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Everything posted by JennyMorgan

  1. Quo, in years of old boats were supplied with gang planks, maybe worth considering.
  2. Last I heard was that he'd been put out to grass, government cuts.
  3. I would love to know the answer to that one, please!
  4. A few years ago a call went out suggesting to the Navigation Committee that the time had come for Dr P to move on. Nothing came of it because it was thought preferable to retain the devil that we knew rather than engage the one that we didn't. No question that much good has been achieved over the last ten years so perhaps the pluses have made up for a lot of the minuses. Obviously I don't know the answer, however the devil we don't know might turn out to be an absolute godsend.
  5. Alan, I am quite certain that there is a posh term for it!
  6. It's so very easy to be sarcastic, but I doubt that any of us is anything but glad to see the mooring re-opened.
  7. Well done, BA, for sorting out a problem that appears to be one of their own making! Anyway, top result.
  8. John, by his own admission Dr P has probably gone as far as he can with his ambition, but I doubt that that will stop him. My gut feeling is that has earmarked 2020 for retirement and in the meantime is unlikely to relent in his efforts..
  9. Apparently not, regretfully. However most land is owned by someone.
  10. Should this scheme be run out across Broadland? http://www.edp24.co.uk/news/environment/pooprints-dna-scheme-eliminates-lowestoft-marina-dog-poo-problem-1-5387968
  11. Hi Katie, I like your style! Welcome and I hope that enjoy joining the great NBN learning circle.
  12. Like others I contacted the editor of the Countryfile magazine and after submitting copies of legal documents and DEFRA letters he finally invited me to write to the magazine's letters page. Not as much as I'd hoped for but nevertheless a concession that I have followed up. Limited to 200/250 words I have attempted to outline the legal position and the reasons for my objections. Sticking to the facts I have made my case, I just hope that the editor is as good as his word. I suspect that the Doctor will have a right of reply but it will then be up to the readership to judge for themselves, facts are facts.
  13. This latest press release starts off by mentioning an initiative that was announced several months ago, that of targeting visitors from overseas. No harm in resurrecting it as such but it then turns out to be another push to promote the Countryfile Awards and by association the BA's incessant campaign to become a national park. If my memory serves me right then it was back in 2010 when Doctor Packman announced that by 2020 the Broads would be a fully fledged National Park. It is now 2018 and retirement must by now be beckoning for the good Doctor. The fat lady has not yet sung.
  14. Fishing whilst under way, naughty! That aside good to see.
  15. No problem at all but if I were to travel half way around the world just to find that I had been mislead then I might be a bit miffed! However, I would enjoy all that the Broads has to offer, even all those saily things getting in the way!
  16. I don't doubt that for one minute, not for one second, but there is just one harsh reality of which we are both well aware of!
  17. The Messiah has spoken! http://www.edp24.co.uk/business/broads-named-finalist-in-bbc-countryfile-national-park-of-the-year-awards-1-5386508
  18. I now have a vision of an irate Moth helmsman demanding that Peel Ports open the YH bridges pronto so that he can blast off out to sea without coming off his foils.
  19. I don't know if Robin will be joining the Brundall Boat Club/Brundall Navy. Not my style but I know several members & they are a decent bunch, maybe a few discrete words in prominent ears wouldn't go amiss, after all it's an issue that inevitably concerns their members.
  20. Lowestoft, a man made harbour, does restrict, quite reasonably, bridge lifts during rush hours and this is generally accepted and respected by local boaters. I suspect that it's the same at Yarmouth. However Yarmouth appears to have a long running reluctance when it comes to private craft, a resistance that predates VHF. I don't see a problem in questioning the attitude of Bridge Control in this instance, Robin's experience is regretfully not unique. Possibly that sets the tone for some folk's manner when using VHF.
  21. I don't think that there can be any doubt about it, private craft are not encouraged to make use of Gt Yarmouth Harbour. I certainly don't think that it is in anyway a personal matter. Norfolk County Council is responsible for the roads thus the bridges, a lot of unraveling required here!
  22. There's room onboard for all the trappings of an 'honourable Northerner'. Pigeon loft on the fly-bridge, whippet run along the side deck and ferret hutch in the master bedroom. Eee by gum, ma son, no wot I mean!
  23. Right! The date didn't click, sorry
  24. That 'event' was, should we say, the result of unfortunate and uncharitable meddling.
  25. Embuggerance http://www.worldwidewords.org/qa/qa-emb1.htm
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