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Everything posted by JennyMorgan

  1. Ah ha, see I can be wrong, I'm just not entirely aware of the ins and outs on such matters. Unless Vaughan's spelling is the Norfolk one?
  2. Paul, you are welcome challenge me but I thought, maybe wrongly, that we had covered that ground before, and recently.
  3. Fannies should be held in high regard following their war time service to men.
  4. Not only me but also independant reports by people with experience and knowledge of the technique.
  5. Oh dear, John, don't let's go down this path yet again. The goal has been clearly recorded and stated within Broads Authority visions, reports, agenda, minutes and literature over the years. Leopards don't change their spots!
  6. Not quite the same as an agitated old rake! The mud is stirred up so the ebb tide can carry it out to sea. Reports from elsewhere suggest that it will be very successful.
  7. Paul. maybe, maybe not. but at least there would be a clear and truthful definition out there, we would also be one step back from Dr Packman's ultimate goal.
  8. Thank you, Vaughan. If we take the height of the forward crew member on my photo as 5'6" then we can quickly ascertain the length of the 'lighter' as being 45' to 50', bigger than an early wherry. I wonder if Holbrough worked on Lowestoft Harbour? If they did then I wonder if the picture is actually Dee Dar. I need to print off a picture and scale it as accurately as I can.
  9. I'm not convinced that it is an action of J.P's choice, rather it's one forced upon him by, perhaps, the Chairlady and probably as a result of the Peer Review. Whatever, a step in the right direction and almost certainly for your stated reasons.
  10. What has to be remembered is that the Doctor has long sought to reduce the size of committees, even at one time attempting to abolish the Navigation Committee. Committees of one are obviously preferable but since that was unlikely then small was the next best option, easier to control too. Lana has been reinstated and two new members elected, a clear and important step-down by Dr John, he's losing his grip, this welcome reversal shouldn't be underestimated. The new members, three elected members representing their local communities, good innit?
  11. All hell will break loose if they do! Have confidence, I have.
  12. That looks tricky, and the execution very successful, nice one.
  13. Agreed. Thankfully it has gone further than the previous self congratulatory affair that I was involved with.
  14. Consider, Polly, that the review was conducted by members of similar organisations, thus perhaps there is a degree of 'sympathetic' comment. That said the report is pretty damning in regard to the Authority's sometimes less than positive relationships with neighbouring authorities, possibly not least that of Lana's own constituency. I am reliably informed that some serious heart to heart talks subsequently took place at Yare House, however I doubt that the content of which is on record.
  15. Hello Paul, I don't know how familiar you are with the Broads Authority but every so often there is a 'peer review'. I have been involved with one and it was a complete white wash but this time a few cages have been well and truly rattled and quite a lot said behind closed doors. Anyway, here is a copy of the formal response: http://www.broads-authority.gov.uk/__data/assets/pdf_file/0004/1064506/Broads-Authority-report-12.12.17.pdf
  16. Being in the trade I never hired but did often borrow a cruiser from other yards for a long weekend. I once borrowed a modified Caribbean from a long defunct yard on Oulton Broad. Now, whilst most Caribbeans had their engines mounted against the transom and the propellor was driven by a hydraulic drive, this one had a centrally mounted engine with a shaft driven prop. Great, in theory, the engine box was part and parcel of the main double berth. Downside was that after a few hours running the engine and box became hot and acrid, the smell would linger long after the engine was turned off, long into the night. I was really glad to return that boat!
  17. Dee Dar's transom, this at least could have been saved for the excellent museum of the Broads, or even for display in Whitlingham's Barn. Scroll down on this link: https://www.maryhardysdiary.co.uk/2014/08/10/7-oct-2014-ludham-keels-and-wherries-in-the-18th-century/
  18. About Dee Dar: http://houseboat-heather.blogspot.co.uk/2012/12/swan-song-for-keel-dee-dar.html
  19. It was measured & photographed, a Mr Royal made a model, but the hoped for restoration to at least reasonable display standards never materialised, the remains were shamefully burned. It would have been better if she had been left alone.
  20. Apparently the first of a number of positive outcomes from the peer review. Lana has always been good for the Broads, doesn't stand for any nonsense.
  21. More than a few boats have been ruined by well meaning, over zealous housebuilders, especially when 'open planning' the layout. Anyway, that's another story. Guy Martin, now I would be happy to have him aboard! Take up, when wooden planks swell so as not to leak.
  22. Two way, both from outside. One, mixed with grease, two, released under the hull in the suspected leak area, the idea being that the sawdust will be drawn into the leak where it will then swell and hopefully fill any gaps. Should you later find sawdust in the bilge then you might have a problem!
  23. I will bow to Vaughan's opinion on this one! However grease was regularly squidged into open seams before launching. As the wood swelled and the seams closed the grease would be forced out thus fastenings wouldn't be strained. Nowadays a soft, won't harden mastic is often used which makes it a far easier and cleaner job to do but it's not exactly traditional.
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