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Everything posted by Paul

  1. I've been trying to determine a method of working from home, though as a takeaway food delivery driver you'll understand it is not so easy. I have designed and built, in CAD at least a trebuchet which is theoretically capable of projecting a large egg fried rice, special curry, sweet and sour king prawn, two pancake rolls and a bag of prawn crackers to any location in the village. The problem we still have to resolve is accuracy, our so far one and only test "cyber" firing delivered a set meal for two intended for the Old Vicarage to a meeting of the young mothers in the parish hall next door. They were not too upset but apparently a meal for two didn't go far with thirteen ladies in attendance. We had a Vera Lynn party at the C&S on Tuesday night to mark it's closure for the duration. The windows had all been taped war style, little union jacks on sticks and Vera Lynn on the valve set. We concluded with a somber chorus of "When The Lights Go On Again" before staggering home. We had to take Jamie to the Urgent Care Centre last night, he has a sceptic finger which ballooned up last night. Expecting a late night I was amazed to walk in and find only one person waiting. We registered him and were called straight through. In and out in twenty minutes.
  2. Well done for solving the clue, in parts one and two at least. Nigel was word perfect with his answer for line one, as in debacle minus deb for the .deb files which load the Debian Linux operating system. Vanessan was spot on with the anagram hidden in line two, hot keel does resolve as The Loke, so investigate The Loke That would be very good if I had not managed to confuse two different clues, so let me eat a dose of humble pie and complete the clue for Acle. A fiasco without operating system files Where old meets new, post sub and look for the millennial hour What time is it? I'll give you clue two as Vanessan has managed to solve part of it even out of context, which is either very clever or very worrying ... Half of this african capital is a mop, with Marillion front man and Olympic Baron Investigate hot keel in a hedge, with spokes but not a wheel What am I? Good luck with those, if people wish to carry on then we shall, but not at the cost of upsetting anyone. If anyone feels this is inappropriate then simply pm me and we will suspend.
  3. IIRC I was everyone's friend on Saturday and arch enemy number one on Sunday.
  4. Sorry for the delay in responding Wussername, your post rather threw me somewhat, I was not expecting my posts to upset anyone. I found it a bit surprising that you take exception to this thread, when you were actively involved in another quiz thread at the time. As someone who has lived with depression and anxiety issues for most of my life I find activity and distraction to be critical in dealing with difficult situations, but you have made me realise that what suits me could actually be offensive to someone else at the same time. We are, without doubt entering the most worrying and stressful time in our history since the end of World War II, and most importantly we must face it together. There is enough around at the moment to cause upset without we upset each other. So let's knock this on the head, and roll it out again when "the lights go on again". Stay safe x
  5. As yet, we have resisted changing our shopping habits, but it is getting increasingly difficult to ignore the fact that we cannot rely on the local supermarket for our regular needs. There will come a time when we will have to think about laying a few things down, not to protect ourselves from the virus, but to protect ourselves from panic buyers.
  6. I always dry hop kits, though your choice is a bit citric for me. I tend to stick to the old traditionals like fuggles, EKG or occasionally cascade. Our local homebrew shop, now defunct sadly used to sell sterile hop plugs specifically designed for dry hopping. I also started substituting the included yeast for my preferred varieties though in the quality, two can kits I used to favour i was finding this made little if any difference and went back to using the included packet.
  7. Please SteveO, sugar in beer? Do you full mash or kit? I used to full mash, I had a 1/4 barrel set up at the old house but don't have the space or time nowadays. Wifey suggested I start making kits again recently, better than doing nothing and I may have some time on y hands over the next four months.
  8. We used to get calls for the local Chinese Takeaway - their number was 822233 and ours 822333. At one point it was several times a night. Eventually BT put an announcement on the line.
  9. I was expecting an announcement yesterday but it never came. I do support the keep calm and carry on principle on which this great nation was built but I am starting to slide towards thinking our government is not now doing enough, and is in many ways passing the buck and with it the responsibility that should be theirs. From what was said towards the end of last week, the possibility of government invoking emergency measures, requiring shops to prevent panic buying, criminalizing profiteering I thought something might happen but it seems the government is happy to just plod along saying much and doing little. Our village bakery started reserving bread last week, something it hasn't done for many years as there has never been a need, but the village fb page carried an order form. To ensure that everyone in the village had bread they were reserving one loaf or a dozen rolls per household each day. Sadly, since starting on Thursday last they have had over 160 loaves or batches of rolls not collected amid comments like "I managed to get some at Tesco". I find that attitude disgusting. So this morning they have posted an update that anyone who fails to collect their order will not have products put by in the future. Already there are people moaning saying that's not fair. Also on the village FB page this morning is the expected news that both the Cricket & Social Club and the village's last remaining freehouse will close from tomorrow. They are both open tonight to sell off any open kegs after which the shutters come down. The cricket club I have no doubt can survive but the pub will not. Here lies a problem of government making. They tell us we should not go the pub, restaurant etc but have made no provision for these businesses which are going to lose a lot of custom. I shall be there, supporting them to the last.
  10. There are two main elements at work whenever you buy a boat, head and heart. You have to decide which one has greater precedence. Don't ever let anyone try to tell you which, it's your choice and yours alone. It's relatively easy to decide on petrol versus diesel, especially on the broads where the supply of petrol is such an issue. It's easy to decide how many berths you want or need. What type of boat you want is a different matter and it sounds like you already have two contrasting opinions, which is quite the norm in these situations. My list of preferences would not be the same as yours and neither of our lists would match any of the other posters on this thread. So I would suggest sit don together and imagine yourself out on the river. What do you want? Do you want to be sat outside in the sunshine driving the boat waving to passers by? The flip side of that is when it's cold and raining are you prepared to be sat under a canopy in your woollies? Do you want lots of space on deck to be able to sit and relax and watch the sunset at the end of the day? It sounds idyllic but that deck space comes at the cost of interior space and usually means beds hidden under the deck with limited headroom. Consider your coastal use. By that do you mean a quick trip onto the briny then back to freshwater, or a trip along the coast to Southwold or Aldburgh, or are you thinking of venturing further afield? For serious coastal use twin engines are highly desirable but they come at an extra cost. Most river cruisers are not particularly suited to ocean passages though one or two of the more intrepid members here have taken normally river cruisers out to sea, some as far as the Thames, but experienced sailors travelling in convoy. Everything with boats is a trade, interior space for exterior. On a sunny day you cannot beat an outdoor helm, on a cold windy day you'll want to be inside. On a hot summers day there is nothing like a glass of wine and a spot of lunch on deck, on a cold winters evening nothing like hunkering down in a spacious cabin with jacket spuds in the oven. You need to decide what you want most. I would seriously think of getting up for a weekend, our the boat sales brokers at Brundall, Wroxham, Potter Heigham, Horning etc. Get onboard a few, get a feel for them and at least you can start narrowing down the field a bit. Whilst I would normally agree with JM about October being the best time to buy, this year is going to be a strange one. With Corona Virus around my guess is not many people will be thinking of buying a boat. Now might be just the right moment. As for offers, you can only ask, make an offer and see. The vendor can say yes, or they can say no but whatever you end up deciding on that afforementioned survey is vital. And just to correct a point above the Sealine 240 does have side decks, unusual for a sport cruiser.
  11. There's a cracking Sealine 240 for sale at NYA at the moment, single diesel, under 20k. Over your budget a bit but lots of boat for the money https://www.nya.co.uk/boats-for-sale/sealine-240-3/
  12. Whilst the intention is honourable, the sad reality of modern life is that beer tokens no longer grow on trees. I have to work long and hard to get any and they only seem to appear after the Mortgage tokens, electric tokens, gas tokens, water tokens, telly tokens, school uniform tokens and every other kind of tokens you can imagine have been accrued, and with a couple of pints for me and white wines for the good lady demanding in excess of twenty beer tokens in most places then I make no apology whatsoever for being extremely selective about where I choose to redeem them. Of course that said my preference will not be the same as every one else's, that's fine. We can't all have to same opinions or preferences but I do like a pub to be a pub, not a cheap knock off of a King's Road wine bar or a movie set from emergency ward 10. Many a good pub has been ruined by "improvement".
  13. Spittoons have been removed due to Corona Virus concerns.
  14. Please remember to include your reasoning with your answers. So if you think line one refers to Hickling for example then impress all and tell us why!
  15. Clue 1, an easy one to get going A fiasco without operating system files Investigate hot keel in a hedge, with spokes but not a wheel What am I?
  16. As we are all likely to end up self isolating, waiting until i) The pandemic goes away ii) The loo roll runs out iii) We are all dead Then I thought this an ideal time to start an NBN Treasure Hunt. So strike up dancing helicopters, catchy theme tune and images of Annie Rice in a jump suit. The format is straight forward. I will post a clue with several lines which should lead you to a location in or around Broadland where, by using Google Maps you should be able to answer a question contained in the last line of the clue. Each clue may contain elements of general knowledge, word plays such as anagrams, synonyms, homonyms etc or anything my warped brain comes up with. In general the first line of the clue will take you to a general location, a city, town, village or other definable named place, the subsequent lines will narrow the location further and the final line will ask a question which must be answered to get the next clue. You answer the question by looking on Google Maps, please don't use other mapping sites as the item to which the clue relates might not be present. Please do not post the answer to more than one line at a time, if you answer one line, then wait for someone else to answer another.
  17. no surprise there,very tasty some of that kitty kat!
  18. It's all getting a bit silly around here now. We did our weekly grocery shop at Aldi on Wednesday and got everything we usually do, though the absence of large packs of toilet roll was evident. There was a scuffle at the checkout when the manager refused to let one woman buy a trolley full of frozen pizzas. An argument quickly ensued and a member of staff knocked to the ground. The police were called and the woman arrested. Having been to the freezer center today for our two-weekly freezer shop that was a blow out, The shop was almost totally empty. No tinned or packet goods, about 8 out of 10 of the freezers were empty, the only ones with anything in them at all were the low value high cost goods such as party food etc. According to the news on the radio the government is to debate rationing and sales restrictions among a number of virus issues on monday.
  19. the Ferry Marina boat - you have bodged it up to look really, really ugly .......
  20. Whilst sitting in the Dentist Sky News were debating the outcome of the Cobra meeting including a statement for Scotland from Wee Jimmy Krankie which confirmed their were no immediate plans to close schools because of the disruption this would cause to the work force, including those in the health service and that it might lead to less regulated gatherings of young people outside of school. She went on to say that if schools were to close it would be a long term closure, there is no merit in closing schools for a period of weeks but that they would be unlikely to reopen until the pandemic is in decline, which is not expected until the summer months. The actions now be taken are changing from those intended to contain the disease to new policies intended to delay it's peak impact.
  21. or is it that we are worried because this might actually effect us and therefore it is more important.
  22. It's perhaps worth taking a minute to stop and think. IF Corona Virus causes a pandemic currently considered as "worst case scenario" by the WHO then it will kill less than 1% of the number of people who will die of hunger on this planet. Remember that, when you are stripping the shelves of your local supermarket of pasta, baked beans et al.
  23. For those still using Open Office I would strongly advocate migrating to Libre. Not only is Libre more secure it can not only open popular MS Office file types but it can save them too, so if you are exchanging files with someone using MS office you can maintain the file type. I used Open Office until the security concerns were raised and switched to Libre. I was amazed to be able to save XLSX which I had never imagined I would be able to.
  24. The alcohol is the active ingredient in hand gels, the added ingredients are gelling agents and emolients to prevent the harshness of the alcohol irritating the skin. A simple gel can easily be home made by combining 99% rubbing alcohol with Aloe Vera gel, but it must be done in the correct ratio.
  25. Personally I'm still reeling from the shock that Polly has ever uttered an expletive.
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