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Posts posted by Ray

  1. 10 minutes ago, Lulu said:

    Exactly how I feel. We paid the toll just before lockdown, the marina fees and our breakdown cover.   We also had budgeted long ago for our boat to come out of the water for anti-fouling and hope that this will still be able to happen.  Visualising being back on the Broads is the one thing that’s keeping me sane right now so if the money we've paid so far this year helps that, we cant say we didn’t at least try to do our bit in keeping things going. 

    Well said, us too 👍

    • Like 1
  2. A difficult time but seeing him with your own eyes must have meant a lot to you both.

    Hoping the situation improves quickly so that Mrs G can catch up on her cuddles asap 👍

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  3. Andy (Freedom Boating Holidays) and I have resolved our differences amicably in private. My apologies for over reacting.

    I am more than happy for any of my posts to be removed to restore a more even tempered feel to the overall discussion.

    I shall take a little break, but I'll be back of course and more like my old self.

    • Like 4
  4. You may be able to conduct an initial boat viewing by WhatsApp, Facetime etc. I believe Sutton Staithe Boatyard are doing this, so maybe others as well. You could at least get an idea of those which are worth investigating further and those you could reject without wasting further time.


  5. 3 minutes ago, FreedomBoatingHols said:

    I intended to make a point about emotive language.  It is a shame that you appear to refuse to accept this

    I accept that now in full and I wish you well in your crusade against everyone's emotive language

  6. 16 minutes ago, FreedomBoatingHols said:

    My post was definitely not intended to offend you or pick as fight as you have suggested. 

    My point stands though.

    I object to the emotive use of quite incorrect language. Extortion is not what is happening nor was it ever happening. You might prefer to suggest now that it is a "turn of phrase" but in public forums like this, your turn of phrase could be construed as borderline libel. As someone who spent his first 10 years or so of working life as a journalist and published writer, this is something I know a bit about. It's not trying to be smart in the sense that you meant it, that's for sure. 

    As for arguments with the BA, the only ones that win are those that go the the government planning executive. I won't be picking arguments the the BA  as, very soon, I will just be a private boater again, paying my tolls and enjoying the river without being beholden to customers that have flattened their batteries or rammed something. I am really looking forward to that day.  


    You may prefer to suggest now that you were concerned about borderline libel but as someone who has spent many years detecting BS it is something I know a lot about.

  7. 1 hour ago, FreedomBoatingHols said:

    don't know what you expect? This is the baseline for lots of taxes and monetary calculations. It is precisely how percentage increases work. 

    Moreover though, I am perturbed by the notion of extortion. There is no extortion. The BA is not threatening to place a horse's head on your pillow or smash in your hopper windows if you don't pay your way. You have a choice; you have a boat and the river network charges you to be able to use the network (present situation excepted). Whether you chose to use that network is your decision. If you don't want to pay the "extortionate" rates (which they most certainly are not), remove the boat from the charging area. 

    What I expect is to not pay a 'one of' charge multiple times.

    I did not say the tolls are extortionate, I pay mine quite happily

    I refered to legally extorting money, as extortion is illegal I believe you could judge it as a simple turn of phrase if you were minded to, rather than trying to be smart. Your horse's head is likely to remain attached.

    As far as relief for hire businesses I am completely in favour of it and did not imply otherwise, my post was simply about paying 'one off' charges multiple times.

    Best to save arguments for when they are needed and then make them well thought out and effective

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