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Everything posted by Paul

  1. It's about a 40min walk from the Yacht Sta either to the bus stop at the top of Marine Parade in Lowestoft, or to the Island on the 146 by the Crown. I don't think there is any closer stop for that bus. If you are thinking of getting a bus or train to Lowestoft to catch the bus to Loddon it is easier to get the train from Oulton Broad South to Beccles and catch up with the X22 there. The train is hourly even Sundays and takes ten minutes, the bus takes about 40 mins from Lowestoft to Beccles. Lovely train ride too.
  2. And cruising the cut, a narrowboat vlog I especially like.
  3. I'll kick off with the fenland video I posted recently, in case anyone missed it on the thread it was in.
  4. In light of a recent thread and the number of people who use YouTube I thought it might be a good idea to start a thread where people can link and share anything they find interesting, be it on YouTube or similar sites. I am but a plebeian member and have no control on what you post, but might I suggest that boats hitting bridges or videos aimed at belittling or ridiculing other do not really belong here? If you vlog your Broads holidays, maybe you would like to link those here?
  5. I think we have come to a decision. Originally we were concerned about the high startup current and low power efficiency of some of, if not most of our tools as they use induction motors which I am led to believe have the biggest gap between KW used and KVA needed to power them, a value I have learned is kVArs. I already have an evolution power tech engine on my pressure washer, which if you haven't come across them before is an engine on a trolley with bolt on accessories, on of which is a gen set. It runs at 2.8kw peak and 2.4kw continuous, which we now feel should be plenty for what we need. At 130 quid or so it solves our problems and I might be able to make use of it too. I also have a meeting with the chairman of the Parish Council tomorrow to try and put an end to the enmity between them and the community garden. Wish me luck with that, I'm the last person I'd send on such a mission.
  6. Agreed, though I disagree that petrol powered are lighter, but it would cost in excess of three thousand pounds to replace our existing equipment with even modest petrol stuff and right now that is not an option. We are already looking at a bill of 11k to install water to the site and without funding from the Parish Council the Community Garden's income is in the region of 500 a year. So we are already full steam ahead on cake stalls, table top sales etc, anything we can do to raise funds. We are appealing for help from the village in the hopes that somebody might have a suitable generator we can borrow. If not then it might fall to the organising committee to fund a second hand machine out of our own pockets.
  7. Thanks Grendel. In such things I tend to work on the theory if I need 1kw have the capacity for 2, I find these things are best not operated at their full capacity for long periods. I did try and find a calculator on the web and the result gave me scientific formulae the likes of which I have not seen since my A level maths, which I failed! There seems to be quite a watershed in price between 2.2kva and 3kva plus generators, the former being available for a couple of hundred quid upwards but the latter costing four figures plus.
  8. Thanks everyone. You have reaffirmed what I expected. Treating the inverter as "transparent" and converting the amps at 230v to amps at 12v puts me in the 80a bracket which is beyond the means of my little genny. I want to be able to power electric garden tools, hedge trimmer, pole saw and tiller which rate between 550w and 1000w to help maintain the local community garden. Sadly we have no mains connections, power or water. We used to be able to get them from the adjacent community center but sadly that facility has been withdrawn due to a dispute with the parish Council over access to the garden. We are in the process of raising money to have mains water bought into the garden but as the dispute with the PC has also led to removal of funding it is a tough ask, these things are not cheap. The local school are helping out with water but it is too far to run power cables, not to say unsafe for the children so we need to come up with an answer. I think it will have to be a stronger generator with a 230v outlet. This leads to another conundrum as they are rated in KVa which seems to bear no resemblance to watts. I thought I'd found a decent second hand one yesterday, rated at 2.2KVa which I thought should be plenty but checking further it was only 1000w. So next question, in order to run a 1000w constant load, what KVa rating should I be looking for?
  9. You might have thought so, but time has shown this not to be the case. Rather, from past experience it is obviously easier to read the content about which one has no interest and then record that lack of interest with some kind of acerbic comment about everybody else's involvement in it.
  10. If you want to ignore certain parts of the forum then you need to select those which you still want to follow and mark them as "follow". Then create a new activity stream with the settings you prefer, which maybe unread content, or topics active in the last 48 hours or whatever then set following to "posted in areas I follow" Bookmark that activity thread and use it as your gateway page to the forum. When you arrive then you will only see posts from sections of the forum that interest you. Please make sure when you have created your stream save it as a new one and give it a logical name, like "Polly's Landing Page".
  11. I have a vintage Honda generator which outputs 12 or 24v, no AC output. I have a couple of power inverters which turn 12v dc into 230v ac I need to understand the compatibility and capability of both as in is the output of the generator great enough to power the inverters and to what load? Is the critical load on the generator dependent on the size of the load on the inverter or is it the maximum load of the inverter regardless of what is plugged into it? What I want to do is use the gennie to drive the larger inverter (1500w) then use that to power garden machinery rated at 600 - 800w. What I need to work out is what load an 800w machine plugged into a 1500w inverter places on a 12v generator? Is there some magic formula to work it our?
  12. I did happen to mention the signs at Acle, which is not even within the Broads Authority executive area, NP or no NP
  13. Getting the EDP to investigate the Broads Authority, a good shout but I wish you luck. That would require some keen investigative journalism of which I have seen more on this thread than in many years of reading the EDP.
  14. user manual is here if it helps http://www.anico.hu/products/specialis/GX1500E.pdf
  15. IIRC the MLS310 is amplified and that should be compatible with your radio, however something in the back of my head is telling me the facility to fix the output level is on the telephone style handset option, is that the VH310? Given that they share the 310 model number you might need to handset to use the speaker, and hence to fix the output level. Sorry I'm not being much help, I'm teetering on the edge of understanding!
  16. Doesn't that model have the option to switch the external speaker output to fixed level for use with an amplified speaker? If so, would you need an attenuator at all? Most modern bluetooth transmitters are very forgiving with the input level. I've said before, and happy to say again that Howard knows way more than me on these things but just a thought.
  17. perish the thought. Furthermore they could be sold on as private holiday / second homes without any change of use requirement
  18. Whilst I appreciate that Broadland is a developing landscape and infrastructure rather than the content of a time capsule the answer to your question Peter is whether you agree that an investor should be allowed to dramatically alter the nature and appearance of a part of it for their own individual profit. I am strongly opposed to that. I am not opposed to the profit bit, but it should be in keeping with the surroundings which these carbuncles are clearly not.
  19. plans/ elevations etc are all here, sadly no artists impression which are not required by planners https://planning.broads-authority.gov.uk/PublicAccessDocs/planningdocs.aspx?appType=Development Control&appNumber=BA/2019/0361/FUL
  20. so probably one name twenty two times..... strangely enough one or other dyke was advertising moorings available not that long ago. obviously the advertising was very successful. There is a dyke off the Waveney just by Burgh St Peter which I believe belongs to the house "Dick's Mount" which IIRC once offered a casual let of one or two of it's moorings. I'm not sure if it still does, or if my memory is telling me fibs which if it is then I hope I have not offended any "Dicksmountians".
  21. Yes, we turned onto that just after it started. Very enjoyable especially as we travelled on that line a few years ago. Another good narrow boat channel on Youtube is "Cruising the cut". We enjoy watching that one.
  22. Far too much. It's just cheap uninspiring programming to fill the schedules. I find much better content available on youtube, little gems such as this.
  23. I'm afraid it is the product of some jobbing script writer who believes his talent is greater than Mr Ransomes ....
  24. the proper one was on yesterday, might be available on iplayer
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