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Posts posted by Ray

  1. As is the common cold I believe. I agree the way flu is currently dealt with seems likely to be the way forward. This will probably work exactly the same with seasonal peaks etc. If the NHS can be bolstered to shoulder those peaks once this emergency situation is past I can see a new/similar normal emerging.

    • Like 1
  2. The coastal/beach carparks are all closed so I guess it's all part of the same reinforcement of guidelines.

    I may be paranoid or stir crazy but it feels like there is renewed official urgency. How worried are they that the Brazil mutation may be vaccine resistant?

    Just thinking out loud, I have seen no evidence either way.

  3. It can never be said too often our NHS staff are the very best and the pride of the UK

    As a country I hope to goodness we look after them all, starting now with any support that can be mustered and afterwards with counseling, care and yes, rewards and remuneration!




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  4. 26 minutes ago, SwanR said:

    the tranquility and bird song ... the owl in the trees at Womack Water

    Another vote for Womack, some of our most idyllic memories are of the wildlife and sundown on a wild mooring just after turning off The Thurne. 

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  5. 15 minutes ago, floydraser said:

    Perspective needed


    17 minutes ago, floydraser said:

    No politician anywhere in the World was, or could have been expected to be, prepared to handle a pandemic.

    It was a huge multi agency exercise with the express purpose of learning how to deal with a pandemic and being prepared for one. That is the perspective!

  6. I wonder whether my long planned and anticipated retirement will ever really get back on track. Everything was going according to 'the dream' and life was good.

    So much has changed, life has had to carry on during the lockdowns and restrictions, perhaps there is no going back.

    I should add that January is most definitely my "glass half empty" month 😐

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