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Posts posted by Ray

  1. I find mooring at Wroxham so frustrating, I need the bridge marker at 7' 6" to go upstream but there is nowhere to moor and I end up just turning round and going away with an unhappy crew who couldn't go shop.

    Haven't gone upstream once yet in this boat!

  2. Welcome!

    It took me 3 boats to get it right (and I'm not alone) in one year! 😀

    No.1 A very small aft cockpit boat with petrol outboard. Nothing about it suited us and it was terrible for the dog.

    No. 2 Hampton Safari MkIII (with the forward well) Really loved this boat and miss it in an affectionate way. All one level meant perfect for the dog and for knees that are beginning to creak a bit these days. We're also local and the plan was days out and the odd overnighter. But we caught the Broads Bug well and truly and wanted to go out for a week or two at a time. Needed more space for that so along came boat...

    No. 3 This is an older style Bounty DC30, all one level, tons of room, bow and stern wells, easy to handle, opens up a lot in good weather and closes down warm and cosy to cruise in normal weather... I mean cold and wet weather. Was great for dog at first (her health and mobility suffered and she is sadly gone now)

    The trade off is the low helm position, some don't like it as they say all you see is reeds! There is a grain of truth in this but there is plenty to see in reality and sharing the helm means you never really miss anything! But if you don't like it then it will take the edge off your enjoyment.

    I believe that there are still the more recent,all GRP, Bounty 30s around but I don't know of any for sale at the moment, many will probably need a bit of tidying up. I think the style of boat rather than the specific model is what I'm getting at here.

    When we started looking the one type of boat I knew I didn't want was an all on one level, forward helm... which turned out to be ideal, so my recommendation is not necessarily this type of boat but to try out as many styles as you can before deciding.

    Good luck! 👍

    • Like 2
  3. 22 hours ago, Ray said:

    We stopped there last year in September, we were the only boat and customers but received a warm welcome and they were happy to cook for us. Our dog was welcome and the music playing was first class.

    Good food, couple of pints and we noted it for future visits to the South as we liked it so much. 

    If it wasn't for the photos I'd assume I was talking about a different pub! Weird isn't it? It wasn't in the first flush of youth I grant you but it was clean, friendly and had good food and service!!!

    I can't even think it's my lack of standards as my better half was there and she's a fussy so and so ☺

    • Like 1
  4. Sutton Staithe Hotel and The Ferry Inn Stokesby have both announced they are opening on the 4th.

    Both have distancing plans in place which seem well thought out, patience will be needed though!

  5. We stopped there last year in September, we were the only boat and customers but received a warm welcome and they were happy to cook for us. Our dog was welcome and the music playing was first class.

    Good food, couple of pints and we noted it for future visits to the South as we liked it so much. 

  6. On reflection I agree with MM on this, we just don't and probably can't know enough to judge. For example many dogs wear muzzles when out and about simply to stop them scavenging and eating things that could harm them.

    Whatever the circumstances, it is a horrible thing to happen, I don't know the gentleman or his videos but certainly wish him a speedy recovery.

    • Like 1
  7. 3 minutes ago, vanessan said:

    I’m afraid that the ‘my dog does no wrong’ fraternity is usually the ‘I do no wrong’ fraternity as well. 

    Who are also the "I'm entitled to do what I want" fraternity 🙁

    • Like 4
  8. 3 minutes ago, Meg said:

    Or instead of calling out nervously stand on your boat and give some practical guidance. I need to know where to position myself so when I pivot I'm in the right place.

    The people on the boats in front of you, do you mean? It can be a bit tricky shouting instructions unless you know they are wanted! Just shout across that you'd appreciate their help, I guarantee they will 👍

    Will certainly give you a friendly wave 🍺🍺

  9. One thing not mentioned yet and it may be because it is too obvious so apologies in advance if I am stating the obvious.... Don't turn the wheel to reverse, line up using short forward bursts withe helm in desired forward direction then slowly go back a little, if the stern isn't pointing where you want it to then go forward a little again. The mad turning of the helm from lock to lock is an instinctive action from car driving but doesn't help at all stern mooring.

    • Like 1
  10. Different insurance companies tend to have a favoured niche, could be high risk youngsters where they make their money or experienced low risk drivers. The balance to profitability is complex - high risk equals high premiums but bigger payouts. Low risk and you have to get more customers even though your claims outlay is lower, so is your income.

    They will also have years when they want to increase their books and will discount new customers (rarely existing customers) Others year they will want to decrease the overall liability they carry and will slightly discourage new business and renewals by tweaking the premium.

    Although they appear to make it up as they go along it is run strictly to complex rules of actuary, experience and making as big a profit as possible.

  11. 1 minute ago, Poppy said:

    A bit like Ranworth moorings, Horning Parish Staithe......

    Spot on... I never try to moor at those places. Ranworth was empty once out of season so I stopped. I have never seen a space at Horning Staithe, not once! 

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