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Posts posted by Ray

  1. I'm a little concerned to see the amount of expert opinion questioning our government's approach to handling the situation differently from many other nations.

    These are serious people who know their subject not media trying to whip up panic and dissent.

    Meanwhile I remain firmly in the don't panic and carry on camp. I refuse to panic buy anything... ever!

    • Like 3
  2. 18 minutes ago, CambridgeCabby said:

    less than ideal for side on mooring and no walkway

    Great advice from CC, access, even for you young and fit guys, is a big issue in actual use. Obviously popular boats like these work out just right for loads of people but the number one reason our first boat wasn't right for us was we struggled every time we had to get on or off. Add in a creaky knee or two plus mooring in wind and tide then the ability for crew to safely be nimble makes the difference between fun and stress..

    That's not to put you off, they are nice boats, just something to bear in mind as you look her over.

  3. Lots of looking, test runs and don't hold back making offers lower or much lower than asking price.

    If you make an offer on a boat near to needing a BSS make your offer subject to the seller obtaining this first.

    A full survey is fairly expensive but can save you thousands plus you're likely to get at least some of the cost back negotiating any work that needs doing

    There is always work that needs doing!

    Welcome and most important of all... enjoy 👍

  4. Our boat, Dakota (E469) started life on the Broads as Swan Regent of Swancraft Cruisers (Brundall) circa 1971.She is a Bounty DC30 variant, I don't think there were many, maybe 3, in this design.

    In the intervening years and before we got her some remodelling and refitting has been done, although she is still a GRP hull with varnished wood topsides.

    If anyone has her hire page/panel in a brochure with layout diagram and photo I would love a photocopy or a photo taken on a smart phone to compare then and and now. 

    Very grateful if anyone can help 👍

  5. 5 minutes ago, NeilB said:

    They had kitchen towel so that will have to do if necessary

    Kitchen towel is designed to be absorbent whereas toilet tissue is designed to quickly breakdown in water, watch out for clogged pipes and plumbing costs! 

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  6. I thought governments were supposed to avoid causing panic, Boris' latest comments are hardly likely to do that. A lot of people in the more at risk position could be quite frightened I think by his words today.

    Keep calm and carry on!

    • Like 3
  7. By coincidence I listened to this last night, probably from the same source.

    This recording in particular and the general feeling of seeing BNP referred to so much online, in the press and 'those' signs leads me to think that in many ways it's now just a matter of time. Repeat something often enough and it becomes true has reached what you might call tipping point.

    The interviewee at least acknowledged the specific navigation issues that applies to the Broads and that is probably the best we can hope for long term.

    For what it's worth I think that all the National Parks, The Broads and AONB will swept up into one big group and rebranded National Landscapes as suggested by Glover. Ironic if it does happen that the BA will have to have all those references to BNP reprinted to BNL

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