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Everything posted by Paul

  1. I'm glad I'm not the only one. Vodafone is a dirty word in our house now. My current contract is with them, and I'm counting the days, no minutes, even seconds until it ends, and never, ever again. A router with external antennae / booster option is a must.
  2. I'd love to know what extra cleaning a boatyard actually undertakes when you pay this fee.
  3. We are looking at putting mobile wi-fi or "mi-fi" in the caravan. It must be via a standalone device, not a usb dongle and ideally be unlimited. Three have an offer at present at 22 per month, 24 month contract. What is coverage like around east anglia (not just the broads) and does anyone have experience of it?
  4. Does anyone have any experience of android based TV's, especially Cellos? We are looking at buying a TV for our new caravan and I'm looking at a 24" 12v Cello which is Android / Wifi / Smart enabled as not only does it allow us to keep up with Tim & Pru et al but being android we can downlaod a few games for the kids plus it has USB and SD card slots for external storage which can record live TV and be used for playback of downloaded video content. Add to that they are British made and available for about a hundred and fifty quid (plus extra for the 12v power supply) and it seems a done deal. Unless you know better?
  5. Buying new vans is a luxury many sole traders and small businesses just can't afford. I don't even agree about it being cost effective if you could. Merc vans are about the best work horses you can get nowadays, many of the Sprinters the logistics company I used to work for would do in excess of half a million miles in their three year life. Needless to say when you do that kind of mileage then new is the only real option, but otherwise used with a full history is often the smart choice. Perhaps a photo or two and a price would not offend the mods senses too much?
  6. I won't be tempted to vote for it either. A bad show about a good subject is still a bad show and shouldn't be winning awards.
  7. I use Vivaldi nowadays, which is based on the Chromium platform but is much quicker than Chrome and much more configurable. I have installed two stage ad blockers which are very good. They also stop videos auto playing which is very useful when tethered to the mobile broadband like now.
  8. Just don't try using the Sun, it's already full of s***
  9. Don't be sad Berkie, Japan are winning .... Oh bummer, I've said it now! What a cracking game of Rugby
  10. Dare I mention the Rugby, or should we wait for tomorrow's newspapers?
  11. It's like trying to suggest that people actually wait to hear what's happened in the days football until they watch match of the day.
  12. Sorry, but no real fan would be waiting that long, if they can't watch it then they'd be listening to it on the Radio
  13. I did wait until after the replay before spilling the beans, in case we were not all up to watch live.
  14. An outstanding achievement to win the "double" world title, constructor and drivers titles for an unprecedented sixth consecutive season. They developed the best package for the hybrid era but it is clear that in recent seasons other teams have closed the gap yet Mercedes keep producing the goods, even when their car is not the fastest. A fantastic achievement for everyone at Brackley and Brixworth.
  15. Knowing the design it shouldn't be too difficult for anyone with a half decent drawing suite to create a high resolution image of it.
  16. They'll have to go firkin shopping of course.
  17. Langley were advertising moorings not that long ago.
  18. Make sure whatever you plan has hard standing. With the recent rain you don't want to try driving a camper onto grass.
  19. I thought it was probably just me, but I can't agree more with the comments above. When this show was first announced last year I really looked forward to it but there is far too much emphasis on gimmickry and little if any on the quality of the builds, the detailing of the scenery and model work, the practicality and reliability of the track work etc. That is what true railway modelling should be. Not a wagon which spits plastic haggis' down some unrealistic chute, with more missing their target than actually hit it, or giant Cornish pasties, or even a model "fly past", which could have been done much better than using thick black rods to hold them up. I did think I had scene it all (like the pun there!), until the recent crochet "psychedelic forest". Blimey
  20. Like Cal I don't see the time taken crossing Breydon at all wasted, in fact Breydon itself is one of my favourite parts of the Broads, so much so that we named our second child after it. Given your tide times I would plan passage through Yarmouth for early afternoon on Sunday, around two hours before the ideal slack water passage time, but this should still give plenty of clearance under the bridges. I would call the Yacht Station as I pass Scare Gap and ask them to confirm clearance under the bridges if in any doubt. I never like to enter the Tar Works reach leading up to the bridges on a falling tide without being sure of the clearance as turning here on a fast running ebb can be challenging, even for experienced skippers. Once you turn past the yellow post on to Breydon the tide will be running against you. I would simply take my time and amble across enjoying the scenery and head for the Fishermans Inn at the mouth of the River Waveney and hole up there for the night. The pub there is under new management and is very nice. That gives you all day Monday to plan your trip down to Oulton on the incoming tide on Monday morning and have you in Oulton Broad around lunchtime. Depending on how long you want to stay south for the trip back I would head back to the Fishermans, or to Berney Arms at the Yare, overnight there and then "wet the bed" as they around here, get up early, boil the kettle and set off at first light to pass Yarmouth around 8am, which works on Wednesday or Thursday. You will be against the incoming tide across Breydon but once round the Yellow post into the Bure you will have the flood behind you to carry you up to Acle. Doing it this way will mean your are travelling with the tide for most of the journey which means you will use much less fuel, and not have the noise of an engine thrashing away pushing against the tide.
  21. Paul

    Locks Inn

    I used to be very "in to" the kit car scene, including the annual kit car show at the NEC. As a teenager I was always adamant that I would build myself a Litton Corse (Lancia Stratos replica). Alas the factory closed in the late 90's and even tatty examples are now fetching big bucks. They are becoming almost as sought after as the cars they mimicked.
  22. I wasn't (note the correct apostrophe) going to mention the upper case I after a mere comma.
  23. If the major issue is maintenance then perhaps consider a share? There are several reputable syndicates represented on the forum. Of course that doesn't address the issue of boat handling and mooring and if that too is becoming prohibitive then shore based options might be for you. We reduced the amount of boating we did a few years ago for health reasons but still visit regularly. Whilst you will miss the boat there are benefits of being "land based" and many wonderful places to visit and eateries etc to try which are not accessible by water.
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