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Everything posted by Cal

  1. So back on the friendly forum. We decided to have a few more runs across Breydon while it was quiet before moving onto St Olaves. Another early start this morning as we aim for Oulton Broad. Struggling with reception at the moment so pictures to follow later.
  2. One rule for their own and one rule for everyone else methinks!
  3. It seems to be you that has the problem! I have already said, several times now may I add, that we have no problem with hire boats but we are choosing quieter moorings for reason of self preservation. Yes we are here when it is busy but that doesn't mean we are happy to be struck by other boats. Why should we be?
  4. Thank you. I was starting to think we were a bit obsessive ?
  5. Yes. And that is why we are picking our moorings carefully. And I'm sorry but I will not apologise for that. We have ploughed a lot of money into this boat.
  6. A slight brush against another heavily built Broads boat might not cause any or much damage. A slight brush against a lightly built boat can cause a lot of damage. We have brought Cal a few times before and gave suffered damage in the past. Minor scuffs and more serious.
  7. No one was hurt. More by luck then judgement. But a boat full of lads was storming down towards Yarmouth with the tide. We were moored out of the way at Stracey for breakfast. There were two other hire boats moored up. The skipper put the boat into neutral expecting it to stop on a penny and obviously it carried on at speed and t boned the boat in front of the mooring it was aiming for. The skipper, and I use the term loosely, then insisted it was broken! Mind you to swing the balance the other way we completely misjudged the strength of the wind pulling in here and drifted a good 100 yards up river sideways as it refused to turn against it. Had to abort go up river and turn the other way. Difference is we had the experience to know it wouldn't work and aborted the manoeuvre safely rather then trying to power out of it badly!
  8. Can I just clear up that he is a she as well please
  9. Indeed. And if we had been hit at the speed that another hire boat was hit this morning it would have undoubtedly caused our boat serious damage.
  10. Had a lovely run across Breydon this afternoon. Well several as it was so quiet then up to Burgh Castle but decided against mooring there and headed around to Berney for the evening. Nice and quiet at the moment.
  11. We gained our experience with our own boat. You don't get that experience hiring for a week or two at a time once or twice a year. We take a lot of pride in our boat and have no desire for it to damaged hence our choice to move the boat from an area with strong tides on yard turn around day. I will say again. We have no problem with hire boats. You just never know if the one approaching has an experienced or novice crew. Of course the same is very true of private boats. And that is why we choose our mooring spots carefully.
  12. We have nothing against hire boats in general. However the very few we have seen so far seem to have been helmed by novice crews with little or no idea of how to handle the boats they are at the helm of. For example the boat will not just stop if you are travelling at full throttle with the tide and stick it in neutral. And no it isn't broken when it doesn't stop! Our love of boats came from hiring on the Broads. Yes we made a few mistakes along the way but nothing compared to what we have thus far witnessed in 24 hours.
  13. Just doing a spot of shopping in Yarmouth then finding a quick drink before heading off across Breydon before the hire boats start arriving at Yarmouth. We have moored as close to the yacht station office as possible so the staff can keep an eye on the boat but there is only so much they can do against errant hire boats
  14. A morning on the beach at Yarmouth with Sydney.
  15. We got off to a fairly early start this morning for the short hop to Stracey where we have stopped for a bit of breakfast. Full English currently sizzling away on the hob.
  16. Hope it starts to slow down soon for you all. Must be nerve wracking hoping the pumps keep up!
  17. The 100ft drain in the Fens has to take the trophy for the most tedious stretch of water in the UK. Makes the new cut look interesting!
  18. Just had a lovely meal at Pedro's. Now time for an early night after what has been a long day.
  19. Cal

    Change Of Cruiser

    If it comes too it just run the engine to power the microwave/oven. With the proviso that it is within the allowed hours of course. Although it sounds as though people who have hired it have not found the need too.
  20. Turns out about an hour! Obviously Norfolk swans are more attractive to him then Lincolnshire swans as he doesn't bother with them when he sits on the bow.
  21. Just had the first in of the holiday. Idiot jumped off the bow after a swan. Still it cooled him down. He is now sulking because he is tied up!
  22. And we are back in the drink. First stop Stalham for a few supplies.
  23. And we are on the road. Took the chance to have a quick scrub of the bottom to tidy her up a bit.
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