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Everything posted by TheQ

  1. If I've written it down correctly, second boat past Hickling mark was Richard Parker, punt 50 ( race number 19)
  2. Morning Awl, I'm home now after the race, and a couple more hours sleep. The good news the cameras stayed up most of the time but the Acle bridge camera refused to join in the fun... The general race from the Hickling point of view. First boat an A rater arrived 14:07 Second boat a Norfolk Punt at 15:31, Third boat 17:03 Then the mass of boats came, so by 20:55 all but 3 boats had been to us. At 21:55 the last boat had gone round us. ( The missing boat was an incorrect number on the paperwork supplied) So in a highly unusual race, all but six boats passed us in a 4 hour period. When I left Horning SC at 09:00 after returning the equipment and breakfast there were still a few boats to finish. Provisionally A raters took the first two places, one did the two short legs and Acle First, the other did Potter then Acle the the two short legs. As I guesstimated the front 2/3s of the fleet went Acle first with 1, 2 or no short legs before the last 1/3 did some short legs then Potter first. From what I've heard the tide change was a couple of hours late, meaning more could have done the legs then Acle, for a better finishing time. On the way back they had a massive log jam at Horning Waterworks when the majority ran out of wind. Even most of the punts were caught in this, meaning an unusually long night for them. It also brought many of the back markers to join the majority of the fleet. This meant a Norfolk dinghy ( handicap 25% off of its finishing time) beat Norfolk punts (6% added to its finishing time) , over the water before handicaps were applied!!! Or roughly after handicap six to seven hours ahead including handicaps!!!! In a 19 hours-ish race time.
  3. Missing boat found its very slow out there...
  4. 22:17 Just one boat missing from the Hickling list, it's taken a huge amount of time to get here from Martham, rescue boat sent out to go for a look. There's not much wind though...
  5. Chips got cold a huge amount of boats went through at the time. The winning over the water boat came in at 19:57 approx. At 21:12 we have had all but 4 boats that are still running, go past. There are 3 boats in sight but not passed. The wind however has dropped, the boat that was in a close second place still has not finished...
  6. The chips have arrived, 32 boats have been through, 20 odd boats between us and Martham on the way in. Only two retirements so far, cruiser got it all wrong missed the tides, wayfarer with broken centreboard. Thames A rater now past Horning church on the way home, punt close behind. Chips have been served.
  7. We are on a private business radio channel you won't get us!! Most important! man sent to get the chips. 22 boats now seen at Hickling, but 24 have just gone through potter on the way to us. About to get very busy....
  8. 18:00 first boat at Thurne mouth on the way to Horning.
  9. 17:17 and all we've seen at Hickling is 3 boats, but from the radio the mad rush is on its way.
  10. 17:17 and all we've seen at Hickling is 3 boats, but from the radio the mad rush is on its way.
  11. My mistake, the first boat is a Thames A Rater
  12. 14:09 first boats at lower Bure buoy
  13. First boat around Hickling buoy. 14:08, Norfolk punt, sail number 22.
  14. 12.:30ish first boats round Ludham Bridge mark , all fast types 12:40 first boat at Thurne mouth heading for potter.
  15. We have internet connection at Hickling broad, I note the had webcams have gone down but I do know someone is there to try to sort it. I'm now going off air to charge this up ready for some thing to happen here..
  16. Evening Awl, just back from the Guardship briefing, no real changes. The Hickling bouy will have a red flashing light on it this year. We've been asked to be vigilant on unofficial methods of propulsion, and on outside assistance. Although you won't be penalised for low flying bags of chips at potter bridge. No hint was given on the position of the lower Bure bouy. The entry is a little lower this year at about 90
  17. Potter Bridge Camera has joined in the fun... and that Yeoman is out sailing again.
  18. Unfortunately I've seen more and worse
  19. The wind forecast has improved, to maximum of 12mph dropping to 5 or 6 late Saturday afternoon.
  20. Moth Did you say? Pink did you say,?
  21. The web cams buttons on the HSC website are now working again, Martham, Hickling and the two Horning Cameras are now up and running again properly. Though the HSC up river camera could do with a little touch to the left as it's showing too much club and not enough river for my liking. I'll have a look again Thursday as I'm There, picking up the equipment for the guardship then.. The Yeoman Is now safely moored back on the club in it's usual place.
  22. They were all there earlier, there appears to be something strange depending which computer I'm using to look at them. if you go to this page https://horning-sailing.club/index.php Then down in the bottom Right hand corner is a view switching between cameras at the club I see the first competitors have arrived, and someone is getting a Yeoman out
  23. The 3RR web Cams are begining to start appearing on the HSC Web Site we have a nice view of the carpet at Martham boats and the Office wall at Acle. Here's hoping the rejigged website / cameras will survive the onslaught of everyone logging in next Saturday morning
  24. Morning all, the latest from the EDP says 13 weeks of disruption in the Catton Grove St Faiths road area, the interesting thing is this quote, "That multi-million pound project includes the construction of the Norwich Northern Distributor Road and changes to other city streets, such as to Westlegate, Newmarket Road and Golden Ball Street." So now we know why the NDR costs so much they've add bits all over the place into the cost of the NDR. Also another quote "A spokesman for Transport for Norwich said: “The plan is an overarching programme of strategic works to improve accessibility by all modes of transport around the city." I think that means more bike and bus only lanes... OK Why do this when the roads all round the outside of Norwich are being disrupted by the construction of the NDR itself, or are they trying to cause as much disruption as possible?
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