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Posts posted by Ray

  1. My boat is 8'3" and I was advised by George at Ludham Bridge boatyard that for most of the seson I'd get through but there would be times in the winter I won't

    As my boat is new to me this year and BA reset the marker boards fairly recently I've been paying a lot of attention to guage it for myself.

    Last week the height boards nearest the bridge, both upstream and downstream, read 8' 

    It was quiet enough and calm enough to take her gently up to the bridge itself (travelling upstream) It was safe to pass and my crew reported about one inch to spare.

    Obviously every helm on every pass has to make their own decision but personally I have found that I can (cautiously) add 3 inches to the height board readings. (I haven't compared the further out ones)

    Grendel took some measurements which you can find on an older thread by searching the forum. My findings appear to match his... which also of course come with the proviso that it's up to the helm on the day to decide.

    • Like 1
  2. Social Media, mostly FB but probably others are still posting photos of queues and name calling everyone in them. I think it's worth bearing in mind that 3 days in to this non crisis people who just want to buy fuel because they would now anyway are having to join the scrum. Seems to add insult to injury to tar them all with the same brush.

    Personally I can just about see the week out and hopefully by then things will have eased, but if they haven't I'll have no choice!

  3. Welcome 👍

    The dampness sounds like condensation, a dehumidifier should help. Either the crystal type that you top up daily or if you are connected to shore power an electric one.

    The big advantage of an electric one is that you can run a short hose from it to a sink with some models which means you don't have to remember to empty it.

    Still worth checking for leaks as well of course.

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  4. It can't be denied that across all sectors that level of customer care becomes more and more uncommon.

    But it is isn't all the fault of service providers. I generalise because I have no experience at all of Hire boat work but before I retired I did have several roles involving face to face contact with customers in various industries.

    Many of you will have similar experiences but for those of you who don't it is impossible to exaggerate the level of rudeness and entitlement you encounter from seemingly ordinary decent folk. Of course this doesn't describe everybody but it is widespread and utterly soul destroying for staff and businesses who go the extra mile and have it thrown in their faces.

    This is a bit of a rant I know, but you really have to feel the hatred of people like this when they don't get their own way. In the end service providers burn out and go for a general 'take it or leave it' attitude sadly.

    • Like 9
    • Thanks 1
  5. We have discovered 2 things in our cunning plan so far. Danni settles down in pubs with carpet but won't lie down on hards floors. Secondly the staff in all the above establishments love dogs and Danni leans on them and gives them the "big brown eyes" treatment 😁

    • Like 3
  6. We have been out since Monday, currently moored awaiting crossing back to the north in the morning.

    Had a look at my bank app and couldn't help but notice the following recent entries -

    The Sutton Staithe Hotel 

    The Ferry Inn, Stokesby 

    The Yare PH 

    The Ferry House, Surlingham 

    The White Horse, Chedgrave 

    Shame we missed a day while crossing to the south... must try harder next time 🍺









    • Like 5
  7. High praise due to Paul and this excellent Broads business (also a forum advertiser)

    Having a lovely cruise on the southern rivers when the wc packed up in a variety of ways all at once. Beyond my capabilities while under way with no tools.

    Rang Paul and he fitted us in straight away while we went to The Yare for lunch and a pint. All finished when we got back!

    Genuine great and friendly service 👍

    • Like 5
  8. Blimey! I certainly wouldn't call Coastguard! I would only ever consider that if there were injured crew who we couldn't get ashore by ourselves or with local assistance.

    That's not a criticism of the crew in this incident by the way, if you're in trouble and don't know what to do then you ask for help. Coastguard decide which resources to deploy not the caller 👍

  9. Our last boat was a DC30, before that a Hampton Safari... I've never had to think about St Olaves bridge. Until this morning.

    Not much more than 2m before going under I realised we are not going under!

    Was going against quite a fast tide which assisted full astern and disaster was averted, just!

    Goes to show.. I need to guard against thinking I know what I'm doing 🙂

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