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Posts posted by Cheesey69

  1. 1 hour ago, OldBerkshireBoy said:

    So living in fantasy world, say the finance were raised to build a couple or a few recycling places around the world, what then, would that not work?

    The cost of moving them around the world both in energy and money just won’t pay. 
    In real terms, how many hulls are there disregarded? 
    Even if there are a 1000 around the Uk less than a year you will be unemployed 

    I used to load fragmented steel from cars at Tilbury on to ships bound for China and the pile was truly massive many thousands of tonnes and it needed to be to make it worthwhile 

    No easy answer but maybe better vessel registration to an owner a bit like a log book for cars is needed

  2. You know I’ve found this problem in a lot “marine” environments. 
    some say it nails your colours  to the wall as to what is said

    others say some aren’t literate enough With the spalling 

    still others say they are swamped with emails and it takes me away from paying work

    and those that say this is a face to face business 

    Me? I say that modern life now expects new forms of communication and expect to lose work if you don’t keep up 


  3. For me Richardson’s worked well. Great mooring with just about everything you need close and I must admit, friendly staff. 
    And yes I did buy one of their ex hires. 
    Also I did do the email thing to just about every yard and I got 2 replies. 
    So face to face works 

  4. Where up north is it easiest to refuel?

    Got a 34 foot boat, while moored at Sutton thought about getting some in but looked on in horror at the tight space littered with canoes. 

    So where do people like to fill up at?

  5. 1 hour ago, tim said:

    I’m afraid CC thats a reflection on modern Society (going into old git mode) if I book somewhere I bust a gut to fulfil my obligation, should for unforeseen circumstances I can’t, I ring and cancel so they have a chance to re-book if they can’t I’m prepared to pay something towards my cancellation!

    But I suppose I’m ‘old school’  

    No, just good manners. 
    If I say I’m going to be somewhere at a certain time, I’m usually anything up to and hour early much to the horror of my family. 

  6. So in effect it’s a good will kind of law. 
    You hope everyone plays ball but in reality enough people mess around....

    seems to me regular clamp downs and inspections need to happen because if this recession does indeed happen many more will probably chance their arm


  7. 7 hours ago, Paul said:

    Having been one of those hirers I can say from experience that is not the case. By the time you have moored at 5.30, cooked an evening meal on your electric galley and then spent an hour if front of Dr Who then made the horlicks there is no power left in the batteries to boil a kettle in the morning.

    You've heard I'm sure the joke, "they've found something that can do the work of ten men ..... a woman". guess what, they've also found something that can do the work of thousands of pounds worth of lithium ion batteries. It's called a £40 bottle of propane. 

    I guess what I meant is that I have a Bluetooth battery charger that tells me how the batteries are doing and Battery monitors that tells me how long each battery bank will last at current usage on each bank. So I know when I need to run engine or not to. 
    And your right about the propane. Still got it and I use for cooking I was going for the angle of people running engine without the need. 

  8. 1 hour ago, FreedomBoatingHols said:

    It's an incredibly expensive thing to do. Battery power is the future, but the costs are HUUUGE! The batteries themselves can set you back the cost of a new engine and that's without putting in an engine to generate charge. 

    One of my cruisers has GEL batteries and quite a sophisticated charge management system but the costs of the equipment far outweigh the relative benefits at this time and would not sustain an electric galley, for example. 

    Your not wrong but if I can use the engine only for moving the thing and live a normal life when moored regarding power used then I’m there. 
    I need a separate battery bank for the fridge, heating and inverter but the cost is high but I won’t need to run that bloody engine. 


    5 hours ago, Paul said:

    and the fact that it has a gas cooker and hob. Certain boatyards need to take notice and realise that modern BSS regs don't preclude gas onboard and that boats don't need to be all electric and have engines running to make a brew at 06:30.

    They do. 
    The hirers don’t. 
    Leave aside the obvious safety angle modern batteries, intelligent alternator control and efficient inverters mean you don’t have to run that engine as much as you think. 
    But a lack of gauge telling you this is on the boatyards. 
    I plan to make my craft as energy efficient as I can and I hope to loose the gas in favour of electric. 
    Not knocking anyone but when is the last time our batteries and charging system was revamped? making them more efficient. 

  10. Hi,

    Can I point out (and I believe certain points of law) that my company believe that any posting, closed group, direct messaging even email is non controlled and public even if intended as private. 
    As explained to me “You might as well paint it on the side of a bus”

    We are warned that any posting cannot be assumed to be confidential and can be openly examined 

    My take is that as soon as you post anything, anywhere you have published it to everyone 

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  11. Yup, loads of moorings absolutely no where. 
    Back when I first hired I believed the ads that showed people and pubs

    Bit of a shock to find out that most are in the middle of no where and that handy shops was in places you had to arrive well early 

  12. So basically then we are not allowed to bring any views, conversations, gossip, inside knowledge, feelings and general moaning unless first aired here and with the consent of all parties involved?

    well that’s China booked for this year then. 

    • Like 3
  13. In this day and age, I can’t see it working. 
    Even when I used to hire twice a year we never had more than a couple of meals out due to lack of mooring and shear cost. 
    Same goes for drinking. Way cheaper to buy in and get a takeaway. 
    Craft now have excellent galleys and fridges that stay cold. Eating in saves many pounds. 
    I think it would still be trading if it was viable. 
    As was said, if you look at the bridge inn, car park packed

  14. On a sailer we use sail trim to balance this out on a cruiser the force is always pushing from behind that coupled with wind and tide it’s a bit like pushing rope. 
    Not to forget that the steering is from behind so the front lags then you get that familiar snake effect😄

    yup. I’ve jumped ashore on a wild mooring straight into a hollow vee disguised as solid ground. Never again

    Worth remembering that water is always trying to kill you no matter where it is

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