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Posts posted by Ray

  1. 14 minutes ago, NorfolkNog said:

    Just trying to place the wreck that Fireman Sam alludes to - on the Yare somewhere I assume?

    I may be wrong but I seem to remember it was actually on the port bank as you headed downstream just before Stokesby, happy to be corrected if any one remembers it!

    • Thanks 1
  2. These were all taken during the 1980s, sadly they were not filed with any data so the years, holidays and locations are all mixed up. Mainly posted for all the hire boats that led to our Broads passion and ultimately our own boat. Some feature the lovely Mrs Ray.... Gill, who of course has not aged a day, in nearly 40 years :default_icon_luvlove:
































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  3. 44 minutes ago, floydraser said:

    We didn't have "mental health issues" back in 1992, is it possible to claim retrospectively?:default_coat:

    The term grew out of a move to try to destigmatise a whole range of health problems including everything from a phobia to bipolar. It has helped many people seek help who before would suffer, often their whole lives, rather than seek the help they desperately needed.

    I'm not in fact disagreeing with you and MM because, like in so many other things, the press and lazy journalists seize upon it and use it as a buzzword until all the original benefit of the term as a descriptor is lost.

    One day hopefully all ailments will simply be "health problems" without need to focus on where exactly they are located.

    • Like 4
  4. 13 minutes ago, floydraser said:

    Anyone voting retrospectively because of this...  well, I'd be banned if I said it!:default_2gunsfiring_v1:

    Competency to lead effectively based on recent history sounds to me like a factor worth considering when exercising ones right to vote....

    • Like 1
  5. It hardly matters now that the Christmas "amnesty" has been announced. 

    We are all now pretty much in a situation where we try to keep ourselves safe until a vaccine is fully rolled out.

    We know what to do, basically try to keep away from those who don't care.

    • Like 14
  6. The only problem with saying that any government would have got it wrong is that any attempt to qualify or quantify the cost (lives and money) of each variety of governments possible mistakes is outside the Forum T & C

    So I can only really say that other viewpoints are available!

    I agree about Mark Drakeford though 👍

  7. 2 hours ago, Cheesey69 said:

    you can argue about the "sprit" of the law or the "morals" of the law but i'm afraid that don't wash. The law just dont work that way.

    "Sorry your honour, I nicked his motor because I thought it morally wrong his got such an expensive car when others have not."

    Not to argue the point (we've all had enough of that!) but to give a different perspective, I'd say that the spirit of the law is about the good to society, so perhaps your admittedly tongue in cheek example may be better expressed as 

    "Sorry your honour, I nicked his motor because I thought he was unsafe to drive at the time, I did return it the next day though"

    Either way, I'm sure that all the members here actively avoid putting others at risk, which to me is the spirit of the law

    • Like 3
  8. It is surprising how bad it has to be before full winterizing is absolutely essential. Of course if you are a good distance from your boat it makes good sense to do it for obvious reasons not least being that the same bad weather may make the journey impossible.

    I'm sure that everyone who moors in a marina Woolf be able to approac the owner for help in an emergency.

    That's not to make light of the worry and possible expense but hopefully the very worst cases can hopefully be avoided whatever measures transpire

    • Like 4
  9. I think as things open up and some form of normality returns then your appetite for going out will return with it. It's also Autumn of course and some kind of ancient hibernation gene is probably kicking in, come the Spring you'll be back hunting dinosaurs 🙂

    • Haha 2
  10. Interesting but as far as The Norfolk Broads are concerned it's complicated! Our marinas are probably struggling enough without having to give refunds. I would decline one if offered personally.

    If it somehow was applied to tolls, although I don't know if it could, then surely the BA would simply apply higher increases in the future to recoup.

    Just my opinion, I don't have a specific definite answer.

    • Like 10
  11. It does sound like a seperation anxiety, Sam's idea sounds good.

    If you prefer to keep her out of your bedroom you could try keeping some old clothing of yours that you put down in her bed but only when you retire for the night and take up again in the morning.

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