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Everything posted by SwanR

  1. Thanks Howard. Yes I've put some photos into a slideshow which I'll post once I've finished the write up so keep checking back. We are going to miss Swancraft as well. Such a lovely small boatyard. But we've decided we like this boat so much that we've already booked it for next June on the northern rivers with Richardson's. Couldn't find it on their website yet but were able to find it through Hoseasons.
  2. Day 4 - Monday 22nd June Knowing that the forecast for Monday was rain from late morning onwards, we left Beccles just before 8am and started back up the Waveney. Amazing how quickly time can pass when you're out on the river. Didn't seem that long before we had reached Somerleyton and with it the stretch that feels a little more challenging - choppier waters, a few more boats around, the narrowing at the bridge at the start of the New Cut and then that strange half hour to get back up to Reedham that feels like nowhere else on the Broads really. Steve took the boat again through this stretch and found himself having to hold back behind another hire boat that was going even more slowly than we were and weaving around a little. Anyway, before long we were past the chain ferry and heading for the Chet, another favourite stretch of ours. I know some people thought that the re-profiling and work done down there over the last year or two had changed the river but I like the slightly wider stretches once you're past the pilings and poles that you have to navigate when you first turn in. Keeping to 3mph a lot of the way it was a beautiful leisurely cruise encountering only one boat coming in the other direction all the way down. I have to say at this point that SR2 is a beautiful boat to handle. So responsive and so easy to steer. We had Brinks Sonnet one year out of Wroxham, a very similar boat but we found it much harder to keep on a straight course. Anyway before too long we arrived at Pyes Mill, turned around and came into moor at the furthest end not far from the boatyards. The moorings were already filling up at just before midday so we were glad to get there. And no sooner had we tied the ropes and turned the engine off, than the first of the day's heavy showers came down. Steve did do a spot of fishing but was in and out so much due to the rain that he gave up a little earlier than he usually would. I had remembered to bring a pack of cards along this time and the evening was passed with a bottle of wine and some riotous games of Rummy, Beat Your Neighbour, and even Snap!! Have to say that I don't really miss my computer when I'm away. Yes occasionally I check my phone to see if I can get any kind of signal ... but that was mostly to check the weather for the next day ... and to see if there was any sign of summer arriving as things were still a little on the cool side.
  3. Day 3 - Sunday 21st June Given we had decided to spend two nights on the Waveney this was a shorter day with just some cruising time to enjoy the river and the lovely scenery on this stretch. Although we don't use much electricity when we hire in June, given the long daylight hours and the joy of leaving the television switched off, we are always conscious of doing a minimum of around three hours cruising as recommended by the boatyard. So after having breakfast and clearing up we set off. We usually only wash up once a day to minimise water usage which works fine given we don't cook much preferring to have either a salad for tea or eating out on occasion depending where we have moored. We cruised back up to Oulton Broad but didn't venture any further than before, just enjoying a second look at Oulton Dyke and then a leisurely trip right down to Beccles. This was the first time we had made it right down to the yacht station without encountering anyone sailing out of the yacht club. Last year there had been a race of some kind to navigate our way through so it was a pleasure to find that we had the river to ourselves. That is something we do enjoy about the southern rivers at this time of year - you can go for long stretches without passing any other boats. However the wind was to prove challenging for my first stern on mooring of the week. We secured the space on the end which gave us the advantage of keeping a good view to one side no matter how many other boats might turn up during the day. But the wind won the battle over the bow thruster and it was a little challenging to get the boat pulled in and the ropes secured. I always like the moment when I can turn the engine off knowing we have arrived and it's time to put the kettle on and get the rest of that cake out! Steve did a spot of fishing off the front of the boat but he didn't have much luck all week really. The local fishermen we spoke to in one or two places weren't catching much either which was something of a comfort given they know the waters so well and what bait to use. They reckoned perhaps the water was still a bit on the cold side. We walked up into the town to buy a few extra bits and pieces. Then that evening we went back up to have a meal in Prezzo. Food was lovely but the high ceilings make it very echoey and noisy - not something we had noticed when we went there before. So a nice evening walk back to the boat and a lovely sunset. Another day done.
  4. I've used the A421, A1, A428 between the M1 and M11 frequently for work and it is quite a quick route without going through any town centres.
  5. I agree with you Paul. People hanging around long past finishing their food and drink can be a little irritating. And when somewhere is busy then the opposite comes into play as well - the people who take tables before they have ordered anything in order to beat the long queue of people already at the counter. How many times have you wandered around looking for a table only to find a good number taken by people who haven't even got their food yet while you carry a full tray around with nowhere to sit. Thing is that most of them just don't care.
  6. Day 2 - Saturday 20th June We had decided it would be nice to stop at one or two new places this week so with the weather set fair and a nice bright morning we left Langley Dyke quite early and headed for Oulton Broad. I've watched it on the webcam so many times but we've always carried straight on down the Waveney to Beccles without popping in. We knew there was a chance of rain later so with a determination to make the most of the sunny morning, we headed off. We do prefer to cruise in the morning and then moor up around lunchtime. Steve can then spend a few hours fishing and with such long daylight hours it's easy to be up early even though we're on holiday. The Yare was the calmest I think I have ever seen it. We had timed our journey well to fit in with the tides this time, so getting through Reedham was easy and then Steve took the boat down the New Cut. Have to admit I really don't like that stretch. I find those poles so intimidating in terms of making me feel kind of hemmed in on either side. Now if someone could just build a new river from Loddon to Beccles that would save having to traipse all the way down there every time. I love the Waveney and the Chet, and the Yare between Brundall and Bramerton, but I could do without that bit in the middle! Anyway ... we went down Oulton Dyke which was a little choppy at the time. The moorings at the Dutch Tea Gardens were fairly full still so we carried on towards Oulton Broad. We had already decided that we didn't necessarily want to go across to the yacht station. I love the rivers but I get a bit nervous on the open expanses of water ... I feel as if I don't know where I'm supposed to be! So the sight of a few sailing boats, as expected on a Saturday, was enough for me to say "Ok, that's it, I've been to Oulton Broad now I'm turning round and going back the other way". The pleasure cruiser was on her way out up the dyke to the main river so keeping a fair distance behind, we made our way back to the Waveney. Having decided it would be nice to spend a couple of days on that stretch we kept our eyes open for the moorings that you reach before you get as far as Beccles. After about 45 minutes North Cove came into sight. There was only one other boat moored there so I went past, turned round so that I was coming into the incoming tide, and made my second good side on mooring. Wonderful. We had a couple of passing showers, another boat arrived for a brief picnic stop and some fishermen came along to use the platforms to either side for a little competition. But no other boats came in to moor so there was just ourselves and a private boat there for the night. I absolutely loved this mooring. If we find ourselves back on that stretch of river another year it will be one I will definitely be hoping to find free. We even heard some cuckoos from there - don't think I've ever heard them before. Very peaceful, very tranquil and such a lovely view. Hard to beat for complete relaxation.
  7. So having finally joined the forum I thought I would write up my recent week on Swan Reflection 2. It was our third time of hiring this boat but having read all the discussion about Swancraft's position we knew this would be our last trip with them. So ... Day 1 - Friday 19th June Having done most of the packing the previous evening it didn't take us too long to get up and ready to go. It's amazing how much we manage to take even though it's just the two of us now. But what I love about this kind of holiday is the complete informality - no need to take anything to dress up in, just all my most comfortable clothes. *Note to self* Weather forecast looked decidedly unsettled for the week ahead no matter how many different websites or apps I tried it on so take layers ... and lots of them. Do you do that? Check and check and try one then another hoping that one of them will say it's going to be sunny and warm and then believe that will be the one that gets it right! TOP TIP - Take holdalls not suitcases. So much easier to store for the week once unpacked. This being our sixth boating holiday in three years we are now more practised at what to take and what not to bother with. Steve likes to fish so he had all his gear to load up and with the car full we set off about 10.30am. Nice easy drive up the A12, A14 and A140 making our usual stop at Goodies Farmshop on the way. Has anyone else discovered this one yet? It's just before Long Stratton when you're travelling north. Nice cafe there for lunch and we always stock up on fresh fruit, bread, salad ... and cream to go with the fresh fruit ... and one of their homemade cakes. It's then only about another half an hour in to Brundall from there. We got to the boatyard about 1.30pm and were greeted by that sight I love so much. Swancraft are so welcoming, the boats are always gleaming, so well cleaned and set up ready for the next hirers. SR2 was good to go so we loaded up all our gear and after a quick refresher of all the controls we asked them to take us down the dyke out onto the main river just because it's easier to let them do that as it always takes me a little while to feel comfortable at the helm again. Steve and I do share the driving but when we come to moor I always steer and he jumps ... oops ... "steps" off with the ropes. Anyway last year we went to Bramerton Common for our first night but we were lucky to get moored as it was about full but some very nice people helped us squeeze in. Not wanting to find the same thing, this year we headed for Langley Dyke. I have to thank Robin for having shown this spot in one of his Captain's Blogs when he was exploring the southern rivers. Otherwise we wouldn't have realised it was there. And it's now one of our favourite moorings. I'm always glad to get the first mooring of the week done. This was well accomplished, if I say so myself, and that was us ready to put the kettle on and open the aforementioned lemon and coconut cake. Start of a new adventure ... lovely.
  8. Love the photos. English countryside is so picturesque especially on a nice sunny day.
  9. Hi Alan, We came to the Broads with our children and promised ourselves we would come back. About 15 years later we made it. Thought we would "treat" ourselves and splash out a bit for our wedding anniversary. Trouble is we loved it so much that we have been "treating" ourselves twice a year since then! Jean.
  10. By the way ... everyone in Essex is probably blaming me for the weather. Did I say it was sunny? Well it's pouring with rain now!
  11. Enjoying reading about your holiday Biscuiteer. We have thought about hiring from Silverline ourselves at some future point so it's good to hear other people's recommendations. Looking forward to reading how the rest of your week worked out.
  12. My first visit to the Broads was back in 1996. We took Gracious Girl through under Wroxham Bridge and on down to Coltishall - it didn't seem to be anything too extraordinary but then we were complete novices and everyone else seemed to be doing it too. Coming back later in the day we did err on the side of caution and thought the bridge height might be a bit too close for comfort so moored up and came back through the next day. Since coming back three years ago we haven't done that stretch of river because we haven't wanted to bother about mooring up and getting the pilot on board, not to mention the added expense of doing so. But as we have a full week on the north next year rather than just a short break, perhaps it is something we will do.
  13. Thanks for the warm welcome. I will indeed post up a holiday tale - I know how much I enjoy reading everyone else's. And it's nice to thank people who've pointed you in the direction of some good spots to moor up. Hubby and I were of course a little sad that this would be our last visit to Swancraft but ... we have already booked Swan Reflection with Richardsons for next June.
  14. Morning All, Just popping in to say hello. Been reading the forum for a while and figured I would join up and join in. Came back a week ago from our third holiday on Swan Reflection hence my username - as I don't own a boat I thought I would attach myself to the one I would own if I had won the lottery last night! Look forward to getting to know you all. Enjoy your day, Jean.
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