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Posts posted by Ray

  1. That's a real shame, we all enjoy Luna's Log! Have you tried CC's idea, it sounds like a good idea.

    If not does anyone else load camera photos to an iPad and then on to here? Is there's a fix to get it to work? (Asking for a friend ☺️)

    • Like 1
  2. 17 minutes ago, Ray said:

    Hope things soon turn around soon for you Ian, you do a remarkable job of smiling through adversity 👍

    I wondered why this post attracted a laugh reaction and only then realised how it read!

    Sorry about that Ian, my intention was to admire the way you cope not to make an unintended pun.

    • Like 1
  3. I can see this escalating.....


    This is the 21st century I believe. Every person has strengths and weaknesses, "persons" come in 2 main types - men and women. The above applies whenever there is any amount gender fluidity equally! 👍

    • Like 2
  4. 1 hour ago, Lulu said:

    if something went wrong, like Selsie knocked himself out

    I think LG should note the words "knocked himself out" in case his female crew decide his attitude requires some correction.

    After all, what happens onboard stays onboard 😁

    • Haha 5
  5. 4 hours ago, Chelsea14Ian said:

    Fine dice one banana shallot, sweat in a little oil,without colour add about six sliced  chestnut  mushrooms cook with colour

    Your recipe sounds great Ian! But I'm a bit basic in the kitchen so what please is meant by cooking with or without colour?

    Apologies if this is a daft question!

  6. Wake and wash... believe it or not you can happily boat for your years and not be sure which you use to judge speed and bank erosion. Like me for instance!

    So, if I'm right the wake is caused by the water displaced by your boat moving through the water. Isn't it this that causes the "waves" that can damage banks and give moored boats an unpleasant ride?

    Wash being the turbulence behind the boat caused by the prop?

    If nothing else comes from this thread if I get this straight in my head then it's been worth it!

    (My default speed is slow to enjoy the rivers most, I have at times wished for a little more "oomph" when making the crossing though!)

    • Like 2
  7. I have made many mistakes at the helm, we all have at some stage in learning surely and I expect to make more. Cameras on smartphones can be a curse, a difficult situation becomes even worse knowing the sniggering classes are watching and recording!

  8. As above, don't over prepare, there are I think some YouTube guides that could give you a head start on basic boat handling and your hire yard will give you a handover instruction and a map.

    Pack a tin opener, corkscrew and torch and cast off, relax and enjoy every minute. Then book your next trip straight away because you will be hooked 🙂

    (These days a smartphone is a great addition to your crew, try an App called Aweigh... It has just about all you need in one place.)

  9. We never really had or have an itinerary, you are in the wonderful position of it all being new! In many ways just around every corner is a new "best bit" 

    If you want or need to be near facilities over night then start cruising early and have a plan B destination should stand you in good stead. If you prefer quite nights with a bit of simple home cooking/camp food there are loads of places to stop including mud weighting in a broad.

    The general advice for each day is 'relax, enjoy, repeat' 🍺

  10. I think the quotes I have listed below are most relevant from Dr Lee's article. So much more has been learned in the intervening 5 months. He obviously can't be held to comments he made in good faith at the time of writing in light of later developments.

    Personally and only in my opinion I can't understand the constant references to the present level of fatalities due to seasonal flu. Each of those deaths is dreadful for those concerned and so is every death from covid, the ones who wouldn't have died from flu etc. they are excess deaths and not less important just because less "fuss" is made about flu.



    ""Dr John Lee

    How deadly is the coronavirus? It’s still far from clear

    There is room for different interpretations of the data

    From magazine issue: 28 March 2020.""


    ""There is room for different interpretations of the current data""


    ""One pretty clear indicator is death. If a new infection is causing many extra people to die (as opposed to an infection present in people who would have died anyway) then it will cause an increase in the overall death rate. But we have yet to see any statistical evidence for excess deaths, in any part of the world.""

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