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Posts posted by Ray

  1. That really was a mixed bag, at least fate had it that the good news was at the start of a lovely day and the sad news waited so as not to cast a shadow over your visit to Brundall Bay.

    Nonetheless sorry to hear of the loss of your close friend.

    • Like 1

    11 minutes ago, Wussername said:

    Then Ray, perhaps this is a matter, an issue, which should be addressed not only for the now but for the future varients of this virus which inevitably will befall us and hopefully we will be better prepared.

    I believe so and hope it will be. There will be huge budgetary pressures ahead but I hope that for once lessons will not only be learnt but applied!

    1 minute ago, Polly said:

    I think we will. 
    As for face coverings, there is some evidence that they also protect the wearer. Check Dr Jon Campbell’s blogs on YouTube for clear, carefully researched info.

    I think I am up to about 120 masks now for family and friends. 
    I use the Olsen mask pattern which is comfortable and close fitting. 

    That's a really impressive number! 120 masks, statistically I imagine you have saved lives! 👍

  3. 5 minutes ago, Wussername said:

    At a realistic and affordable price

    I think that is the problem plus that these frontline protections are still in high demand literally on the frontline around the world.

    Hopefully if or when this sort of thing happens again then economy of scale will make them available and affordable for all.

    It just struck me that every man, woman and child had a gas mask in the 1940s, quite an achievement considering all the other obvious demands on production/distribution!

    • Like 2
  4. 47 minutes ago, Wussername said:

    But are they as efficient as a mask. Should you wear both?

    As I understand it they are just as good, also bear in mind they are not to protect the wearer but others around you. Having said that I can't help but think that a visor must be at least a little protective of the wearer too!

    • Like 1
  5. This year due to covid and quite a few other factors including quite a lot of repair and maintenance my costs equal roughly £2000 per hour cruising!

    Of course that is nothing like normal or even normal for covid but it does demonstrate a worse case scenario. My running costs will definitely be lower next year and will of course improve over the rest of this year.

    I just wanted to share my pain lol

    • Like 5
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  6. 26 minutes ago, Vaughan said:

    What a sad reflection on our modern times.

    Back "in my day" it was condoms floating down the river from Norwich.  What New Yorkers happily call the "Hudson River white-fish"!

    Don't suppose there will be many of those any more.

    Social distancing, and all that . . . . .


    Never underestimate the young... and the young at heart! 😂

  7. 1 minute ago, finny said:

    I dont ray iam not doctor - perhaps you know more than him then 


    I personally don't know better than him, I have no medical training!

    However I do know that one example of anything proves absolutely nothing except what happened that once. But I think you know that's what I meant :default_beerchug:

  8. 35 minutes ago, finny said:

    was shown a clip recently of a Doctor/surgeon  wired up to a ICU  monitor proving that a medical mask in no way impares your breathing  or oxygen levels in your lungs or blood stream

    Surely though all that proved was that someone with healthy lungs wasn't impaired by a mask, not a rigorous test even for that as only one sample!

    A doctor should know better than to circulate something like that!

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 2
  9. 58 minutes ago, Smoggy said:

    I know that breed, I believe it's known as a "dog", mixes are always the best and usually the strongest health wise.

    With our mut we often asked what she is and get a strange look when I reply "it's a dog".

    Maddy had a bad hair day her entire life often when asked what she was I would say an Abyssinian wire-haired tripe hound.

    (Members may recall that this is the pedigree of Gnasher, faithful companion of Dennis the Menace)

  10. In an ideal society, it's a great idea.

    In real life there will be those who suspect everyone of cheating and still call the armband wearer out

    There will indeed be a proportion who do cheat the system, giving weight to the suspicious above

    There will be those who object because they feel at risk from those not wearing a mask

    There will be those who object because "if they don't have to wear a mask, why should I?"

    There will be those who don't understand

    Those who won't understand

    Finally, a large amount of people will comply, just as if the armband scheme didn't exist.

    Personally I think it's a good idea and a fair way of dealing with things, but sadly it wouldn't change things much from what it is now. On a positive note it would save at least some of the genuinely exempt from some of the hassle.

  11. I really sympathise with the situation that people who can't wear masks find themselves in.

    It is part of a wider problem where any of life's problems that can't be seen do not exist in the eyes of those who "virtue signal" or to be blunt just don't think or care!

    • Like 2
    • Thanks 2
  12. 9 minutes ago, vanessan said:

    So sorry to read that Ray, losing a pal is a devastating time. Finding a new pal can never quite fill the gap left but it does help to have another little being that relies on you for everything. If you like a particular breed, it might be worth looking to see if there are rescue/rehoming websites for that particular breed. You can then register  and hope something comes along. Just a thought. 

    Thank you, it seems to have been a sad time with Griff, Lulu and Ian also losing their pets.

    Good idea about breed rescue!

    • Like 2
  13. We also lost our lovely dog, Maddy, in May during lockdown. We always have rescue dogs but with a high demand and low staff numbers most rescue centres are not open and insist that they are the matchmaker!

    I respect their knowledge and dedication but we have always gone to shelters and walked around saying hello and waited til a dog let's us know it would like to adopt us.

    So we wait, there is sadly an expectation that the shelters will quickly fill between now and Christmas. Many people stuck at home have adopted and won't be able to cope when returning to work (don't get me started!)

    There is a chance that Maddy will turn out to be our last, losing her was very hard indeed.

  14. I think part of Ian's point here is that there is a high possibility that every jobsworth and Nosey Parker will give those without masks a hard time, whether or not they are even entitled to ask. An easily identifiable item which distinguishes those who are exempt will save unnecessary intrusion and make the poor shop staff's burden a little easier.

    I suspect the government's confusion has an element of hoping this simply stop those who are exempt from going into shops without seemingly being discriminatory (at first glance)

    • Thanks 1
  15. 1 hour ago, floydraser said:

    I went for decent toilets and showers and a floating mooring so I don't worry too much about tides or flooding. Best to call a few places and ask, weekdays best

    Good advice that also works the other way round, I started with a floating pontoon mooring and excellent facilities. No complaints at all about the yard but I live 15/20 minutes drive from the boat and was paying for things I didn't need!

    • Like 1
  16. Sorry to hear you've had all that to cope with on top of each other just as you were to start a long overdue break MM. Thank goodness for good friends and kind hearts, you included for looking after your friend's mum

    Take care, wishing you and your friend a speedy, full recovery to good health.

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