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Everything posted by Paul

  1. There have long been question marks over his ability, and temprement in close racing. He makes too many mistakes when under pressure and has a hot temper when things don't go his way. I was really surprised he didn't face further sanction for his petulence after the Canadian GP. Formula 1 is so protective of it's image and the post race process is so very carefully regulated, even down to the size of the water bottles permitted in the towelling room, the position of the trophies and champagne bottles on te podium etc. I thought they would throw the book at him, but he seemed to get away with it.
  2. Poor tiebreak in the third by Federer, several unforced errors. Talking of unforced errors, Jonny Bairstow! Not surprising that he hits so many inside edges when he angles his bat so much when driving defending on the back foot. Needs to move his feet better.
  3. Throughout the history of Fromula 1 you'll find cases of cars not quite obeying the rules, drivers manipulating teams to their own advantage. Schumacher given absolute priority in his years with Ferrari, (and Vettel the same at RB and now Ferrari) the dodgy traction control that wasn't traction control, the air induction "reinforcer" that wasn't actually a turbocharger. Vettels slightly (very) questionable Aero and diffusers at Red Bull (which were actually deemed illegal but no retrospective action taken) In years to come we'll no doubt hear suggestions that Mercedes current hybrid engines are doing something "clever". An F1 driver needs many different skills, not just driving the car fast and Lewis is as close to the complete package as I ever saw. He's won a lot of races this year but most by only a few seconds, which is down to managing engines and gearboxes. Had he not had such concerns today then after the good fortune which he had with the safety car he'd have dissappeared completely as demonstrated by the lap record on the final lap. If he had the luxury of yesteryear with a virtually new car every race he would have lapped the whole field today, so much better was he than everyone else, even his own team mate.
  4. And what a second set that was from Federer, I thought when Djok won the tiebreak in the 1st he might go on to win relatively easily then Fed comes out and blows him away I can't keep up.
  5. On the split screen the cricket is looking tense. I can't beleive that Lords has produced a slow, sticky, green pitch for the final, exactly the sort of pitch England struggle on. I would have bet my mortgage on a straw coloured fast pitch, ball coming on to the bat suiting Englands stroke players. I don't think England bowled too well early on, they dragged it back in the last few overs but 240 on this pitch will not be easy. Joe Root may well be key.
  6. Lewis showing his class right at the end. Bottas pits for fresh tyres to take fastest lap, Lewis says no need, even on 40 lap old hard tyres I can still go faster than you, takes it back on the final lap. Most wins ever at the British Grand Prix, another record falls to Hamilton. Whilst it's hard to compare drivers from different eras it's hard to argue against Hamilton being the best ever F1 driver. How many more titles he wins will be pretty much down to how long he wants to keep going. Have to say it's nice to see an F1 race "finish" at the chequered flag. We've had a couple of wierd ones.
  7. FIA or FIM I agree with your assessment. DORNA and their paymasters Repsol are killing, even have killed MotoGP
  8. Is it the FIA? They deal with Automobiles. In my day watching bikes, GP, SBK, Speedway it was the FIM.
  9. Sorry Speed, being serious wasn't it that fella from Northern Ireland? Given his performances in WSBK in recent years Jonny Rea doesn't get the credit and recognition he deserves. I used to be a great fan of WSBK in the Foggy era but find it boring nowadays. As for Moto GP I haven't watched a race since Barry Sheene last fell off.
  10. World what? Bikes, do you mean Tour De France?
  11. I don't think it is the turnover of staff that Peter was questioning, but the quality and "characteristics" of those who have gone, a point I tend to agree with.
  12. Well thank heavens the cricket has actually started, I was just about going mad with all the mindless cackle that TV channels dig out to "big up" these events. Not very impressed with England's start though. I thought when NZwon the toss and batted given the moisture that's around and the green tinge of the pitch that it might be a good toss to lose, as surely Eoin would have batted too, such is the trend in this tournament.
  13. And so now you know why they didn't get the job.
  14. Perhaps they didn't have a Doctorate in Biodiversity of Wetland Hydroperiod Events or some such useless qualification, without which I'm sure the CEO believes we are all lobcocks
  15. How much, I think I'd better find another home for my parkies and wife-beater. I know looking at different ads is sometimes confusing as you're not always comparing apples with apples but that seems way over priced. I do like the bit ... "having patrolled Breydon Water for many years". Actually not all that many, and much of the time she has been "laid up". I would have thought the advert would be better read saying something along the lines of "nearly new, hardly used"
  16. Sorry, I think I got that a bit the wrong way round, meaning to say they would not be excluded. In many Supermarkets they are not, the ones I use regularly they are away from the store entrance but giving easy access without having to walk along the roads, often on the far side of the disable bays, such as Asda at Vauxhall and most Aldis. No, they have no right to fine anyone, no more than you or I do. They can however apply a parking charge which you agree to pay when you park your car on their property other than in accordance with the signage, i.e. for longer than is permitted, not wholly within a marked bay or in a bay marked for restricted use, as long as such signange meets certain legal requirements on clarity and positioning. That is why if you get a parking ticket from a local authority it is a Penalty Charge, whereas from any private organisation, such as a supermarket it is a Parking Charge.
  17. Woodbines! ...I'm not wasting good Woodbines on that lot, they'll make do with Park Drive and like it. Unlike SOB is seems
  18. I'll be stopping at the Coop at lunchtime so read the new signage properly, but I can answer 4 & 5 .... 12 or under and yes. I doubt very much that the answer to any of 1 - 3 would be would be anything other than no, as how are they going to tell from a cctv feed?
  19. Another thing that gets to me is the disabled toilet vigilantes .... even to the point where many disabled toilets now have signs on them "not every disability is visible". Above once when leaving a disable loo I have been accosted by these vigilantes telling me I should be ashamed of myself or something similar. I used to engage in conversation along the lines of "who gave you access to my medical records" and such like. Nowadays I can't be bothered and give a shorter, more succinct response, usually russian sounding, ending in "ov"
  20. I think the point is cars are bigger now, hence a modern Fiesta, considered a small car is little different in size to an old Granada, in it's day the largest car in the Ford range. Parking spaces have not kept pace. Their circumstances are, do they have a child .... Y or N. If they are entitled to disabled parking and they should have a blue badge. I meant to add below the quote of Grendel's post above that simply making these spaces "accessible" would never work as everyone would come up with some excuse to need an accessible space, most of which are an excuse for bone idleness. I do have a small modicum of sympathy for people of limited mobility who are considered not worthy of a blue badge, the system is little more than a lottery. It seems in some areas you're in if you have an ingrowing toenail but in others you have no chance unless you have lost both legs. I suffer with osteoarthritis of the spine, not a qualifying condition but that doesn't bother me too much. If I don't have the kids in the car I can usually drag myself to the shop from wherever i can park. What I would never do is park in a parent and child space if the kids are not in the car. Whilst I'm on the rant front, can I share one other thing that really annoys me? I fall into the category of worked my balls of, despite my back pain, to afford a decent car, a Mercedes E Class AMG Convertible. (If you think the doors in an SLK are long, compare them to mine, yours are titchy ny comparison). When I don't have the kids I usually park as far away from the store as I can, where nobody else is parked. The number of times I come out to find some {{insert chosen expletive here}} parked 8 inches from my drivers door despite there being dozens of spaces available elsewhere is staggering.
  21. Sadly there are lots of ignorant little sh1ts around who decide their convenience is more important than the safety of young children. These spaces are made available to ensure parents with young children can get them out of the vehicle safely and to the store usually without needed to cross roads, or be on the route of pedestrian crossings. The issue of these ignorant low lifes abusing the parent and child parking in the one supermarket in our village came to a head over a year ago when a young woman was physically assaulted after asking a person parking without a child to move. The police were called, an arrest made and a man convicted of assualt causing actual bodily harm. A facebook campaign followed urging parents to boycott the supermarket until they started policing the parent and child spaces, over a hundred people signed up and eventually the supermarket caved. They are now policed by CCTV cameras and anyone can report abuse to the parking company either by text or app and they will review the evidence and issue a £95 parking charge notice. Hopefully more supermarkets will follow suit, expecially if enough pressure is bought to bear.
  22. So which of these duties did they not undertake six years ago when they spent all that money on it?
  23. As it seems to be able to make way under it's own power again I thought it was worth the extra.
  24. I understand the Lake District National Park are interesting in acquiring it as a patrol and Rescue vessel for use on Derwent Water, as there current vessel is deemed too big. I guess it would be renamed Spirit of Derwent II, or perhaps even Little SOD.
  25. I heard a rumour, from a source that is normally quite accurate, that the Authority were inviting sealed tenders for SOB, though I can find no corroboration of that. I did wonder about putting in a bid. Does 20 Park Drive and a 4 pack of Stella seem reasonable?
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