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Posts posted by Ray

  1. Years ago on an early Broads holiday we were on a wild mooring somewhere and my hand kept getting bigger and bigger from a horse fly bite/sting. My better half suggested that as all we had on board was hayfever tablets I'd better try them. The antihistamine in them worked a treat and I was back to normal by the morning!

    • Like 1
  2. 7 minutes ago, YnysMon said:

    I’ve read the same people do use Avon Skin So Soft on their dogs...and on their horses. Mind boggles...you’d need a vat of it surely!

    Are you saying my dog has a big nose? 😁😁😁


    (That's twice I was nearly able to say "my dog's got no nose") 🐾🐾

    • Haha 1
  3. Just now, Lulu said:

    Having been bitten to pieces this week, Ive ordered the Avon So Soft which should arrive today, so just waiting for the ding dong, Avon Calling

    Mine arrived and it works! What a relief! Will buy a zapper as well though because there's always some little Rambo midge ready to launch a suicide mission to eat me! ☺️

    • Like 1
  4. That is sad news! I agree about the roundabout, maybe even traffic lights now the new development is opening up.

    It would have the extra benefit of calming the 149 for the junction at the other end of Stalham and the turn off to Richardsons!

    Mostly today though, condolences to the friends and family of course.

  5. 1 hour ago, marshman said:

    , I think it will be a higher cost than you imagine on the tollpayers - and P..S. if it is ringfenced as suggested, can I get a refund as I always bring mine home!!!!!

    I agree, it will be very expensive and no one will be happy to pay it... except me maybe lol

    You can have refund on production of receipts and video of all consumables aboard and again when returned to your own bin... in triplicate! ☺️

    You make a good point in that it wouldn't be workable and it would be very unpopular... apart from those small details, it's a good idea though 😁

  6. 1 minute ago, vanessan said:

    Dogs don’t like mudweights! 🥺 (I have often thought it would be a good idea to train a dog to use a cat litter tray but I think I would get some strange looks from my two!! 🐾🐾)

    This is true, I guess a small dog could be held over the side lol Danni is not a small dog!!! Wild mooring it is then ☺️

    • Like 1
  7. 14 minutes ago, JennyMorgan said:

    Serious question, if any of those opposed to double mooring were unable to find a single mooring would they then bite the bullet and double up or would they just motor off into the sunset?

    I'd motor off into the sunset, there is always somewhere even if plan B and plan C fail there is the mudweight etc.

    • Like 1
  8. Personally I would accept an increase in tolls specifically for (and ringfenced) boat waste disposal points and collection, out sourced if necessary.

    The advantages of having bins at all moorings is obvious. Also as a responsible dog owner I find that more than a few hours on a hot day turns our boat into a bio hazard.

    As fans of wild moorings we usually have a haul of other people's rubbish on board too. We live on the coast and the residents do a beach clean once a month. 

    I have a feeling that my idea won't be popular though

    • Like 3
  9. The press and media in general have a lot to answer for. PC was never about not saying blackboard or chairman or having a joke with your friends wherever in the world they came from.

    It was about not demeaning and belittling people because of how they looked or where they came from. Hard not to agree with that objective!

    Of course eventually the gutter press created a self fulfilling prophecy and PC is as completely devalued as those it was meant to protect.

    Just as health and safety saved many lives and serious injuries until it was turned into a joke and abused.

    • Like 11
  10. 28 minutes ago, MauriceMynah said:

    This topic has come up in the past on this, and on at least one other forum. It caused strong feelings to be aired, not always in a manner conducive to good fellowship. 

    I find myself wondering why it has raised it's head again!

    I guess it's just one of those things with no exact simple answer.

    I do take your point about good fellowship though. We tend to give our opinion without nuance so to fill out my answer... If asked I wouldn't decline a request to tie alongside, I would help with ropes and have a chat with my new temporary neighbours in good grace, but I wouldn't be as relaxed and enjoying the mooring as much as if they weren't there. Just like Lulu we like to enjoy the view.

    I'm also anti social! ☺️

    • Like 3
  11. I see flappy things as a fraternity, a physical joint venture and imagine that unless there are unusual circumstances rafting up would be welcomed on a give and take basis

    Motor cruising is (generally) a sedate past time, involving relaxing with friends and family in a convivial and peaceful manner or, partying like it's 1999, to each his own. The point is that double mooring in those circumstances is a bit like gate crashing, imagine sitting in the garden of a beautiful country cottage, hired for a weekend with family, where it turns out that said garden is used as a shortcut to a near by pub!

    In an emergency then of course it's OK, other than that perhaps the really polite thing to do is not ask at all and move to your plan B.

    • Like 3
  12. 29 minutes ago, rightsaidfred said:

    There is a word for most things :default_coat:some can laugh some take offence thats the way of the world  these days.



    This is very true (can something be very true?) Well anyway you're right Fred and perhaps the world has always been this way, I believe there are some wonderful insults from Sheakespear's time! 🙂

    • Like 1
  13. These days at least it is always used in a derogatory sense, which is a shame.

    Does anyone even know if the hirers were visitors? It may be the most likely situation but I know several local people who like to take a day boat out occasionally.

    • Like 1
  14. With the good news confirmed that no one came to harm it would be interesting to know what happened without judging anyone involved. They are stable little boats and rather than trying to guess it would be good to know how it came to sink.

    • Like 4
  15. 11 minutes ago, Polly said:

    8. Another Saturday night in the house and I just realised the trash goes out more than me

    Oh yes! I have had "one" night out this year. I'm not exactly a party animal by any means but pubs, restaurants etc are nice. O N E ☹️ 

    (Other factors before covid but still... )

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