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Everything posted by ChrisB

  1. I agree, competition should not be a reason to turn down planning.
  2. I suppose this was the objection of other businesses. When you own the property, no mortgage, no loans etc. Probably enough staff already employed by the estate to take turns manning the urn. How viable do you have to be? They have already pocketed the mooring money. They have Camping, canoe hire so a captive set of punters. I remember reading somewhere that Salhouse Broad is run as a commercial entity, separate from the main estate only in as much as it must cover it's direct costs and conservation work.
  3. I have just viewed Hickling Sailing Clubs webcam. Just getting light and flat calm.
  4. Bucket Bath using the kettle! That is all we had on most of the boats that I have owned. At least it will be warm.
  5. I have just read that there are up to 40000 without power in East Anglia, 12000 in Suffolk. About four years ago our village sub-station was made about five times bigger in order to supply Bacton Gas Terminal which has retired it's turbines and gone totally electric. We were forever getting cuts but no more. I guess that they must have power at all costs. I will go to Stalham and check the boat in the morning but I did give it a good look over on Wednesday.
  6. I just went out on the terrace and could hardly stand against it. I got 62mph in a gust using the kit below but it is not calibrated and was cheap.)I say that because I am sure it is not 25C in the house.
  7. It is kicking off here now. I am not going anywhere as I have to pass under oaks to get out of Knapton and they rain logs on you. I only have one car now so don't want if damaged. It seems to be coming in waves from being black as night and a monsoon we have a blue sky but the wind is increasing all the time.
  8. Mid afternoon , they say. Not windy here on North Coast.
  9. There were a number of good dinghys about at that time but Performance Sailcraft and their Laser range killed off so much of the competition. Lasers and moving on to Contenders was fun at the time but has left me in my late 60s very near disabled with regards to knees, base of spine and hips.
  10. I have always used bottle screws to tension my shrouds
  11. FOR: Peter and Vaughan True Virgins Make Dull Company Cadburys Dairy Milk Very Tasty All in aid od accurate navigation!
  12. Well, I have said about Thursday! But up here on the North Norfolk coast the wind has just kicked off. We are paying for the last few days of better than spring conditions. Time 02.20
  13. Sorry, shows my age, did my Yacht Master in 72.
  14. I have just viewed the North Atlantic charts from Northwood and it appears the wind will veer SSW to WbN or NWbW. Should max approx 1500. So thankfully worst during daylight hours although that could be a double edged sword if travelling by road.
  15. In forty plus years of boating I have never seen any marina offer a refund on unused months. Great offer especially for the location.
  16. I bet there are a few thinking " did I take a proper turn on that cleat when I left ?"
  17. An amber warning upgrading a yellow warning for wind has been issued for an area covering The Broads. Forcast is for wind 35+ mph gusting to 60 mph.
  18. Time to check your mooring. There is an amber warning for wind in an area covering The Broads. Forcast is for wind 35+ mph gusting to 60 mph.
  19. It really is worth booking accommodation for a couple of nights and visiting Horning, Stalham, Potter, Wayford etc. I have always found the face to face approach is best. It also lets you see what you are parting with a considerable amount of money for. You can also see the state of repair of the moorings, is the ground clean or wet and muddy, how far will the car be from your mooring. What are the toilets like etc etc. You will be paying in the region of £45 per foot so a grand at least, I would want to see what I am getting for that type of money.
  20. I said for a consideration. That is the BA pay a sum towards the disposal. As for ajoining land owners if they are suffering fly dumping, that is an offence and has nothing to do with the proposed pontoons but is a consequence of the removal of the bins by the area councils. It is not unique to Thurne, it is a problem for all the village Staithes where the bins have been removed. We know the problem of domestic Vs Commercial but the councils be they area or parish need to stop politics, take a pragmatic, grown up view of the situation and get it sorted.
  21. It appears later in the report that the stumbling block is now litter, with the Parish Council getting in on the act. Surely there must be rubbish collection for the private moorings and caravans that could be utilised for a consideration? As for the Parish Council they should have thought about that when Yarmouth ( I think ) removed the bins. Pontoons or no pontoons the village centre will have that problem with the existing moorings. Litter is a problem that will not go away until a sensible approach from all parties is made. Or is the landowner angling to reduce his refuse bill?
  22. Non compliance with the trial terms then.
  23. £3.64! Pint of mild maybe, you will be pushed to get a decent pint of bitter for that in most places.
  24. My toll remains the same. Marina up by £ 24, not too bad. But I shall still have to balance Use Vs Cost at the end of this season. Being on my own my late wife's tax allowance has gone along with her income related OAP. Leaving me over £600 per month worse off with the same overheads.
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