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Posts posted by Ray

  1. 2 minutes ago, MauriceMynah said:

    Government spending will have to be enormous to get things back on anything like an even keel. That government spending will have to be paid for somehow.

    Indeed it does but there are many ways to do it, austerity is one of them but there are others. After 10 years of austerity deeper cuts will do more harm than good. I think if I say more than that we get into the realms of party politics which are not allowed for very good reason. So just to be clear any government has options how to begin to recover and although austerity is one it is not the only one.

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  2. 1 hour ago, Lulu said:

    I recently purchased an old book called A Guide to the Norfolk Broads from 1923 and come across some very interesting pages, considering our current situation. Not sure if these will be readable, if not I will type them up.



    Wow, a powerful description of contagion and one which even today, despite hugely improved conditions beyond recognition, is recognisable during today's crises.

    Thanks for posting these pages, I love old books especially those that speak of places we know and times we don't 👍

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  3. 1 hour ago, marshman said:

    And then there is the other side - those people who have it, or who have had it, with little or no symptoms.

    Interestingly parts of that article do refer to the patients who present asymptotically yet the damage/harm is still there with the patient being unaware. It's a very interesting read, probably the most I have learned about Covid 19 in one concise read.

  4. This is straight from Facebook, but seems a reliable source :(

    NEWS️: MBO has just received word that Windboats Marine Limited, based in North Walsham, Norfolk, the manufacturers of the Hardy range of motorboats, has 'entered administration due to a general downturn in orders and the untimely impact of the COVID-19 pandemic'

  5. Hi Fisherman65 and welcome.

    You won't be surprised to find this has been widely discussed on the forum. I think as a fisherman it's entirely appropriate that you have have arrived with a can of worms :default_biggrin:

    My comment is entirely tongue in cheek, welcome and enjoy NBN :default_beerchug:

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  6. 11 minutes ago, MotorBoater said:

    Someone who has struggled on minimum wage to save for a year, or more, to save for a family holiday will not see it as selfish if he is trying to protect that investment. He simply wants to know what is happening to his money and why he can't get it back.

    This is a point that concerns me about the subject under discussion. I fully agree with all the comments suggesting flexibility and patience, to protect Broads businesses and ultimately the Broads themselves.

    But in the example above and there will be quite a few, that someone may have lost their job and be in financial difficulty, some protection and fast track refund procedure does need to be in place for genuine cases of severe hardship.

    • Like 5
  7. 54 minutes ago, DaveRolaves said:

    Our marina at st Olaves is closed and the swipe cards deactivated . The RYA have said that there is no reason why owners should not be able to check boats for safety and security issues.

    What is the situation at your marinas

    I would speak to them just to check, if their office is unmanned they probably have an email address, web site or facebook page for contact.

    I believe that closed marinas will usually have a skeleton staff or an on call member for safety checks etc. I'm sure they will check your boat out if you ask them.

  8. You are right about the publicity, I noticed very little promotion of the event. I think maybe next year the organisers should make sure that each entrant has a simple shareable link direct to their donation page, it really wasn't easy to navigate to a particular page (maybe that was just me lol)

    Having said that congratulations on a real achievement, you can always take pride that on Sunday 26th April you personally made a real difference! 👍

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  9. 1 hour ago, Poppy said:

    Intrtesting report.


    "It is noticeable UK chief medical adviser Prof Chris Witty has talked often recently about "indirect deaths".

    These are deaths not from coronavirus but related to the lockdown: people who cannot access care for other conditions, such as cancer, strokes or heart attacks, and those who take their own lives or suffer ill-health because of emotional struggles and the economic downturn.

    Steps will be needed to safeguard against these, and, therefore, it is perhaps unsurprising that Sir Patrick says it is difficult to speculate how many will eventually die."


    Perhaps the link below is not needed here, I sincerely hope so, but a lot of us don't know each other well and some may find it hard or feel it's inappropriate to discuss their feelings here, so simply just in case it can help someone and with no other comment needed here is somewhere that will help if help is needed


    "We're waiting for your call. Call us for free on 116 123

    Whatever you're going through, a Samaritan will face it with you. We're here 24 hours a day, 365 days a year."


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  10. 1 hour ago, addicted said:

    Today is our 31st wedding anniversary but we will not be spending it the way we would have done in other circumstances. Still it is what it is.  I got  a lovely bunch of flowers  - well two actually,  one of roses to mark the occasion and one of tulips because they are my favourites. No doubt we  shall do justice to a decent bottle of  Malbec this evening. Whatever you are doing today I hope it goes well.




    Happy Anniversary! 🍾

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  11. In a national crisis government have to come up with rules and a form of words that is not only effective but simple to remember, understand and apply. They have to work for approximately 60 million people with varying levels of competence, abilities, language, geographic location and societal living conditions.

    All we can do is follow them for the common good even if we (rightly or wrongly) perceive flaws in them.

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  12. Thank you for sharing your story Andrew, it's not an easy thing to do but I'm firmly of the opinion that every time some one like yourself steps up to tell their experience it helps countless others who perhaps are at the beginning of a similar journey.

    Stay well 👍

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  13. Thanks to Vaughan my additional comment is not really a worry but I found that the fridge on my boat is always on unless switched off separately using it's own switch. Not a problem now I know this but we always leave the fridge door open between trips and I guess it could have been an issue, more for the fridge than the batteries as it is left plugged in to shore power between trips too.

  14. The first boat we hired, Conquest from Stalham Yacht Services and the first time we saved enough for a 'big' boat and for a two week holiday, Aston Carolina (Aston boats obviously)

    Both in the 80s, some nice looking boats behind Conquest

    The lovely Mrs Ray in both shots, 42nd anniversary next month ☺




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