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Posts posted by Ray

  1. As I took the dog out and passed my car I admired the light catching the raindrops in the spiders webs. It's beginning to look more like Miss Haversham's wedding breakfast as the webs crisscross the wipers front and back and cover the door mirrors and handles πŸ™‚

    Having thought a while I realised that it was December 16th I last used it and briefly escaped the village... I feel a bit like Patrick McGoohan in The Prisoner - "I am not a number, I'm a free man"

    No. 9 or thereabouts πŸ™‚

    ( Not a complaint about the restrictions, I am far luckier than many πŸ‘ )

    • Like 3
  2. 4 minutes ago, psychicsurveyor said:

    A very large bargepole is recommended. Trade use Howdens. I have fitted Howdens kitchen units in my places for years.

    It is worth getting a designer to produce a few ideas then get fitters to quote to supply and fit.

    Exactly what we did in our last house.... the fitter though was my brother who was a carpenter by trade.

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  3. I have seen a few references to so called re-shoring where some small manufacturing and textile work is being started up in the UK because of Covid supply line problems.

    Who knows this could be the very first small step towards a manufacturing rebirth, not the industries of the past of course because materials and automation have moved on but it could be at least "something"

  4. 40 minutes ago, MauriceMynah said:

    How do I carry/secure a bicycle to a boat in a way where it's out of the way and ideally not making the boat look like I live on it?

    I think you're probably going to have to live with looking like a live aboard, anywhere inside the cabin(s) is going to be a serious hazard to your shins! After all, there's nothing wrong with being or looking like a live aboard... I'd love to do it!

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