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Everything posted by SwanR

  1. One more sleep to go then. Have a fabulous time. We hired from Faircraft Loynes last October, found them to be very friendly and helpful, and are having the same boat again this autumn.
  2. I think that's the problem - to be honest I can't remember if the yards we have hired from have told us we have to use the pilot. Maybe they're all too busy trying to make sure we understand about crossing Breydon Water to remember to point this out!!
  3. Barnes' yard looks quite full. Maybe there'll be a few trial runs heading your way later.
  4. Welcome along. I'm always curious to know what boat people have chosen ... are you hiring?
  5. We noticed all the dragons around the city. Seemed to be a very popular activity for the children. It can make so much difference to have a hotel room rather than heading for home after a good night out. We've done that once or twice in London. Premier Inn are certainly very good on value if you book in advance and pick the right day of the week.
  6. So I think you would agree that whilst not actually on a boat, we did cram a lot into our two days ... and it was enough of a peek at the rivers to keep me going until October when we'll be hiring out of Wroxham and cruising on the north for a short break. Tuesday dawned cold and wet - poured with rain all the way back to Essex and didn't stop all day here. Yet a few miles south of us they had no rain at all. Back to work tomorrow for me ... so here's just a few photos in the form of a slideshow. Given the change to the forum software recently I am hoping this will work!
  7. Monday morning dawned as bright and warm as Sunday had turned out to be. So after breakfast we set off in the general direction of Ludham, having decided on this as a good destination to get down by the river and see some more boats in a place that we love. I was most excited to find that our route from Norwich took us through Wroxham. Got a peek up the river towards the boatyards as went over the bridge and wondered whether perchance anyone was looking in that direction on the webcam at the time. Skirting round Horning we soon found ourselves approaching Ludham Bridge and a quick decision was made to park up here, have a little walk and of course stand and watch a few boats as they took the bridge. "Does that boat want to moor or are they trying to hold station to get through the bridge?" I commented as one of Bridgecraft's boats was now bow towards the bank - a position we had found ourselves in one very windy Sunday morning a couple of years ago! Soon we were on our way up the road to Ludham and decided to park down at the staithe at Womack Water. Now that few minutes would be a few hours by river - but arriving by road really isn't the same. Still it was such a lovely day that we walked from there around the roads to the dyke and all the way up to the corner of the River Thurne. Now this was interesting as when we have been there in June or October I can see the river beside me all the way along. But now, in mid-August, the grasses were grown so high that I couldn't see over them at all. Once we got to the corner we stood awhile watching the traffic as there were several boats in a procession down from Potter Heigham. The hire craft seemed to want to fly go-faster stripes and couldn't wait to overtake once they caught up to the next boat. Ho hum. Once we walked back to Womack Water we sat and watched the comings and goings for a while. Not that there was much happening as it was that late morning hour when so many people are on the move but not yet reached their lunchtime mooring. We wandered back into Ludham and decided on an early lunch in the Al Fresco Tearoom. Now this, I have to say, was extremely good value for money and the food was delicious. We had lovely sandwiches, deeply filled with crisps and a fresh salad on the side. We have been there before and are glad to see it thriving. There's only seven tables but it must be making enough to keep going. Refreshed once more we went across the road to have a nose around the church, St Catherine's. Interesting place to visit. Norfolk has over 650 medieval churches, the most of any one place in the world apparently - I think that leaves me rather a lot still to visit! Retracing our steps back to Norwich it wasn't long before we had parked in the hotel car park and were once again walking by the river to the cathedral for a second visit. Back through the Lanes and the Royal Arcade, we couldn't resist the homemade chocolate shop for some amazing truffles. Of course that then necessitated stopping for coffee before finally getting back to the hotel. After dinner we decided on another walk along by the river out of town. Having seen this stretch on people's videos, but not having sailed into Norwich ourselves, I was most interested to walk along by all the new flats mixed with old buildings and bridges. It's funny how after many hours spent watching YouTube you can go somewhere for the first time and yet it feels so completely as if you have seen it all before.
  8. Thought I would add a write up here of the lovely couple of days that hubby and I have just spent in Norwich - whilst not on a boat it was as close as I could get so I hope nobody minds me adding this here. Sunday we travelled to Norwich mostly via the same route that we take to get to the Broads, stopping at Goodies Farmshop for a delightful lunch on the way. We were staying at the Premier Inn which is by the river just along from the Yacht Station and much to my delight, we had a room overlooking the river which meant I could see some of the boats coming in and out. Premier Inn is what it is - does what it says on the tin, as the saying goes. The room was on the cosy side but had everything you needed, was quiet as the windows were triple glazed, blackout curtains meant you slept well and the staff were really friendly and helpful. The only issue was that the door card readers for slotting your key in and out to access the main corridor and your own room, were very temperamental so you could be there for a while wiggling the card around before you got anywhere! We chose to take their meal deal which meant our room price included breakfast and a two course meal plus drink at the Table Table restaurant attached to the hotel. The food was very good, our waiter, Ben, was lovely, and we would go back there again. Sunday afternoon we wandered along past the yacht station - I just couldn't wait to go and see which boats were there. And it was quite full. We wandered along up to the cathedral which we hadn't visited before. They don't charge any entrance fee, unlike some of the others, preferring to hope that visitors will make donations, which we did. It is a very impressive place and we spent quite some while wandering around, looking in all the little chapels and taking photos. We had been to Norwich once before but stayed on the other side of the city, so it was interesting to take a walk around the Lanes and the Royal Arcade, before finding our way to John Lewis for that inevitable cake and coffee stop. After quite a long walk back to the hotel we put our feet up for a while before deciding that we should go out and explore the riverside walk before dinner. Once we had eaten, and felt refreshed again we took another walk along by the yacht station, across Bishop's Bridge and up to the cathedral to get some evening pictures. I was totally fascinated by all the old buildings around The Close as they varied in architectural style and must have been added to across the years. We looped round and walked back to the hotel via the river again. Enough for one day!
  9. Nice to meet you Deb - will look out for the domestic exchanges now you and Steve both have accounts. I used to belong to the same forum as my husband a few years back - not Broads related. Other members found it quite amusing!
  10. You don't even need a passport to get in ... they let anyone arrive and go out to play bumper boats.
  11. Enjoying your blogs as always Robin. I expect a lot of people have been wondering what's to come now you part-own Broad Ambition.
  12. We've thought about this boat before as well but like you, had spotted that the bathroom was at the opposite end of the boat to the bedroom. Will be interested to hear more of how you got on.
  13. Sadly most of the boatyards do seem to charge for parking although I think that is gradually changing. And they charge you more if you want undercover parking. Unfortunately you are a captive audience so to speak as you're not likely to choose to go by public transport just because they are going to charge you to park. And I did watch a little dog yesterday morning on the webcam, jumping on and off one of the boats moored there, completely on its own, having a good wander around and making use of one of the mooring posts - mention of the webcam puts me almost back on topic!!
  14. Have to admit that having hired bathtubs, one centre cockpit and one dual helm boat, we do like the fact that the bathtubs give you the best chance of a stress free week without worrying about bridge heights for the most part. Swan Reflection is so easy to handle and with hubby giving me clear directions, and the bow thruster there if I need it, we usually moor up fine. The visibility from on top of Silver Emblem was great for turning round in a tight spot such as down Cockshoot Dyke. But given the visibility from the inside steering position was so poor, it did also mean that I steered from on top in the pouring rain to get in at Ranworth Staithe. What I do agree with is that it would be nice to see some more colour and character on the newer boats. I always think how smart Summercraft's boats look in their distinctive blue and yellow. Our first ever hire boat was from them back in the 90s and would love to go back to them. But we really do need a walk round bed as hubby is tall and that limits our choice.
  15. Have to admit that I do always read the skipper's manual - I'm one of those people who likes to devour every leaflet I can lay my hands on because it's all part of the excitement of being away from home. But ... you don't have time to read it until you have got safely moored up and unpacked, by which time you might have needed some of what is in it. Most people are online, perhaps emailing out a link to an online version two weeks before the holiday start date, would be useful. I know lots of people still wouldn't read it but one or two might. And those one or two might be greatly helped by having had a look. And then you could plan for Breydon before you go ... and perhaps even have an idea about what the posts mean!
  16. I had been racking my brains to try and remember what I had read somewhere about how you know whether you should have red or green to port or starboard, given they will be on the opposite side of you depending in which direction you are travelling. Apologies as I know this is about Breydon, but the first time I ever went in Rockland Broad, because you have a channel to follow that effectively loops round, I was totally bewildered as to where I was supposed to be. You can see the other side of the circle and to the very inexperienced this looked really confusing and I had trouble deciding which red and green I was supposed to keep between! As for Breydon, we've never done it but would be confident to do so now because of all the videos we've watched of everyone else. When we get our handover from the yard at the start of the hire they have always asked if we are going over Breydon Water and even though we have said we're not, they still run over some of the things you need to know and point us to the skipper's manual in case we change our minds.
  17. This is one of the reasons we haven't been through Wroxham bridge in recent years. And Wroxham itself just seems to be a place best avoided summer weekends. I'm sure we all watch the webcam and exclaim at the chaos and near misses that take place. However does anyone know where you wait to pick up the pilot on the other side to come back? And does that cause any problems? When we hire from Stalham for the first time next year we might actually get to Wroxham as a destination rather than just the place where we start and finish. And that should mean we can put Coltishall on the list of places to go.
  18. Hope you're feeling better soon. Any chance of visiting a chiropractor? Mind you they can get expensive but I see one regularly and do feel it keeps me sorted out.
  19. I noticed the same thing and wondered whether anyone is going to get those cars moved. Not sure I'd be very happy if my car was left there after I've paid for parking.
  20. My hubby was in a similar position to you David. I don't know much about it but he uses maggots for bait and takes some sweetcorn as a backup in case we're not anywhere that he can re-stock on maggots during the week. He has enjoyed fishing so much while we've been on the Broads that he's now joined a local angling club. Oh and that "odd hour or two" has morphed into half the day! "I'll just have one more cast then come in for tea ...!"
  21. Welcome Myer. Haven't been here long myself but it's a very friendly place to hang out.
  22. Jim summed up exactly why we haven't been abroad for several years now. Rediscovered Norfolk, in particular the Broads, with the added advantage that there are very few places you can get to from Essex without going anywhere near the M25! Got a few days off work soon so we thought we might have a couple of days away. Hubby asked me if I fancied Norwich so although it's not on a boat this time we will still be by the river. Not sure exactly what we're going to do but as it's only B&B we may well visit a couple of our favourite riverside spots for our evening meal.
  23. Just got back in and sat down in front of the tv as the last wicket fell. It's been exciting stuff ... as cricket goes when you're a non-cricketing-occasional-watcher! Well done England.
  24. Well they made it back through with no dramas. Not sure where they are at the moment. But give them a wave if you see them. https://youtu.be/5UeLcE8cy60
  25. Wow that is so different to anywhere I've ever been. Hope you're feeling better and able to get out and enjoy your time there.
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