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Posts posted by Ray

  1. Our absent friend Boyce moored at Sutton Staithe and introduced me to Rob. He is indeed both friendly and helpful, we are certainly happy there and having a very good boat shed n hand for repairs etc. is a bonus. There are no for never pontoons between boats, doesn't seem to bother anyone, including us.

    Sutton Staithe Hotel within staggering distance.

    Rob's number is Office - 01692 581653

                                  Mobile - 07500 190718

  2. 37 minutes ago, YnysMon said:

    I came across it when we were planning a trip to Scotland and I googled midge repellent. In my experience it also works against the horseflies and other pesky creatures that plague Meadow Dyke.

    My better half informs me that Avon have a few products under the Skin So Soft range, what would you recommend please?

  3. 6 minutes ago, YnysMon said:

    Just get yourself some Avon Skin So Soft. I know it sounds weird, but it works!

    Really? Does it smell girly (asking for a friend lol)

    Seriously, I get so many bites it would be great if it worked!

    • Like 1
  4. Any increase is a concern sadly, although thankfully it is still low. Understandably lots of people have been heading for the coast in the warm weather and I guess it's down to feeling healthy in the sun, but social distancing and mask wearing seems to be largely forgotten in the hotspots.

    • Like 1
  5. 9 minutes ago, Katiew said:

    Has Danni been out on the boat yet-Getting a bit of wind in the fur??

    Not yet Katie, letting her take her time with new things! At two years old she has never had a proper home in a house before, everything in her life is new. Thankfully after a few little accidents the house training is now showing results but she has no idea about stairs yet and I think she'll need to be confident with them before dealing with the big steps from transom to stern well.

    Boating for many reasons has been a wash out for us this year so a bit more delay, especially while it's so busy, won't hurt. But really looking forward to some autumn and winter cruising with the new admiral 👍

    • Like 3
  6. I had one from Beunos Aires this week! That was for Facebook though, I changed my password too. Promptly forgot the new one and had to change again.

    I never worry too much unless it is a bank account of course!


  7. 19 minutes ago, TheQ said:

    we'll just wait till the stupidity is over. 

    How many of us thought the same thing... that could be a long wait!

    On the dog rescue front, it is a concern that they'll go from zero to full when some kind of normality returns.

    I'll take this opportunity to introduce our new rescue dog, who came to live with us 10 days ago. Meet Danni, my new boss!




    • Like 8
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  8. The problem with disregarding articles from sources that are perceived as biased is that unbiased sources are as rare as hen's teeth.

    Ultimately of course the reader makes up their own mind, factoring in the source.

    To my mind the article raises interesting questions and suggests further research based on limited and inconclusive early indications from small scale enquiries.

    To that extent it could have legitimately come from any source and is worthy of notice.

    • Like 2
    • Haha 1
  9. 8 hours ago, MauriceMynah said:

    I no longer open links to certain newspapers including the EDP unless I absolutely have to.

    But think of the things you have missed!!!

    Seagull poops on car

    Tide came in

    Popular path remains popular

    Allegations that chip shop also sold fish

    There's a whole world of excitement and intrigue passing you by MM

    • Haha 4
  10. 2 hours ago, Lulu said:

    have decided this will probably be the last Luna’s log as it’s probably going to get too samey

    I think you're outvoted by the forum lol

    There's always something a little different each cruise, like your emergency stop entering the Ant and sooner or later when you decide that you will helm through Ludham Bridge... and of course the photos which give us all a fix of the Broads if we aren't there.

    Carry on Luna Logging :default_smiley-char054:

    • Like 3
  11. In the 1970s, the original lineup of Showaddy Waddy used to put on a cracking show. At the time I was much more into Rock, Heavy Metal but I'd always make an exception to go see them at a good sized club venue!

    Thread drift apologies, the article brought back some good memories! 👍

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