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Posts posted by Ray

  1. Definitely going to check my boat on or near the 28th March.

    Over the past year there have been a few times when interpreting guidelines has strayed from the spirit of them but as the above quotes show there is no reason at all not to go to our boats on 28th and take them out for day trips come to that.

    I'm no rebel and I believe in following the spirit of regs especially when it is for the greater good but I'm going to my boat!

    • Like 2
  2. 13 minutes ago, JennyMorgan said:

    Or even a pair of tights, preferably washed or new?

    I think that as Grendel was kind enough to bring stockings into the discussion we should all stick with them as a mental image :default_norty:

  3. 13 minutes ago, Mouldy said:

    But do we care that circa 15000 people die each year of ‘flu?  We have come to accept that they will happen.  They don’t  make the headlines in the papers and they’re barely newsworthy.

    If we are to avoid annual lockdowns, deaths from Covid 19 will happen and until we know how effective any vaccines or annual boosters are, who can quantify how many to expect. 
    It’s sad and no one probably wants to contemplate it, but that life.

    You are right of course, I think maybe it is slightly less black and white than that but in essence it must be accepted, sadly.

    I believe we do care very much about flu deaths annually and always have, it's why there is a vaccination policy and most years pre Covid I'm usually aware through the news media that the NHS suffers through Flu Season.

    But your point is well made, my instinct is perhaps part of the very squeamishness mentioned and is causing me to try too hard to separate "not caring" & "accepting"

    Maybe there is my answer.. to do both, care but accept nonetheless.

    • Like 1
  4. The very phrase "acceptable deaths" somehow immediately diminishes it's exact real world meaning, much the same as the descriptor "collateral damage"

    Yes, these things exist and always have and of course there are times the calculations have to be made and acted upon, we must all accept that.

    I do think though that any such calculation must have the fullest scrutiny before we can say with confidence that most people will accept it in any given scenario.

    In much the same way as infrastructure, welfare, military plans etc must be properly costed I do think the scientists should tell us (and the government, who have the unenviable task of taking decisions) honestly what level of deaths can be reasonably projected from any given course.

    • Like 1
  5. 2 minutes ago, Smoggy said:

    It may be that those having a bigger reaction to the jab are the very same that would go on to be seriously ill with the real thing

    That's a very good point!

    I'm not complaining, just having a whinge as any man with flu symptoms is entitled to do 😂

    • Like 2
  6. On 13/02/2021 at 22:43, Ray said:

    The vaccine rollout is going very well, I only became 65 about 8 weeks ago and today I was given an appointment for Monday 👍

    5 days later and it's been a bit of a roller coaster. I've had mild flu like side effects on and off but last night my immune system deployed fully. 12 hours now of full on flu symptoms, paracetamol helps a bit.

    I've checked and side effects can be felt for a week in some cases. No cough or loss of taste/smell thankfully.

    I do hope I'm making a record amount of antibodies for my trouble 🙂

    Still better than getting Covid of course 👍

    • Like 2
  7. I think it's OK to mention names in a positive way, Tesco has been outstanding in every way throughout this pandemic! We had a delivery on Monday afternoon while snow was on the ground and still falling. The driver mentioned that two other big stores had cancelled everyone's delivery that day!

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  8. 1 minute ago, marshman said:

    And this one is for the ladies - Kurt Geiger is only designing flat shoes and trainers for this years collection! No high heels as he says the bottom  has dropped out of the high heeled shoes market!!!!

    I think your post might have carried a warning in case Gracie happens upon it unexpectedly! 😁😁😁

    • Haha 2
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