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Posts posted by Ray

  1. My uncle Sgt D A J Holloway volunteered for the RAF after being involved in the rescue operation at a local pub that suffered bomb damage. Everyone wanted to be a pilot but he lacked the skills and ended up as a rear gunner on a Lancaster bomber with 101 Sqd based at Holme on Spalding Moor. On the night of the 16th November 1941 on a shakedown flight over Wales a photoflash flare exploded onboard. The Lancaster came down on a remote hill near Dolwen. All hands were lost, he was 17.

    About 15 years ago I undertook to research his last flight and about 18 months later, I had his service records and campaign medals, had found and contacted family for all 7 crew members and had copies of the official report plus an aerial photo taken by the Squadron CO who flew out to the site the next morning. It was 101 Sqd first Lancaster loss

    I visited the site with a memorial I carved on local slate and formed a cairn, which is still there.


    Well you did ask! ☺

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  2. 1 minute ago, OldBerkshireBoy said:

    Hopefully the 3rd runway at Heathrow will be binned saving the little villages that were due to be flatened.

    I predict (hope I'm wrong) that Heathrow operator will say that as at least 2 major airlines are withdrawing from Gatwick that Heathrow will need greater capacity... it's how they operate.

  3. 4 hours ago, EastCoastIPA said:

    not forgetting also the large amount of overseas students that come here to study. Most of these are from the wealthier families of the countries they come from.

    Hopefully that means they will still come despite the increase in airfare.

    On the wider situation regarding holiday travel it will be no bad thing for the planet if there are considerably less flights and sea cruises.

    Certainly businesses must now be acknowledging that flying the Atlantic for a meeting is a simple waste of time and money, also that working from home is practical.... you don't have to breathe down an employees neck all day to get the job done.

    If there is the will the world could be a better place, personally I'm not holding my breath on that one.

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  4. Here we are well into several weeks of lockdown and today my mum gets the NHS letter telling her she is at serious risk and should be following the 'shielding' procedure.

  5. 18 minutes ago, marshman said:

    ECIPA - now I am going to be a little contentious as I reckon you could see the Broads reopening in bits?

    How about local people first so we don't put a strain on the emergency services? My 5 miles is less of a strain than someone driving 50 miles, and then next stage moving it out to say, 250 miles? Reduces the risk all round and at the same time begins to get things on the move again?

    Now no shouting and no capital letters please but comments welcomed!!:default_2gunsfiring_v1::default_2gunsfiring_v1:

    Gets my vote! It's possible that's purely for selfish reasons!

  6. 3 minutes ago, Poppy said:

    The World Health Organization estimates that worldwide, annual influenza epidemics result in about 3-5 million cases of severe illness and about 250,000 to 500,000 deaths......

    I don't doubt the figures at all and I do agree with your general point I just felt it was a shame that so many extra deaths were diluted to a relative statistic. Didn't mean to sound as though I disagreed with you :default_beerchug:

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  7. 6 minutes ago, Poppy said:

    We need to remember the stated reason for lockdown. It was to preserve capacity in the NHS. It did. The capacity was achieved though at the cost of all other elective appointments and surgery.
    Its now a question of balance. Move the covid patients into the Nightingales asap, get the hospital back to normal working and get the world back to work.
    Only 250,000 deaths so far out of 7.8 billion  world population.

    I agree with you about getting elective appointments back under way. As for the 250,000 though, yes proportionally it's a low percentage but we can't forget that it's 250,000 individual people, dads, mums, children and loved ones. It's very sad.

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  8. 11 minutes ago, chameleon said:

    the highlighted problem is people, those who think they know better than the gov't, those who don't care ,those who's agenda is more important than anyone elses.no matter how many laws you set up these people will ignore them to suit their own ends.

    Then I'm not sure why you were concerned that my earlier comment invited some sort of police state, my fault as I think I'm sitting around far too much and its making me "wooly"

    Quite agree that those who never intend to do the right thing in the first place won't be changed by either guidance or law :default_beerchug:

  9. 34 minutes ago, EastCoastIPA said:

    I know what you mean. I visited Morrisons yesterday, about three in front in the queue is a couple. The security guard comes and has a word and the man walks off leaving the woman alone in the queue. Security out of sight, the man joins the back of the queue. Later on in the store the couple are once again shopping together with the one trolley!!!!


    27 minutes ago, MauriceMynah said:

    I offer a challenge. 

    If anyone here can put down in writing what that law should say, in a way that has no loopholes, that has no way of being misinterpreted and that is clear and concise so that it goes unchallenged by any other member here, then let him (or her) do so.

    Only one person per household allowed in a shop at one time. Household meaning shared dwelling. Shop meaning a place that sells stuff.

    Now I'm sure that could be taken apart by m'learned friends :default_biggrin: But the folks forever looking for loopholes would have fewer legs to be bewildered by 👍

  10. 2 minutes ago, chameleon said:

    do you really want a police state?, be careful what you wish for, its all about using common sense or not in certain cases. sat in the car in morrisons car park people watching whilst pat shops  recommended one person per household to reduce number of shoppers, simples,not really, over half were couples and/or families, even one couple with 4 young kids

    Of course no one wants a police state but the very problem you highlight could be solved if it were a law. It wouldn't be hard for government to bring in temporary measures with a sunset clause to avoid the worry of over zealous state control.

  11. 11 minutes ago, vanessan said:

    Trouble is with all the ‘talk’, we never really know for sure until the words come from government officials. No doubt there will be more guidelines to be interpreted when something positive happens on breaking the lockdown!

    Indeed, I do wish they would firm up new guidelines to the point they don't need interpreting and are simply instructions!

    The arguments locally get quite heated and it's only really because the law wasn't made the same as the guidelines!

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  12. 8 minutes ago, MauriceMynah said:

    I agree Ray, we are skating very close to the "Politics" rule, but in my simplistic way I see only two options. Lower the bill or increase the money to pay it.

    Absolutely agree, I was just thinking that there are options open to government other than just one 👍

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