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Everything posted by Paul

  1. Sadly I am now banned from Lush. This has not come about because of any action on their part, or misdemeanour of mine but the instruction of she who must be obeyed. The last time I went in to our local store I came out with a carrier bag and a credit card bill for 105.00. I just love their products.
  2. I've given up tofu, couscous and quinoa (whatever that is) for Lent. I know I'm being brave but think it's worth the effort.
  3. The new display I mentioned in our local supermarket is also now empty, the price increase obviously did not put people off. In wartime we called such moves profiteering, today it's market forces. What would be good I think is for the Government via PHE to confirm how the infection caused by this virus first manifests itself, as reading reports coming from China it is quite different from normal coughs and colds and flu virus. As these reports are not proper confirmed reports I shall not post them or comment on what they say, but it might serve to stop the rush of calls on our NHS from people who have sneezed once and now insist they have hours left to live.
  4. Paul

    Sad News

    It would be wonderful if Craig's database is able to continue, even if only by preserving it's current status. Along with Broadland Memories and this forum they make a wonderful facility for those of us who love boating and the broads. To preserve Craig's site would be a fitting epitaph to when he has achieved. If it can be kept running then please make sure there is a donations facility. I'll contribute a few quid as I'm sure would many others.
  5. It's not a difficult job once you have the parts but if you are not using sealed bearings you must pack the new ones with grease properly, just smearing some over the surface of the bearing does not suffice. I put a big blob of grease in the palm of my hand and push the bearing into it, turning it slightly before repeating. It sounds more complicated than it is and plenty of video demos on youtube Also check the hub nut. If the trailer uses taper bearings it should be a castellated nut secured by a cotter pin, This nut should not be over tightened, in fact once the pin is removed you should be able to remove it by hand. If over tightened it compresses the taper bearing causing it to over heat and fail. Always use a new cotter pin on these type of nuts. If it's a plain or straight bearing then you should replace the hub nut each time you remove it, they are one shot only.
  6. are these to be free moorings? I'll be very upset if they stop me mooring by Novisad to go shopping. I can do Morrison's, Boots and B&M all in one go.
  7. We've had lots of snow falling this week, but there is so much rain either side of the snow that it hasn't a cat in hells chance of settling, other than on house roofs and a five minute downpour soon puts paid to that.
  8. I could not reply to the post in the public information section as it is read only, but for anyone concerned by Corona Virus, especially anybody working in a high risk environment Public Health England have produced an excellent series of posters for schools, nursing homes etc which detail proper precautions relevant to the location in question. These have already been sent to all schools each of which should be making pupils aware of the correct actions to take. It is nothing more than common sense, good hand washing routine and appropriate use of disinfectant hand gels etc. I did notice on my visit to the local supermarket this morning that their was a nice new aisle end display with pocket sized hand gels on sale, and surprise surprise they have gone up 16p. They were 99p last week, £1.15 now. There's no news like bad news for somebody to cash in on.
  9. When I bought the CRV many, many, many years ago it has a spare set of OE alloys in the boot with Avon winter tyres, plus a full set of unmounted mud pluggers (a bit of a jest that, as although it's all wheel drive it's no real off road vehicle.) Come October of the first year of ownership I duly swapped to the winter tyres and found little if any difference to the Dueller HT all season tyres that were previously fitted. They quickly came back off, and along with the mud pluggers went on ebay and fetched a pretty penny. When I bought the new car I asked the dealer about winter tyres and after he stopped laughing he told me not to bother. Not least that as a new set of AMG IV 19s would set you back in excess of five and a half grand it would mean having the tyres mounted and demounted every season he also suggested that a decent all season tyre will perform just as well in wet conditions as a rain tyre, in fact the all seasons Kumho's I use on the Merc are A rated for wet grip, which is better than the Continental Winter Contacts that MB recommend which are only C rated for wet grip he suggested that it was all a bit of a con. If snow is a concern then snow socks is the way forward.
  10. Not that I'm aware of, but I believe there is a boat for sale nearby
  11. Blast, I have group meeting on a Thursday. Can you be more specific and I'll try and prebook a summer cold for that day.
  12. Anyone know of any boats for sale, family sized, say 42 foot ideally with twin helms? Been looking but cannot find any.
  13. Just to stay on topic for a start the boat offered for sale in the OP is a lot of boat for the money, though I never quite got the logic behind the dual steer option, the sliding roof made much more sense to me. Right that that's the on topic bit out of the way. That idea is not as ridiculous as it sounds, or perhaps it is, but it is not a new idea. We are told that the bridge is not sinking, although as long ago as the 1980's it was generally accepted that it was, though the term they used then was "settling". There was even a survey done by men in hi-vis jackets and expensive wellies with theodolites and the like to measure the rate of this "settling". It was, IIRC blamed on increased water abstraction and higher volumes of heavier traffic prior to the bypass construction. It was thought, or maybe assumed that it would stop. Perhaps it will, perhaps it already has, but at the cost of significant clearance meaning that boats once capable of clearing the bridge can no longer do so. What we do know is the clearance under the bridge is much less than it was in those days, which we are told is down to a dip in water levels during the 70s and 80s but I don't accept that as relatively large boats, including smaller wherries were making passage under the bridge in the 1920s and 30s. Perhaps that was another dip? Water levels are probably a little higher than they were, though no way does that account for the loss of clearance of a foot or more under the bridge in the last thirty years or so. When we were kids we regularly took rowing boats under the side arches, and at one point wooden boards were placed across them to stop people doing just that. I doubt you'd get Warwick Davis in a canoe through them now. As a result of those surveys a number of proposals were put forward to maintain the navigation beyond the bridge should it need to be closed to navigation, which inevitably meant bypassing it. That was of course in an era when maintaining the navigation held much greater importance than it does today. Of course we all know that nothing will be done in the current climate so the discussion is moot, but that doesn't stop it being worth a few minutes of our time. Psychic, I'm confused? 1*? To my understanding there are only three grades of listing. I, II* and II? I can find no reference to I*. I do like the idea of selling Potter Heigham Bridge to some gullible American, but do it as with London Bridge and sell the the bypass bridge on the sly. Then the money raised could be used to lift the old bridge and replace the bypass bridge with something more aesthetic.
  14. It appears to me there are a limited number of things we actually know. Global warming IS a natural phenomenon, we know this as there is evidence of it happening before man's intervention. Man's intervention is PROBABLY aggravating the current climate shift as we produce carbon emissions which we THINK increase global warming. Emissions elsewhere in the world mean that whatever further steps we in the UK take are largely IRRELEVANT. Electric vehicles offer MINIMAL environmental benefit over the most efficient petrol and diesel alternatives. Speaking out against climate change is not permitted, be it here or on the BBC.
  15. After careful thought and due consideration I have prepared the following statement. "I would like to make a full and unreserved apology to the moderators, members and other interlocutors of this assesmbly, to Miss Thunberg and her family and to any third party who was in any way whatsoever offended by my previous observations on this subject. I am old, I have consumed more summers than I have remaining to me. I was raised in an age when society did not benefit from the safeguards and protections of political correctness which it enjoys today and as such I am no expert on that subject, as in deed I am not expert in any matter. Notwithstanding my self acknowledged deficiencies of age and ignorance I offer no defence for any animadversion or stricture contained within my recent interposition. I appreciate that in this day and age to suggest that a child should go to school is unacceptable and I deeply regret the upset this has so obviously caused. That was not the declared intention of my post. I accept the hierarchical precept that it is improper to make comments or statements regarding a person or group of people or to make criticism of them on any platform to which they do not themselves have access to make a response. The fact that this forum is open to anyone, unlike the stage of a United Nations Climate Change Conference would I believe be an unnecessary interjection at this time. To this end I should like the forum's appointed arbiters to also consider previous analogous misdemeanors herewith catalogued but not deemed worthy of objection at the time of posting, or missed by those monitors likely to raise such objection. i) That elsewhere on this forum I did bring into doubt the integrity of His Royal Highness Andrew Duke Of York in the matter of his relationship with Mr Epstein and alleged relationship with Miss Virginia Roberts. ii) That elsewhere on this forum I did bring into doubt without evidence the medical well being of the Former German Chancellor and Fuhrer of the Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei, suggesting that he might be missing one or more appendage(s) usually found at one end of the vas deferens in adult males, and that this was done in a deliberate attempt to derogate or belittle the person in question without the opportunity of response. I plead guilty on all counts. I order to protect the integrity of this forum and those individuals who gather here I shall from this point forward restrict my postings to those matters on which I consider myself expert and in all other matters ensure that my thoughts and opinions maintain their own counsel."
  16. There are a few left, though none maybe of the calibre of Kirk Douglas. Olivia De Havilland is still alive, she like Douglas is 103 and I think Syndey Poitier is still with us, and still working. Very much the end of an era. There seem to be a lot of eras ending recently.
  17. I did hear this on the radio news this morning, was it 50 million pounds to turn one towns busses electric? There are nearly 1200 towns in Britain, that alone is 60 billion pounds, and takes no account of our 50 cities. Where is this money coming from. We can't afford to look after our elderly, to properly educate our children, to effectively police our streets, to heal our sick or properly equip our armed forces. It makes me quite angry to see our political lords and masters rushing headlong towards impossible pipe dreams when there are far more realistic things that could be done to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. PHEVs are a good start, but seem now to have been outlawed too. Moving more bulk freight back on to the railways is another, and this would also raise revenue and fund investment for ourailing rail network and relieve some congestion on our roads. Better handling of the solar panel debacle, using feedback to fund installations rather than pay unrealistic tariffs for those lucky enough to be able to install them. Instead of covering great swathes of farmland in solar panels these panels should be on house roofs. Then those fields could be used to grow bio fuels. Sadly climate change, above all, is an opportunity for greed. It is something to be manipulated for personal or commercial profit, and until that attitude changes all of the debate is pointless.
  18. These are all perfectly valid points. Somebody on TV the other day said that an EV battery, once the rare earth minerals had been mined in South America, shipped to India to be processed (a power hungry process in a country where power generation is extremely dirty), made into batteries then shipped to Japan or the USA to be put into cars has an equivalent Carbon Footprint of a modern 2.0l diesel engine covering 90,000 miles. I think the step to remove hybrids was a huge error, and a U turn in the making. A plug in hybrid, or as they are becoming better known, range extended electric vehicle which one can charge at home and use electric propulsion for those short, most heavily polluting journeys would at least make some sense and offer some viability. It would be a realistic target, unlike every thing being electric by 2035.
  19. You can already buy this type of charging system, certainly for the New Merc S Class where you drive over a pad in your garage and the car charges by induction. Induction chargers are also being trialed on some Scandanavian motorways though these only extend range, they cannot charge at the same rate that power is being used, yet. Electric cars don't work. I'm not talking about the occasional tree hugger running his Nissan Leaf, that's fine if he is prepared to live within it's limitations but as a mainstream power source for all vehicles they are simply not viable. Toyota / Lexus acknowledged in the last century that no country could ever be capable of running a fully electric vehicle network and it is focusing it's efforts on fuel cell vehicles. That's the company who virtually invented hybrid cars. Quite simply we will never be able to afford the charging infrastructure to recharge them, which would make HS2 look like petty cash. If we had the infrastructure we would never be able to generate sufficient electricity to power it. The world cannot produce sufficient lithium to produce enough batteries and if we tried the environmental damage would be colossal. Lithium mines are already responsible for massive deforestation in south america - to run our "green" electric cars. If we are to end our use of oil based vehicle fuels, then the hydrogen fuel cell is the only viable option. We already have the infrastructure to distribute it, we have much of the required electrical generating capacity to produce it using latent off peak capacity and the technology to build it into vehicles is already in place. And, unlike electricity it could power ALL vehicles, not just cars, but commercial vehicles too. The current political policy of promoting electric cars and outlawing petrol and diesel models is simply a cop out. It is the one area that Government can use to tackle climate change and be seen to at least be trying to meet it's emissions targets which it can farm out to third parties, it can make others responsible for implementing the change, and pass on the blame when it doesn't work.
  20. There haven't been many reviews posted recently, and those that have are not good, the place looking run down, understaffed and poor food choice and quality etc but one or two do say that the beer was very good which suggests someone is making an effort. Good beer doesn't happen by accident. The problem for the Beauchamp is there is only so much trade to go around, and to me way of thinking less now than there once was, and the Beau is competing with the Ferry House which is one of the best pubs on the river, if not the best, and the Woods End and Coldham Hall. If it's going to compete in that market it has to see significant Improvement and visual appeal
  21. Is that down to coverage or tariff? There are parts of the south where three is really poor, between St Olaves and Oulton is patchy at best, as is the Chet until you get to Loddon. Coverage along the Waveney is poor in places too, even with the external antenna on our Mifi. Elaine is on Giff Gaff and by comparison can get a good 4g everywhere. Check the networks coverage guides and you'll see what I mean http://www.three.co.uk/Discover/Network/Coverage https://www.o2.co.uk/coveragechecker
  22. Not a video this time, but a BBC Radio Program, "Cigarette on the Waveney". I first heard this many years ago in the days of BBC Radio 7, which used to be a wonderful station for old spoken word programming and radio plays. https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p04hh8vb
  23. Thanks John. I did try! Almost all village clubs meet at the Cricket Club which has an excellent social club open every evening but alas it seems the impasse is absolute, for the moment at least. Sadly there is one member who was elected to the Parish Council at the last elections who is adamant that the community garden gets no support or funding from them unless we leave it open at all times "for the whole community to enjoy". We did try this over three weekends last year and had several plots vandalised, a number of fruit trees destroyed, the central arbor and seating area smashed, the poly tunnel slashed and obscene graffiti painted over the shed and many of the benches. Hence it now remains locked and will continue to be. At least we have now been able to demonstrate to the PC that we are not beholden to them in order to operate, and as I stressed to the chairman, Parish Councillors do come and go, especially unpopular ones.
  24. it might be worth getting a quote for a taxi if there is more than one person. Train and bus is more of an adventure though.
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