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Posts posted by Ray

  1. Should be! They also trade at Waxham Barns so hopefully they'll be OK. Not so good for the land owner though who has paid personally for sea defence work with no help over several years who also stepped in some years ago when the council wanted to close the toilets by paying for their maintenance, also donating land free of charge for the Coastwatch station.

    It's a sad day for Winterton over and above the loss of the Cafe.

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  2. After posting my photos from Broads holidays in the 80s I remembered one of our weeks when we were so hooked on one particular wild mooring that we moored there over night on 3 of our six nights, every other night in fact. We had hired on the Northern rivers and as is common for new boaters with only a week we didn't venture south.

    Wild moorings have changed a lot over the years and many including this one are no longer accessible. Our idea of a perfect day was a good cruise after breakfast, followed by a mooring within walking distance of a pub for a hearty lunch and liquid refreshment and then on cruising again for as long as possible before finding a quiet wild mooring for the night. A simple supper of something like cheese on toast followed by sitting on deck with a big mug of tea watching the wildlife and the sunset. Still my ultimate best way to spend a day!

    Anyway, just after you turn into Womack from the Thurne there used to be a dip in the bank on the port side just big enough for a 25 foot boat tucked in and out of the main navigation. We soon got used to how close the Hustler yachts came before tacking and enjoyed watching them without the stress of being underway and trying to guess which way they would go next (still have that problem lol)

    On those 3 nights in one, all too short holiday we experienced standing on the roof while a mini murmuration swarmed around us, so close you could feel the air move from their wings! (I'm not sure what they were, they were feeding and I only call it a murmuration as a description of their behaviour)

    Another time two hare's engaged in boxing as I'd only ever seen in wildlife videos (well, films not videos as they weren't widely available then!)

    Finally there was the Barn Owl hunting silently in the twilight, pure white and silent returning to the same spot after each flight to survey the fields again!

    So there you have it... was there any way that I could not have become addicted to the wonderful Norfolk Broads? πŸ™‚

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  3. It will indeed Chris! If you're walking this way I can recommend the new tea room in the Post Office called Poppy's. Lovely people, cakes, food etc.

    Of course if you are in the village you would be very welcome to call in and have a brew with us.... sadly we don't stock cakes though πŸ™‚πŸ§€

    • Thanks 1
  4. When I got there the patio had gone and they were quickly evacuating the premises of stock and appliances. It seems to be the end of the cafe as far as trading is concerned although the building hasn't gone yet.

    The planning authorities would not allow the building to be moved nor a replacement built. I assume they will require professional demolition of the existing before it falls over and on to the beach.

  5. Nothing more important than boiler service this time year!

    Bacton's sand needs to hurry up, it looks like we are in danger of losing the Beach Cafe this winter after many years of fighting erosion of the dunes in front of it by the land owner!

  6. 3 minutes ago, Helian said:

    Fifth one down, the Elysian with mahogany and cream top by the windmill, looks very much like Norfolk Spitfire, custom built for my father by R Bondon at South Walsham in 1970. It's still about, with original name. Last seen on the Yare near Langley Dyke summer 2019.

    I hope it is, picture is at Hunsett and won me a prize in a photo competition!

  7. 3 last shots featuring the happy couple at the time (no idea who they are but they look happy 😁)

    Sutton Mill when a lot of renovation work was being done, an undertaking which sadly I believe ran out of money.

    And the wreck at Oulton which I'm sure I have posted here before.





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  8. 17 minutes ago, catcouk said:

    Sea Gem was an odd shape design. I quite like it's sleek 80s design though.

    She was the first one that had the mid cockpit and helm that we had hired, lovely boat but I seem to recall that the canopy had a mind of it's own lol After her we chose mid helms with sliding canopies!

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