to suggest that it is even a member of the national parks family although this is widely accepted both by DEFRA and the wider Broads community as being a welcome compromise, indeed something of an accolade. The Broads is quite unique within Gt Britain and its legislation wisely accommodates that fact. I know that I speak for many when I say that our greatest wish is in being able to conserve and promote the Broads as the Broads, as the unique waterway that it is. It has its heritage, its culture and its ethos, something that many of us consider, with much conviction, has been overlooked by the Broads Authority and its executive. In recent months Dr Packman at the Authority has confirmed, as you just have, that the Broads has not been designated as a national park. It has also been stated by DEFRA that the the Broads is not a national park. With this in mind would you please consider making this fact clear on the CNP website. There is also much obfuscation on the Broads Authority website thus I suggest that a clear statement from CNP to Doctor Packman would not go amiss. The Broads, as a wide community, is I'm quite sure, proud to be a member of the national parks family but a national park we are not. We rather enjoy our unique status, it suits our character. I thank you for your honesty in confirming what we all knew already, however wider clarification would be much appreciated. Regards and thanks, yours sincerely, Peter Waller.
  10. It would take an Act of Parliament to undo the Broads Act. There is no evidence whatsoever to suggest that this on the agenda, unlike the Doctor's well documented quest for the Broads to be designated as a national park which would inevitably include the Sandford burden.
  11. Bill, you have already conceded that the battle has been won yet now you are engaging in a rearguard engagement. Please get over it, the CNP has confirmed what we already know. Good, innit?
  12. Keep up, Bill, tis DEFRA who hands out the dosh, not the CNP.
  13. John, DEFRA, not the CNP pays grants to the BA.
  14. John K, having now received an admission that the Broads is not a national park I shall now request that they amend their website accordingly. However your list is worded quite cleverly, ergo 'the latest addition to the National Park family' with no mention that it is the Broads that is the odd one out.
  15. I have been in correspondence with the Council For National Parks. I won't bother you with the debate but I have now received confirmation that the Broads is NOT a national park!!!! Dear Mr Waller You are of course right, it isn’t a Park but for shorthand we, and others, refer to it as being part of the National Parks family. Apologies. I appreciate the decision by the Broads Authority to refer to it as a Park was and is controversial. As you say, there is no legal boundary of the Broads NP as it isn’t a National Park as set out in the 1949 Act. But there is a legal boundary to the Broads and the protections set out in the 1988 legislation and the National Planning Policy Framework apply to it. Best wishes Fiona
  16. The other cost of going electric is the lack of 'fuel' stations and whether there is room to plug in when you do find one. Thankfully, in this case, a handy fossil user was to hand.
  17. Isn't that how the Broads were formed? Manic Roman charioteers rushing around the Great Estuary churning out dirty great potholes?
  18. They sometimes change colour, just before they reach Gorleston Bar for the first and last time!
  19. Perhaps when a boat become antique. Fifty years is nothing, half the sailing boats on the Broads must be fifty plus!
  20. John, Paladin has just replied re income & expenditure explaining the shortcomings and that our contribution from our tolls has just been increased by yet another 10%. He has explained it far better than I can.
  21. That was 2016. Obfuscation is a BA speciality!! Nobody is denying that the Broads is regarded as a member of the national parks family, that doesn't make it a national park though, mustn't ignore the facts!.
  22. It might be good value, if half of it wasn't hived off for non navigational purposes!
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