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Posts posted by Ray

  1. I was interested in what the BSS thought, so I asked! Their reply, as you can see didn't refer to them specifically but rather the regulations regarding extinguishers in general. I posted the page they refer to under their reply so I guess we'd need to see one to check what accreditation is on it.

    I have an automatic engine compartment extinguisher and quite liked the idea of one of these after reading the advice about powder and engines!


    ""Hello Ray.
    Thank you for your query about Firesticks.

    The requirements for portable fire extinguisher are covered in Section 1 of Part 6 of the BSS Examination Checking Procedures pages 37-39.

    Unless the Firesticks are certified by a recognised approvals body (see check 6.1.2 page 38) as meeting the specifications detailed in the other checks, then this apparatus won't be recognised for BSS purposes.

    Kind regards

    Boat Safety Scheme Office
    First Floor North,
    Station House,
    500 Elder Gate,
    Milton Keynes, MK9 1BB""




    • Thanks 3
  2. Yes the light wasn't so good on our pass which is a shame as it was our first outing with shiny newly varnished topsides!

    As you say though, maybe more members were out today!

    • Like 1
  3. 1 minute ago, Tempest said:

    You missed the point again, because of your blinkers and closed mind..

    Sad that you can't see this, but all the very best wishes for the future

    P.S. the point was in the last paragraph and I didn't say you objected to the word black..., But you focused on that which....proves my point!


    Sent from the Norfolk Broads Network mobile app


    See above for my separate comment on your last paragraph.... Your position weakens me with a mixture of laughter, dismay and disbelief. May you be happy in your path

    • Like 1
  4. 1 minute ago, grendel said:

    I have an open mind, i am looking forward to getting back into my office where i can chat with people from a large number of cultures and countries and hear what their opinions are. I am much better at gauging reactions and feelings when chatting face to face.

    Fair enough, but you did ask how to hear "genuine protesters" above rent-a-mob! That's why I bothered and got attacked by Tempest

    • Like 1
  5. Just now, Tempest said:

    I was going to say something about a kettle and a pot...

    But thought, best not!


    But I am from Bolton which is near to Blackrod, Blackpool and Blackburn.

    All northern towns with a name that some now may find offensive.......

    But if you can open your eyes and take yourself back to when these towns were named, for example Blackburn was from the old words of "burn" which meant a stream and black was dark

    As the town was built around a dark or muddy stream, hence Blackburn!

    Put that into today's vocabulary and you may end up with a completely different opinion and the aggression and violence we are seeing today

    All I say is yes, discuss issues, offer opinion, but please take off the blinkers and open your mind to the world around you and the opinions of others

    Sent from the Norfolk Broads Network mobile app

    For goodness sake no one is objecting to word black, what on earth has that nonsense to do with your experience of criminals and sources of info that come from a single source?

    • Like 2
  6. But have you really even listener to one of them. They are drawn from a single source only because I'm not a paid researcher and I was spe ifically asked how we can hear the voices of genuine protesters. Given that these are genuine protesters it's not feasible that the repudiating arguments are there also.

    People say they want to listen, well here are the voices, no one says you have to agree, in fact if you disagree you.can be the voice in opposition.

    If the fact in really is that in order to listen you  must search out your own sources then do so and share them.

    Am I to search out voices from protesters individually and then a separate voice in disagreement in order to satisfy those asking to hear or is it that they don't really want to hear or already have closed their minds and only say they'll listen to give the appearance of an open mind?


    The provenance would not be hard to establish if you would just look, these are the people you asked to hear!

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