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Posts posted by Ray

  1. 1 hour ago, Mouldy said:

    Hope your new boat is living up to expectations!  😁

    Every bit and more! We love her, it's a perfect fit for us and the handling is outstanding compared to our previous experience. It was a long time coming but at last we have "our" boat πŸ‘

    • Like 2
  2. We came upstream through Ludham Bridge this morning and there were plenty of spaces on the mooring, same thing at How Hill!

    A little downstream now of Irstead and most of the lovely little wild moorings that are always full of boats with anglers enjoying the river are also free.

    We were heading for home but with just enough provisions left on board for one more night we have bagged a cracking little spot and will watch the world go by until the morning!

    It's the kind of day that made us love The Broads in the first place... a much needed break finishing on a high note πŸ‘

    • Like 8
  3. It's an interesting point, are the media saying there will be shortages or are they reporting industry spokespeople saying there will be shortages.

    The whole covid thing has made me even more careful about what reports actually say and what they want you to understand from them.

    A report can be factual and misleading at the same time, quite easily it seems!

    • Like 3
  4. We have rapid flow tests at home but will attend the special surge test site as the leaflet for locals stresses that data collection is part of the reason for setting it up.

    Locally it is said (by someone in a position to know) that a family of 4 visited ignoring rules and not wearing masks.

    • Like 1
  5. 2 hours ago, Oddfellow said:

    Yarmouth area with Winterton, Scratby, Sommerton and Hemsby all getting PCR testing sites rushed in with the aim of mass-testing the occupants of these villages. As a resident of Martham, this is horribly close

    I live in Winterton, not really surprised by the local surge as there have understandably been very high visitor rates. People are allowed to travel and on the face of it there are miles of beach and dunes to keep apart from others but of course there are pinch points in that the village itself is the access point before you reach the wide open spaces!

  6. 25 minutes ago, Regulo said:

    If I were you, I wouldn't bother with crazing, it WILL come back. There's no quick permanent fix for crazing, it's due to underlying stressing of the gel coat. A permanent repair needs grinding off and completely re-applying. That's only my opinion, of course, if you only want to make good for a while, the stuff you're using would be fine.

    That's good to know, many thanks! The odd areas of crazing are small and not really noticeable, I'll leave well alone πŸ‘

  7. I have tried the product today and it certainly does what it says, a no mix grp repair paste.

    It is the consistency of ready mixed polyfilla/grout perhaps a little dryer. Easy to apply as any filler, dries white and is sandable.

    Perfect for screw holes which was what I did today and I would think good for light crazing which I intend to get round to.

    It's a small tin and I don't think it would be very manageable for large repairs or cost effective come to that but for small quick jobs without faff it's perfect.

    BTW it goes off very quickly, I should have chosen a cooler day but the boat was in the shade, even so there is very little time to work with it which for my very less than skilled hands would have been tricky if it was a more complicated job.

    Photos are as it dried, no sanding/polishing yet.





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  8. The frustration of trying to buy a small, cheap, simple item when you can't search because you can't for the life of you think what it's called lol

    It's a terminal that you can crimp on to the end of a cable, not a spade, it looks like a washer with the crimpable part attached. They are generally put over a post (like a car battery) and then a nut is screwed down the post on top of it for a secure connection.

    What the dickens do I search for in google please? I actually need them for the earth wire in a 240v shore power cable.

  9. I had a similar problem with my new boat just a month ago. It was exactly as Grendel suggested above.

    The flush is river water not clean water (in my case and possibly yours) The valve was closed upon inspection and as soon as I started opening it you could hear the hiss of the system equalising (I had pumped like crazy trying to make it work)

    You shouldn't have to take anything apart to find the valve, it will be accessible from an inspection hatch somewhere. I don't know the layout of your boat but lifting any hatch you find will locate it, possibly the engine access.

    Basically you're looking for a pipe that goes through the hull with a valve pretty close to the point of entry.

    Hopefully more knowledgeable members will correct any errors in the above... I'm not the most technical boat owner I freely admit!

    • Like 1
  10. 17 minutes ago, Stevelmk2 said:

    Hey how did you get on?

    I'm going to need to repair some less that nice bits on our Ocean 30 just wanted to see howΒ  it all come out

    Today's trip to our boat got postponed unfortunately but I will report back how easy or otherwise it is to use as soon as I can πŸ‘

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