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Posts posted by Ray

  1. 13 minutes ago, YnysMon said:

    Assembled cake! Icing is a bit runny, but hey ho

    When I saw the first photo of the two halves I swear I could smell the fresh baked sponge now I'm pretty sure I can taste it ☺

    Do you do Red Cross parcels? 👍

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  2. I agree that a vaccine is the the only means by which anything like "normal" life can restart. There are very encouraging results reported from Oxford but the 2nd problem after discovering a vaccine is to make and distribute enough of it!

    It's all going to be a while yet sadly

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    5 minutes ago, finny said:

    my brother is with the Ambulance service and two nieces front line nurses my daughter is a environmental health officer and they are all out there

    Wow, your whole family is on the front line!

    Stay safe all of you and thank you all 🍺

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  4. 24 minutes ago, Paul said:

    not the best day.

    I received an email early this morning to advise that an old school friend took his own life on Thursday. I'm sad to say that we lost touch a few years ago after he moved to Lincolnshire but did bump into each other last summer in Great Yarmouth purely by chance. We shared a jar or two in The Barking Smack. His daughter tried to call him on Thursday and getting no reply on several occasions decided it warranted a visit and found him when she arrived. 

    Later this morning I had a call from the minister of our church to advise that a very old friend of the family, one of my late mothers best friends had also passed away. Her carer went in to help her out of bed and found her sat in the armchair wrapped in a blanket, It appears she had got herself downstairs in the night. It is not clear at this time whether her death was corona virus related though she had shown no symptoms. She has been unwell for some time. 

    Keep an eye on your loved ones folks, and stay safe.

    Very sorry for your loss Paul, it must be hard to learn of two old friends passing in one day! Sincere condolences.

  5. 17 minutes ago, Vaughan said:

    I wonder if some realise how vital this is, not just for boat owners but especially the boatyards.  Wherever I have been the manager of a yard, the river inspector has always called in for his morning coffee (and use of the toilets!) while on his beat.

    I well remember one time on the Thames at Staines, when the inspector had called in on a Saturday for his coffee break on the yard with the staff and I "snuck off" on to the quay while he was not looking.  When he set off up river towards Windsor, he got through three locks before someone pointed out to him that he was wearing a stick-on Blakes emblem on either side of the bow of his launch!  I had learned that trick from my father, who once had Jack Hunt go down the Yare from Coldham Hall with a Hearts Cruisers pennant flying on the bows of his launch.  He got all the way to Reedham before he noticed!

    Since it's Easter I might as well tell this story and I promise it is true :

    Our base at St Gilles in France is on the Canal du Rhone à Séte, which is a commercial canal.  They don't have rangers' launches as the canal has a towpath, so they can patrol in road vehicles.  One September there were violent storms, which flooded the canal and the area around it.  I had to go round in a hired minibus, find my boats, recover the customers and get them back to their cars, or back to the nearest airport.  After this, I was concerned that my boats were left empty in certain places, open to vandalism, and so I went to collect them.  I ended up taking seven boats home, tied together in three pairs, with one in front between them.  I had the two engines at the back running, with a gangplank between them so that I could work the controls.  I was on my own on board and the full length of the tow was about 50 metres.  My skipper's ticket covered me for 15 metres. The canal had been closed by the authorities and was still closed.  A couple of hours up the canal, I met a Gendarmerie patrol launch coming the other way.  in it were two Gendarmes in uniform and a lady I knew well, who was the regional manager for the canal authority, in Séte.  I was wearing a pair of shorts and a floppy hat and stood up from the wheel to salute them as they passed.

    The gendarme at the wheel scowled and at once started to turn round but I heard the lady say "Non - ca, c'est bon. Ca, c'est Monsieur Ashby!"

    Great stories, thank you 👍

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  6. I can't speak for Germany but I'm sure the same happens here. If mental health was funded and treated as part of and as well as, physical health it would be a great step forward. Sadly after the current crisis we are likely to return to austerity measures to pay for it all and that will never happen.

    If there is one lesson to be learned from all this above any other it surely is that the healthcare of a nation supersedes all other considerations. The first duty of government is to protect the citizens.

    This is in no way meant to be political, all governments of every colour should adhere to this principle and I criticise nor compliment any organisation and am looking forward, not back.

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  7. 1 minute ago, grendel said:

    The only thing I have noticed is that the traffic accidents dont seem to be decreasing

    That's interesting, I remember after wearing seat belts became mandatory there was an increase in serious accidents that was put down to a false sense of security among some drivers

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