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Posts posted by Ray

  1. 5 hours ago, Hylander said:

    Just as you were getting the idea that the peace and quiet of the Broads was missed,   these quick snips are from 2012 and were taken when Richardsons on a really sunny August day had one of those moments when everyone but everyone appeared to be going on their jollies.    I have tried to pick the ones that dont show people clearly so as to protect their privacy.



    MVI_3821.AVI 17.49 MB · 21 downloads

    Haven't seen it that busy in a while! Happy days! ☺

  2. 3 minutes ago, wombat nee blownup said:

    Personally I’d have put the whole Archimedes drill in the chuck of my cordless and be sitting with a tinny now.

    Sent from my iPhone using Norfolk Broads Network

    While waiting for your replacement bit to be delivered? :default_biggrin:

  3. 2 minutes ago, BroadAmbition said:

    Attention to details to the nth degree once more.  How you gonna make em look like polished s/steel?  You're not seriously sending them off to be chromed are you?


    Of course not.... he'll invent a way to chrome them himself! ☺

    • Like 1
  4. I know Chris is an experienced offshore sailor and I'm sure there are plenty of others here.

    If you know and have sailed between the Thames Estuary and Great Yarmouth you may be interested to compare the descriptions in this book. The descriptions of the sea routes and of the land, towns and villages along the way are fascinating even for the non sailor like myself because it was written so long ago..... 1722 to be exact!

    Much social history and general interest included.

    Tour through Eastern Counties of England, 1722 - Daniel Defoe

    Free on Amazon Kindle

    • Thanks 2
  5. I worked to live, never had a "career" as such, never worked for a company that gave as much as a Christmas Bonus. I worked under people that I had to cover for and couldn't do the job, I've worked with the lazy and the incompetent.

    I always applied a strict work ethic, the deal was that they paid for work and I always kept up my side of the agreement.

    When there was a chance to stop being a wage slave I took it and never looked back. Have never been bored and am only now frustrated that I can't currently do the things I want. It worries me that the things I love are denied me by circumstances beyond my control but there are many many people in a worse situation so I'll just get on with it without complaint.

    • Like 8
  6. Clippers, number 3 all over once a fortnight. Haven't seen inside a barber's for at least 10 years lol

    My wife, Gill on the other hand.... looks lovely whatever she does with her hair. Of course! 😄

    (This has nothing to do with being in lockdown, I can always sleep in the shed)

    • Like 2
    • Haha 2
  7. Mine has been, by simple coincidence, up on blocks in the boat shed from before the lockdown started, all freshly anti fouled and polished, top sides varnished and now just waiting for completion of a deck repair.

    Back on her mooring soon hopefully and then the "green" can start it's creep!

    Because she was going in for work that involved sanding and a lot of dust all bedding is home washed and ready in the airing cupboard.

    This lovely weather makes it impossible to not imagine being out or at least tidying up and cleaning the inside, maybe when the lock down eases a little we can at least go and tinker about on them even if we can't leave the mooring.

  8. 8 minutes ago, marshman said:

    My issue is that I don't really have that many years left, statistically, and its an awful waste to sit around on your bum waiting for a whole year to just pass by, just in case!!!!!

    Well said, I'm at the early stages of my retirement and as you never know what's around the corner I want to enjoy it, specifically on my boat!

    Having said that I know I've nothing to complain about compared to many others and will continue to follow all the rules and guidance of course

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