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Posts posted by Cheesey69

  1. Trust me I wish it was different. My other half works in this sector and I will fight as hard as I can. 
    But it’s getting harder. As pensions dry up unless you can put 50% of your wages and final salaries schemes have gone, houses getting out of reach for the average Joe, unemployment rising fast, rent 3/4 of your monthly income eyes are going to look for shared pain. 
    Boris has said the triple lock needs looking at its going to be a tough sell for those on universal perks like the tv and winter allowance and even tougher to ask the general public to pay even more for care homes. 
    sad times

  2. 1 hour ago, SANTED said:


    “All the poor pensioners” 

    I must have missed that bit. Where did it say that?

    The fact that you know someone who’s doing very well thankyou does not detract from the truth that many pensioners are not. Is it too much to ask that they should be afforded some consideration in their later life

    or should we just go the whole hog and stop their free prescriptions and bus passes as well

    Selective reading. I said if you can afford it, pay it. As everything in life I want to support those that can’t. 
    And yes you are asking the generation’s below to foot the bill but that is what society is about. 


    55 minutes ago, addicted said:

    If your  pensioner neighbour appears to be doing very well it's probably because they have lived their working   life in a manner conducive to not having to live our their retirement  in reduced circumstances - are they to be penalised for that?




    No but you must be expected to pay for it as well. 
    It’s very possible you can now be retired longEr than you work. 
    I'm not being harsh but future retirees are going to have it much harder than any recent generation and I fear the public will need to raid the nest eggs of those that have retired. 
    After all just one visit and continued medication for a heart condition could entirely wipe any contribution made in the form of tax made. 
    Times that many times. 
    Social care for Dementia and other age related disease is cost that will outstrip this country ability to fund is a topic that various party’s have sidestepped only to be shown be this COVID. 
    Trust me. Unfortunately this and many other schemes will be brought forward in the years to come and this will be the least of them. 
    I’m fearing the days of sitting in a house worth thousands and then asking the public to pay for care while the house gets left as inheritance will slowly get gaslighted into the mainstream 

  3. All the poor pensioners?

    very subjective that one. My neighbour sits in a house worth over 300,000 car under 2 years old, private final salary pension and enjoys sailing in the Medway. 
    Means test the TV license because not every pensioner are poor nor every pensioner rich

    • Like 1
    • Confused 1
    • Sad 2
  4. The stinker is the deposit for the mortgage. If you can pay rent on most of these buy to let properties then you can afford to pay the mortgage.

    Then how much profit does the landlord take? 10% above costs? 
    we need rent control and fixed term rents to stop profiteering it’s a bit Wild West out there. 
    And finally pay has failed to keep pace with rent and house prices 

    • Like 2
    • Thanks 1
  5. I find leading a mooring rope from the center cleats (if you got them) as well as the stern ones, helps keep the boat even more steady if you can adjust them to work against each other. Even better if you have no one either side of you is use their dock cleats for a better angle.

    Had problems once  when I met an owner who was doing just that and I needed his space....


  6. 88 out a 100 people who die are over 65, 1 is under 50 the rest have other contributed factors.

    That is why you see crowds. More likely to die from the journey there than being there. 
    Selfish yes, understandable yes. 
    It’s a human thing. The vast majority ain’t going to suffer. 
    And to care for those in danger has a monetary cost that most just can’t pay. 

  7. That horse has bolted. Question asked today if there has been any increase of infection due to crowds on beaches etc and the answer was no, none. 
    Beginning to look like close living conditions spread and more importantly winter.
    Early studies did hint at the power of uv really reduced virus life. 
    seeing as lock down is unenforceable I don’t think the vast majority would obey plus the economy just can’t cope 

    • Like 1
  8. 12 hours ago, Jbx5 said:

    Not at all Mr Cheesy 

    Thought you may want to look at her first week on hire May 1974 straight out of the box at King line cruisers Horning as the first hirers. I will dig the photos out if you wish?


    Yes please sir

  9. Hi all,

    I must point out at no point was I or the Enemy ever upset.

    So I've just bought an ex hire fleet boat and wanting to play with our new toy, we tolled her on a visitor pass as the full toll bounced through the works.

    It must be remembered that the money pit is still dressed in her hire outfit.

    Out we go and wasn't long before we got the stares and pointing fingers.

    We moored up for a spot of light lunch when we heard,

    "Must have let them borrow it."

    "His breaking the rules"

    One woman, in a display worthy of Olympic mentions, ran the full lenght of their boat and said to the helm in an overly loud voice, "Do they know their workforce are skiving off?" 

    No problem the day boats waving, bit slower, sometimes puzzled looks from the privates.

    Broads patrol came by twice, he got double waves.

    In the end, I fitted a jackstaff and a small ensign before we departed.

    Right im off to find the bilge pump.

    • Haha 4
    • Love 1
  10. No the public has decided the risks are worth it. I live near a lot of the younger folk and I’m also a key worker and soon It became clear this is an older, sometimes, much older illness. 
    Deadly if you have other problems as well. 
    They are watching the economy slide out of view with their jobs on the back of a disease that has a less than 3% death rate and almost no threat to them. 
    Plus an unenforceable lock down that has now descended into farce, the NHS never collapsed and the only thing that has is the economy. 
    I can tell you that the clap for carers ended weeks ago here and I personally know people who are in real trouble paying the mortgage as self employed got hit. 
    I’m not saying they are right but I can understand risks, I work in high risk job and to borrow a line from Star Trek, The needs of the many Outweighs the needs of the few. 
    We need to get this country moving again

    • Like 1
  11. Well I saw a couple swimming near How hlll today. It was on a bend, thought a dog had fallen in. Wouldn’t want to swim there with hire boats on a charge

    • Like 1
  12. Hi folks. 
    I need help identifying a bog😊

    the toilet in question is one with the peddle on the side that flushes when right down and fills with water when right up. 
    a visible flap seals the affair. The problem is the flap thingy won’t shut all the way even when handle is all the way up. 
    manually (if you know what I mean) it will close. 
    so I’m after a name for parts etc 


  13. Strange that. 
    new to area but I thought a mobile sparks to fit mains supply would be easy to find. 
    Estimates north of a grand feels steep to me via boatyards and being ex building game seeing prices like that makes me wonder. 

  14. Hi all,

           Sorry if in wrong forum but can anyone recommend a mobile electrician to stick in a hook up, consumer unit and three double sockets? Can do it myself but like it up to code for the BSS.Had a scary quote from a yard.

    yours cheesey

  15. Thanks all. I tell you what is underappreciated, The ability to go a few miles and stop. Nothing like a 12 hour cruise just to get to the next port and at least crossing the south side holds no perils compared to cross the Thames estuary.

    So i guess im investing in forum stuff and moaning about the tolls in my near future.

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