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Posts posted by Ray

  1. 12 minutes ago, SteveP said:

    May I gently suggest that if you have Crohn's as I do then you learn to spell it

    And may I gently suggest that there isn't anything particularly clever about picking people up on typos and spelling mistakes.

    It seems that one member is taking the flak for everyone's frustration with the situation in general. He has explained quite clearly that he has been forced to react to the initial rush of stockpiling by those we are all rightly angry with. He has sought to to do this in as responsible way as he can and he has told us why he needs to do this. And that he has now stopped.

    He didn't need to explain, he doesn't owe us an explanation but shared with us his personal situation in accordance with the 'all in it together' ethos of the forum.

    Let's give him a break now guys... remember the adage about walking a mile in another man's shoes.

    • Like 4
    • Thanks 2
  2. 36 minutes ago, addicted said:

    We bought a new fridge a few months ago and it is so much more efficient than any previous fridge we've ever owned thus fresh veg which we eat a lot of stays that way for much longer so we were able to buy lots knowing it will stay fresh for ages. What will make me very fed up is if they make staying home mandatory and I can't walk round to get my morning paper that will mean that both my body and brain (no crosswords etc.) will be lacking the necessary exercise.



    I can't help with exercise but I have found that the online version of most newspapers carry their crosswords and filling them in using a keyboard is much easier and more satisfying than I thought it would be!

    • Like 2
  3. 7 minutes ago, w-album said:

    Sky Larks were singing in profusion - it was really uplifting at this time of extreme crisis.

    I love hearing the skylarks when I'm walking my dog on the dunes, the absolute best thing is walking on the beach just far enough away from the water's edge to hear the surf and the skylarks! Heaven!

    • Like 3
  4. Some nice neighbours spoke to us this morning to say if we had to self isolate or needed anything they would help us out.

    It was only a little while later that we realised that as far as they are concerned "we" are the elderly neighbours.

    I'm a young, fairly healthy 64 for goodness sake, don't know whether to laugh or cry.

    • Like 1
    • Haha 3
  5. 54 minutes ago, Mouldy said:

    Staffies  sometimes get terrible press, but between our son and his wife’s dog, Simba and our girl, we have two of the gentlest dogs I’ve ever known and as far as Simba is concerned, one of the silliest.  Five and a half stone of stupidity, who loves nothing more than to carry a stick when he’s out. . .


    Staffies are great dogs, very people orientated. My brother and nephew each had one ànd they were brilliant pets 👍

    I used to have a Staffy Cross, half Jack Russell half Staf.... completely bonkers ☺

  6. 10 minutes ago, NeilB said:

    This is Mindy, nearly 17 and still stupid !!  In this photo she's just crawled out from under the sink where I was fixing a leak.  Sadly her brother passed away a few months ago, we'd had them from 8 weeks old.


    Sorry you lost her brother, when I read your post I couldn't help but wonder if his name was Mork? I might just be showing my age!

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