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Posts posted by Ray

  1. Unless I misunderstood I think that is what Ian is saying -

    36 minutes ago, Chelsea14Ian said:

    My suggestion is for one day to highlight and celebrate all those involved in the care  and support of the public plus key workers.

    That would include all those people who do the jobs we couldn't or wouldn't do and therefore be the point where you stop having thanked all groups at once.

    I don't know if it will get off the ground but the idea in saying thank you to the heroes and the unsung heroes together is a good thought.

    • Like 1
  2. I agree Grendel in every respect except that if the matter is just let go then he has got away with it! I too don't have any party affiliation, I don't trust a single one of them whatever they call themselves. I just think that our PM is letting the country down by protecting this person from the consequences of his actions.

    I do accept that this isn't the ideal place to discuss this, but I do genuinely worry when I see an acceptance of this even when it is reluctant.

    However I have said my piece and been allowed to for which I thank you and the forum. I shall now return to everyone's mutual love of the Broads which is much safer ground!

    • Like 7
  3. Parliament is on yet another holiday/break thing other than that I agree with you 100% Vaughan.

    This is still very much Today's News and those trying to draw a line under it are the one's being "party political" This has nothing to do with 'Party' and everything to do with ' Government'

    Perhaps it is not an ideal subject for a Norfolk Broads forum but it is in the general area and no one is forced to read it.

    To speak truth unto power is everyone's responsibility wherever they are.

    • Like 6
    • Thanks 1
  4. Fair point....

    I understand that maintenance is still being carried out on the Broads. Have any of our members with long experience of the Broads seen such a long quiet spell before in regards to boating. Will there be unexpected effects that will surprise us when we return?

  5. 20 minutes ago, MotorBoater said:

    Not sure what we are seeing here, is it some kind of stir crazy mass hysteria ?

    To rush into some kind of blame game is premature and a waste of time and brainpower.

    Mass hysteria now!

    No blame game here, just an acknowledgement that an enquiry will be required in the end because there is a possibility that some serious mistakes were actual choices that cost lives.

    No one should ever be unaccountable, this refers to everyone involved! One day we will need to know the difference between the understandable human mistakes and the plain negligent

    That is not unreasonable or hysterical


    • Like 1
  6. 4 minutes ago, Vaughan said:

    I agree with Marshman, this discussion has become ridiculous.


    5 minutes ago, Vaughan said:

    There are plenty of other threads available for amateur medical opinions.

    But would they be ridiculous and amateur if you agreed with them?


  7. 20 minutes ago, marshman said:

    there have been so many other rather silly comments being thrown around this afternoon,

    I've seen lots of comments and opinions but apart from the obviously meant as a joke comment about 5g they have all seemed reasonable based on personal understanding and experience, including the ones I happen to disagree with.

  8. 15 minutes ago, marshman said:

    Lets leave these patently ridiculous comments and observations coming out now to the real experts and concentrate on the Broads and just bashing the BA

    Let's not! A t'hey know best' option is never the way to have have decent governance. We, the people, have a right to scrutinise even if we do so from a position of alleged incompetance

  9. 23 minutes ago, rightsaidfred said:

    Duty of care including providing adequate  equipment lies with the employer including privately run care homes, transport for London stops with the Mayor not where he wants to pass the buck, I am sure this also applies to other cities or local authorities, while the NHS  is funded by the government its day to day running is done by civil servants and we all know what happens when you question their abilities, before we start looking for scapegoats lets look at everybodys  responsabities including those individuals and businesses flouting the recomendations.


    Agree with all that, IF mistakes have been made then who made them is an important part of the enquiry. No scapegoats sought, just facts. Even mistakes are acceptable and understandable but if there has has been negligence and poor judgement against expert advice we need and deserve to know.

    • Like 1
  10. Everyone who seeks or takes on responsibility should be ready to demonstrate that they have taken either the right steps, the only steps, the best advice on steps and timely steps. Standing back and saying in effect "if you think you can do better then you try it" doesn't begin to equate to accountability, If everyone has to be an expert in everything before they are able to investigate, enquire or criticise no justice would ever prevail.

    If you want the job where the buck stops be prepared for the buck!

    • Like 4
  11. 27 minutes ago, marshman said:

    I am so glad that that on this specialised Broads Forum how many experts exist on the issues surrounding immunology  and the spread of infectious diseases,  and the such like based on what they have read from other experts!  

    It's also comforting to know we have such experts on all our combined knowledge and experiences outside the broads that the whole lot can be labelled uninformed and dismissed  :default_beerchug:

    • Like 2
  12. 42 minutes ago, MauriceMynah said:

    Make no mistake, when this is over, there will be enough finger pointing, more than enough people being wise after the event and loads of people trying to score "party political" points.

    What concerns me is the ample evidence that government (any and every government, no party politics here) had scientific evidence and ample opportunity to be wise "before" the event.

    • Like 1
  13. 9 minutes ago, vanessan said:

    Exactly what I asked myself when I read it. It just beggars belief that we seem to be playing ‘catch-up’ all the time. As for the pantomime over that PPE stuff coming from Turkey, I couldn’t believe it when I read that it was made by a t-shirt manufacturer who neglected to get an export licence! I am beginning to think that an enquiry is going to be needed after all this is over, not to point any fingers but to make sure we don’t get in this sort of situation in the future. 

    There have been exercises and reports about this kind of situation for years, personally I think that when it's all over there should be an enquiry that includes finger pointing! It won't happen of course, nothing ever sticks where it belongs, there is no accountability.

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