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Everything posted by Cal

  1. We had a nice day at Potter Heigham yesterday. The rain last night has cooled things down nicely this morning. Now heading towards Horning to stock up on supplies and then onto Salhouse to meet up with friends.
  2. Had some heavy rain and storms in Potter Heigham last night. Too hot to put the canopies on so the back of the boat is soaked. But it will dry out.
  3. Yes we are having trouble convincing Sydney to stay inactive around midday. We are chucking him downstairs which thankfully is staying nice and cool. We had to be off the mooring at Surlingham by 1pm as another boat was booked in. Only had a quick lunch stop.
  4. Decided to head North yesterday after a pint at Reedham. Stuck a bit of diesel in at Goodchilds then made our way across Breydon and under the bridges.
  5. Another beautiful day on the Broads. Another early start and now we are moored at Reedham for the afternoon. We will move on again later when it cools down.
  6. Our must have item on the boat is a copperstone frying pan. Nothing will stick too it. As we only have two gas rings and a grill we also make a lot of use of a griddle pan. Currently using a Tefal one but when this one dies we will replace it with a copperstone one.
  7. We saw you in passing earlier. Didn't realise it was you until too late to get a picture.
  8. Gave in when the depth sounder was reading 2ft which means we only had 1ft under the drive. Looked very pretty but didn't fancy a bent set of props. Moored in the Commisioners Cut now. Couple of drinks in The Rushcutter and then a curry later.
  9. Sadly had to give up on the Wensum as it got too shallow.
  10. Lunch stop at Surlingham. Now back on the river heading towards Norwich.
  11. Someone's holiday hasn't gone to plan. Sad sight at the end of the Chet this morning. A shame as it looked a very tidy boat.
  12. We had a cracking day in Loddon yesterday. Another early start this morning. Today we are heading for Norwich.
  13. Thank you. Nice meeting you too. Good to put faces to names. Bit early for the pub yet. It isn't midday. We are twiddling our fingers for half an hour before we can have a beer.
  14. We were up and about early to try and beat the heat this morning. Had a very pleasant run from Beccles to Reedham Ferry.
  15. Decided to haves run to the Locks anyway. Had a lovely day in Beccles and now we have set up camp under the bridge for the evening. No bbq tonight. Feel like we are on the Atkins diet already. Even the dog has turned his nose up at sausage this morning. Cajun salmon salad instead. Not staying though. Time to head back soon.
  16. She looked great. We also have some odd attachment to our little boat when a bit bigger would be more beneficial. Can't seen Cal going any time soon though as she suits our needs.
  17. Had a lovely day in Beccles and now we have set up camp under the bridge for the evening. No bbq tonight. Feel like we are on the Atkins diet already. Even the dog has turned his nose up at sausage this morning. Cajun salmon salad instead.
  18. We have managed to get on the 24hr BA moorings at Beccles. So instead of heading on through to The Locks today we have decided not to look a gift horse in the mouth and will stay here this evening instead. Sydney has had a quick cool off in the slipway and now we are all sheltering in the Bear and Bells for a couple of pints in the shade.
  19. An early start from Oulton to try and beat the heat today. Then a quick pit stop at Worlingham for breakfast. Soon it is into Beccles.
  20. On the plus side Trixie looked well as we passed you on Barton Broad the other day.
  21. He is a she as I have pointed out before if you would read the posts
  22. Lowestoft was buzzing today. Loads of people about enjoying the sunshine. After a quick ferry ride back to Oulton Broad and a quick drink in the Wherry we are now back on the boat enjoying the sunshine. Curry tonight.
  23. Oulton Broad for the evening. Just had a very pleasant walk into Lowestoft and will get the water taxi back later.
  24. Definitely not. Needed to use some stuff up out if the fridge so no better way. There are some mushrooms and corn on there now so not all meat
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