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Posts posted by Ray

  1. I haven't heard of transmission through water, there are no restrictions on wild swimming so far as I'm aware.

    Personally if I swallowed any river water I'd be horrified but I am a self confessed hypochondriac when it comes to food/fluid poisoning after a bitter experience years ago 😕

  2. Dismantle in situ as far as possible to remove eyesore element then place yellow poles to warn of mooring hazard.

    Not an ideal solution but one that works under the situation and will improve the look of the place.

    • Like 3
  3. Just now, Bexs said:


    Absolutely! Tourism is vital. Not sure 100% of residents understand that though.

    Sent from my iPhone using Norfolk Broads Network


    There's always a good mix of "characters" wherever you go I guess 😀

  4. It might seem to be being picky but very few people anywhere ( not just Norfolk) are grateful that people spend money! It's much more subtle than that, businesses deal in transactions, it's a give and take of equal partners.

    Pub staff for example are genuine in the warmth of their welcome and then exchange an excellent meal for your hard earned pounds. It's more about how society works, there will be some people who come here explicitly to support a place they love, that is genuinely appreciated, others simply because they just want a nice holiday, there's nothing wrong with that and everyone tries to make sure that's what they get ☺

  5. It's probably similar in the south West, people understand the need for tourist spending but that's not their first thought, like many places in our United Kingdom visitors are simply welcome. 

    Have a great visit! 🍺

    • Like 1
  6. 2 minutes ago, Bexs said:

    I am even expecting some hostility from locals who'd rather we stay away

    No need to be bothered about that, in the earlier days of lockdown breaking there was local resentment for a number of reasons the main one was fear by older residents. With the official easing things are pretty much accepted and of course where done properly visitors are welcome by businesses and locals ( there will always be the odd one), but largely Norfolk has always been a welcoming place and still is.

    • Like 5
  7. 6 minutes ago, MauriceMynah said:

    Just making sure I've got this right.

    Owner not a nice chap. He is trying to prove the business is unviable to get his own way and close the pub.

    We are nice chaps. We will not use his pub while he owns it. We want it viable so it stays open.

    Am I missing something here?

    I think you missed the whole of Series 2, in which Dirty Den returned from 'That London' with ideas above his station.... Stay tuned!

  8. It does seem odd that there is such a large movement behind opening on the 4th when there is no official word yet. Is it a form of lobbying, almost saying to the government "after all this preparation you have to say yes, people are expecting it and will rebel anyway if you don't"

    Forcing their hand so to speak or trying to anyway?

    • Like 2
  9. 34 minutes ago, Bexs said:


    We have decided to do exactly that... lots of talking whilst on lockdown, and we have come to the conclusion that making memories with our children, whist they are young enough to want to spend time with us is the priority.

    Soo... we put our name down for a berth in our Yacht Clubs' marina and have decided to buy a yacht, for here in Poole Harbour. Sod it you only live once!

    Brilliant! Well done, happy days ahead. Enjoy every one of the wonderful memories ahead 👍👍👍

    • Like 2
  10. 2 minutes ago, Mouldy said:

    Ray, I get that and that one in 200 could equally be me (if those at the odds), but we are here today and may not be tomorrow.  Might as well enjoy it whilst we’re here (as best we can) than wait for a cure that may never be found, or if one is may cease to be effective because the virus has mutated.  

    That's another good thought Mouldy! Yes I guess we have to 'seize the day' in case we run out of days!

  11. 11 minutes ago, Bexs said:



    Any loss of life is extremely sad, but a deep and long lasting recession will also cost countless lives.

    Poverty, Deprivation, suicides, health care cuts...

    It’s is a no win situation, just trying to pick a course through it all.

    Sent from my iPhone using Norfolk Broads Network



    Yes, you're absolutely right of course. It's not good from any direction!

  12. I broadly agree but remember talking in terms of risk as a statistic means actual people's lives. What is acceptable in human terms? If you knew say 200 people, family, friends, colleagues, could you pick one to be the statistic? The one who doesn't make it?

  13. Only twice is a pretty good record! One thing I've always noticed with me and my family is that the worst part is always the anticipation. It's a relief when the day finally comes and you can just get on with it and look forward to future plans.

    Swabs is stage one, at least you know the process has started which means it's nearer to being finished 👍

    • Like 1
  14. 15 minutes ago, stumpy said:

    There'll be one less boat in the fourth of July celebrations -Kathy has just been informed that a long-awaited carpal tunnel operation will take place on 1/7. In an hour long phone call we're told, amongst loads of other things, to completely self isolate for a fortnight before and after, even from each other! Apparently I'll have to fight the dog for the sofa at night.

    A shame but good that is getting done and that the precautions are so stringent, there is some comfort in being confident about the arrangements hopefully. Best wishes to you both and a quick return to normal when all is fixed and healed 

  15. Just now, grendel said:

    I have been abroad just a few times, and i never enjoyed myself as much as i have on the broads.

    Me too, with the exception of 2 school trips skiing in Switzerland which I loved, in part because I'm not naturally sporty but took to skiing like a duck to water for some reason.

  16. The reduction from 2m to 1m will reportedly make a big difference to hospitality and holiday businesses and it seems that is the next move on the cards.

    I'm not sure if the science completely supports it but the economic argument for it is clear. This could be a step towards what Vaughan was saying about living closer to each other and could be the step that the whole economy needs. Not a decision I would like to make though!

    The holy grail is a vaccine I'm sure, it would save lives and livelihoods, the golden bullet!

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