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Everything posted by Paul

  1. sorry for the delay, here's the next one half of Steinman's 81 creation, charted by Barry in '83 Remain, but don't engage with this particular type of movie Is it pink, or is it white? What does it sell?
  2. |I'v just been to Aldi and done a shop aimed at being two weeks and lots of fresh produce marked down there too. They also have spacings marked at the entrance and checkouts though no queues when I arrived> what I cannot understand in the ignorance of some people who push right past you to get to the items you are currently shopping. Twice it happened to me this afternoon. On both occasions the offenders got told how ignorant they were being.
  3. That's a fair point, there is no excuse for family visiting (unless of course they are vulnerable too though that doesn't seem to be the case here). It might not be nice, our kids are missing their cousins and granny especially but we have explained why.
  4. We should be very careful before criticising care givers without knowing the full circumstances. A distant cousin of mine, or rather a cousin of my late father's is a self employed care worker working on contract with the county council giving secondary care for elderly and frail people. This is non personal care like laundry, shopping and cleaning. She bills the County Council £12 per hour for each two hour visit compared to often in excess of £30 per hour that care companies charge (not that their staff see anything like that). She has been asked not only to continue, but also take on extra calls during this time to help out with people who have been instructed to shield or self isolate. She has been instructed by the council as to the precautions she should take and they are providing masks, face shield, latex gloves and disposable aprons. She's currently working 7 days a week looking after more than thirty elderly or vulnerable people. Just because she is self employed makes her service no less vital than the primary care workers and saves the county council a great deal of money by no having to engage care companies to undertake these visits at much greater cost. Without her, or others like her the people who rely on her would have no food in the house, no clean clothes to wear or pots to eat off.
  5. The Merc is very similar with many of the wires just white. They no longer carry operating voltage to a device but can bus signals to the control unit which operates that device. So the rear lights for example have just three wires, two thin white and one thick red. The red carries permanent 12v and the two white wires carry command signals from the rear Signal Acquisition Module. The rear light cluster is a sealed unit controled by something akin to, as far as I can work out a raspberry pi. Whilst rewiring the caravan to the modern 13 pin plug recently I noticed the nearside rear fog light is not working so I plugged the diagnostic machine in and checked the rear SAM and lo and behold there's a fault code - Rear Left Fog Lamp Not Coding, or some such. The problem is that as a sealed unit MB want to replace the whole thing so I have three options. Let the main dealer replace it a several hundred pounds, Send it to a company in wales who will repair it for £40 plus carriage but be without the car for a week or so Live with it, as it is nearside and so not an MOT issue. It does make me wonder why a couple of lads with a soldering iron and a multimeter on a sheep farm in the Brecons can repair this thing when one of the worlds largest, and arguably most technologically advanced motor manufacturers can't.
  6. Home of Disraeli's biographer and Vanwall's non starter in France in '56 Pet Shop Boy's girls on Duffy's Warwick To the Babylonian hangers What number is April?
  7. as a sufferer of spinal arthritis I find it vital to be able to move around when driving the boat and for that reason tend to go for boats with an open helm.
  8. you might, or might not have noticed that I'm using the trophy response as the "ta da" used on the radio. I know it's official label is thanks (which I always found a bit weird ) but for this thread I have altered it's meaning slightly. Right, we are on the virtual road to Herringfleet.
  9. I have to admit it is difficult not to support the government's crack down when you see the images on various news websites of people in places like Clapham Common and Snowdonia over the weekend. I don't even think that's people being excessively silly, just following advice to continue getting exercise and inevitably filling up our parks and open spaces. We must continue to get out and exercise but do it locally and away from other people. What of course is needed is common sense, and as we all know that is not so common any more and it is very difficult to legislate without it. We will have to amend our shopping habits as we generally get a few fresh bits every day rather than one massive shop which is what we are being urged to do now, perhaps the stock pilers had it right all along. We will follow advice and try and restrict our shopping to one visit a week and hope that we can get what we need each time we go.
  10. I'll refrain from saying this one is easier, as the clues all seem easy when you know what they mean Catchers of the clupea a burrow for this Beatles' choristers Not the bins this time, but a warning What is it?
  11. The blue and green wheelie bins are just what we are looking for ... Not dropped off ---- caught on >> Corton 13 not out perhaps --- Bakers Score The lyrics were from Dire Straits' Why Worry and standing at the end of the drive are two wheelie bins, blue and green. Get ready, we'll move on from Corton tomorrow
  12. So, if my form of exercise is digging the allotment is that still allowed?
  13. remember that you are looking at locations in and AROUND Broadland, not just places immediately on the river .....
  14. We have to remember that homosapien is a social creature, and we cannot isolate completely, the effect on our social well being would be huge, but there are right ways and wrong ways of doing things, and gathering in large groups is well into the wrong. Jamie has had home school lessons this morning and we have been down to the community garden this afternoon. The park was empty as we walked back so we stopped for ten minutes to let him run some energy off.
  15. Whilst in general I think our government are doing a reasonably good job recent advice has been a little contradictory. Only yesterday the Prime Minister said that it was important to get outside, going for a walk etc was important for our physical and mental well being but then in the next breath said we should not leave or homes unless absolutely necessary. Bear in mind these times are almost unprecedented. You can have as many experts as you like but it's still largely make it up as you go along. I thought Boris looked really tired and haggard yesterday. We should remember the strain that this puts on those in charge before we choose to be too critical. I hope the Coronavirus bill will cover the actions of children not in school. I drove in to town this morning to get bread and milk and the local park was packed, lots of groups of children hanging around. Jamie is home schooling as of today, he has work tasks set by his teacher plus lessons I will set for him in areas where he needs to catch up a bit. I do wonder at parents letting their kids congregate at this time.
  16. Sorry Vanessan, I had not meant to cause any offence. Anyone who knows me will understand I find being nice very hard, i was nothing that you have done or said. Please continue to beaver away in the foreground. I think we need your insight. The later lines will be easier if you can solve line one, which sounds tricky, but take it literally and it becomes quite clear .... not dropped? ......
  17. I notice Radio Norfolk have "borrowed" my format this morning .....
  18. Being self employed my earnings have now stopped. I'm currently mid way through a job at a local Church which has now been closed and they don't want the work finishing until it reopens. I have another job tendered with them which they have approved but again will not be opening the building for contractors until after the virus fears have diminished. The takeaway I deliver for have warned that they will not need me for the foreseeable future, they have one full time driver who they are keeping on but orders have plummeted. I and the other part time driver have to wait for things to improve and see if they want us back. Having budgeted for something like this I can take probably three months of no work before it gets interesting. Government are saying that I will get compensated if my earnings are severely effected by a working tax credit payment next year. I just hope the landlord doesn't mind his rent next year.
  19. Well done everyone who found the garden gate with the spokes, (in the hedge, with spokes but not a wheel) - t'was indeed the garden gate. this was might be a bit more tricky, are you ready? Not dropped off 13 not out perhaps? There should be laughter after pain, there should be sunshine after rain two stand on the drive, but what colour?
  20. That certainly wasn't intended. I'm trying to be nice at the moment, but it is hard!
  21. feel free to chip in WherryNice, the ideal outcome is for different people to answer the different parts of the clue. I only ask people not to answer consecutive parts in order to give more people the chance to join in. Thank you to those who have done that, despite the urge to reveal the answers!
  22. For Acle, the time is indeed 11:55 Where Old meets New, the junction of Old Road and New Road. On that corner is a Bus Stop "Post Sub" and on that, just above a stone with the Year 2000 is a clock, showing (roughly) 11:55
  23. Well we are nearly there, just the last bit is not quite right. H from Steve Hogarth the front man of Marillion who replaced Fish in (I think) 1989 Addis from the mop people Coe as is Baron Coe, Olympian and current head of the IOC, H Addis Coe The Loke, as we already established, but not the telegraph pole. Explore the Loke, especially the hedges and see what else you can turn up.
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