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Posts posted by Ray

  1. They do fabulous cakes and home made sweets. The pub makes them and sells them in the bar when open as well. Very nice people, extremely dog friendly and usually a good chance of mooring. We always head there for a pub lunch preferring quiet spots for overnighting 

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  2. 5 minutes ago, Turnoar said:

    Not the horses, the ones who see fit to throw missiles, maybe there isn't a word for them.

    Quite agree, thought you meant all the protesters!

    Every time there is any kind of protest it starts peaceful with the genuine people and then sooner or later rent-a-mob arrive who only want to attack the police. They ruin everything!


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  3. 13 minutes ago, CambridgeCabby said:

    Looking at the protests going on worldwide which in no way could be construed as peaceful protests brings to mind an old saying 

    “fighting for peace is akin to f***ing for virginity”


    great great men such as Ghandi and Mandella achieved much through peace , and change which has lasted, it is saddening to see so little has been learned by their examples 

    Mandela was locked up because he would not renounce violence. He became a great force for peace and earned the respect we now all have for him but nothing is ever all black or white!

    • Like 3
  4. I've tried to steer a diplomatic course through this BLM discussion.

    Racism and in fact all forms of bigotry is based on ignorance and the manipulation of the ignorant.

    To label any group of people by a single trait (in the widest sense of the word) and attributing a whole set of attributes to them because of that label is bigotry. I stand against it in all it's forms.

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  5. It's probably not been seen by everyone yet but Lee Rigby's family are pleading that his name and image are not used in this context. He stood for equality and human rights and some people (NOT you ScrumpyJack) are using his memory not against the protests because of the virus risk but against the protest in a racial way.

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  6. You're right of course and I did hesitate before replying because we can't develop our points of view.

    I should have said that I did indeed note that you included all of parliament and that was good to see.

    Personally, I know many will disagree, I have little regard for any of them which at least shows balance and fairness lol I accept there are exceptions among them from all sides.

    • Like 2
  7. 3 minutes ago, MauriceMynah said:

    Now is as important a time as we have ever had, to have faith in parliament (Government AND the opposition parties)  to do it's collective best to see us through the difficult times ahead. Now is not the time to undermine it.

    I agree with most of your post MM except this last paragraph, even a cursory review of the PM, members of his Cabinet and simple recent performance leave me with no faith at all and little belief in anything they say. The one thing more important than faith in our leaders is watching them like a hawk!

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  8. I thought there were demonstrations in many parts of the country? I agree about the folly of these by the way although I understand and agree with the reason for them and the passion behind them.

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  9. Patriotism is excellent and I absolutely respect loyalty to our country.

    To be truly a great country involves identifying it's mistakes and learning from them. We can not go it alone successfully and proudly unless we hold those who represent us at home and to the world accountable.

    For many reasons we have not done as well as we could have or should have. I am constrained quite rightly from getting political and I can assure you I have no party political preference, I view them all as being as bad as each other.

    Therefore it is the job of all of us to impartially expect the best of those who won our vote and to examine every action they take as they take them in our name.

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  10. I think this is part of the story that requires one to look at that very point, was advice, research and relative experience available to draw upon in addition to the SAGE group? My answer is yes there was, but how can we really discuss this in depth here?

    So, I will have to say that in my opinion things have been done/not done that could have been done better with knowledge available at the time.

    I also respect that others may not share my opinion.

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  11. Every citizen has a duty to hold government to account, its not disloyal or treason, it doesn't even favour other Parties and groups, it is democracy in action. Calling it whinging is to devalue to whole system of checks and balances!


    Was it me? I got bored to death by page 3 ( jokes about P3 will be irrelevant but funny)

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  12. I can't argue with you at all MM but I have noted a lot of scientists and health care experts dissenting from of the latest easing measures and that concerns me a little.

    As you rightly say, we shall see and hopefully that will include you and I :default_beerchug:

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