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Posts posted by Ray

  1. 1 minute ago, JennyMorgan said:

    As will almost certainly happen with the 'one off' Peto's Marsh moorings at Oulton Broad. The man is a fool if he doesn't think that people can see through his shenanigans.

    That is indeed the issue I raised, we will pay the cost of it every year!

    • Sad 1
  2. So called "one of" reasons for an increase in tolls must be one of the most blatent legal ways of extorting money.

    Any increase in tolls becomes the baseline for the following year, therefore a "one of" is in fact a perpetual year on year increase.

    I raised this with Mr Packman through his newsletter last year concerning an increase for a specific project and looked for confirmation that this "one of" would be deducted from the following year. His answer was to point out that the model they always use is well established and that each year's toll is the baseline for the following year.


    • Like 1
  3. 11 minutes ago, Happy said:

    Was I right to do this, what do you think?  Keep safe and keep well.

    It's a personal choice I think. I wouldn't say you was wrong but I wouldn't have sent him away myself. It's not going to be easy for him to claim even when proper compensation is sorted out for the self employed. With care he can do his job distanced from his customers and all should be well.

    Technically of course you were correct.

    • Like 1
  4. In reality it was just that I was thinking about the volunteer emergency services that come out to help us when these unfortunate things happen. Many of them have day jobs in the NHS or as Paramedics etc. and additionally some are bound to be in quarantine themselves. Anything that just may stop them being called out has to be for the good. 

    • Like 1
  5. 53 minutes ago, RealWindmill said:

    Whats the difference in mooring my boat on the riverbank and walking along a path on the riverbank ? Is all country walking to be banned?

    You don't walk along the river bank at 2am but on a boat you could have a medical emergency at that time. A riverbank path is usually pretty well defined and in most circumstances you are unlikely to slip off and possibly drown. If you do have an accident on a riverbank it is unlikely that you will have to be located in the dark.

    Quite a few differences if you think about it!

    • Like 1
  6. Another angle on living near by and using your own boat. I have just been reading how stretched mountain rescue volunteer teams became this weekend, unusually busy at the same time as some volunteers having to self isolate.

    I live a 15 minute drive from my boat and had been thinking that after a bit of maintenance is completed I could drive door to door with supplies I already have. 

    But who can "guarantee" they won't have an accident or medical emergency? It is not fair on our first class off shore and inland waterways rescue volunteers.

    Reluctantly I won't take her out now... no one said doing the right thing is easy!

    • Like 4
    • Thanks 1
  7. 27 minutes ago, Steve2604 said:

    Should I change the booking or still go as planned? What are peoples thoughts. I appreciate the decision could be taken out of our hands by May!!

    A really tough decision, the boatyard seem very helpful and you could check whether their option to change the date is good right up to the last minute. More likely the last few days as they have to prepare the boat, but this will give you another month before you have to decide and you can see how the general situation develops.

    • Like 3
  8. 52 minutes ago, Timbo said:

    I am not a number, I am a free man!

    Timbo's been very quiet of late! As many will have suspected Timbo had another stroke. This time matters were complicated by having an infection.

    Blimey Timbo, take care and work through those stages quickly and safely. Don't forget it's much better to be a Number Six than a Number Two! :default_beerchug:

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